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David Dobrodt

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Webcast: A Strategic Focus is Essential to Win the Fight Against Vote Fraud in the U.S.

As the evidence of vote fraud is now being presented in U.S. courtrooms — and contrary to the lying media, there is a lot of evidence — it is essential that one keep an eye on strategic developments. It is clear that the Brits are moving ahead with the expectation that Biden will be President, as they are laying out a perspective for containment and confrontation with both Russia and China, which threatens to lead to war. Included in this perspective is the global enforcement of the Green New Deal, as part of their planned “Great Reset”, of placing all economic power in the hands of the central banks and the bankrupt banks they represent.

Zepp-LaRouche reminded viewers of the importance of a summit of the P5 nations, which was again reiterated by President Putin, as the way to defeat the crazed geopolitical utopians of the British Empire, and their allies in the U.S., centered in the networks of Bush-Clinton-Obama. She said it would be important for President Trump to participate in that summit. She also gave a powerful warning of the dangers of a new, “modernized” fascist movement, coming from the “right to death-with-dignity,” being pushed as the COVID crisis continues, and the ghoulish Ezekiel “death panel” Emmanuel is being brought in as an adviser to the equally ghoulish Biden.

She called on viewers to participate in this Saturday’s Schiller Institute online event on reversing the vote fraud, as well as the conference set for Dec. 12-13.

Harley Schlanger Update — Boris Johnson Exposes True Two-Faced Treachery of the British Empire

While some blindly believed that the United Kingdom under Prime Minister Johnson would form an alliance with the U.S. based on the shared national interests of two sovereign states, nothing could be further from the truth.

The British Empire was a major part of the regime change operation against President Trump, and against Russia and China. Johnson’s embrace of Biden is a naked example of traditional imperial policy, of enlisting the muscle of the U.S. to impose the heinous policies of the Empire, which is still directed by the City of London. Today, that means the population reduction plans of the Great Reset and the global Green New Deal, which are key to Johnson’s plans for “Global Britain.”

Putin at G20 Summit: The World Is Facing a Systemic Economic Crisis… Not Known Since the Great Depression

In remarks delivered yesterday to the summit of G20 heads of state, Russian President Vladimir Putin used his opening words to paint a stark and sobering picture of the crisis facing mankind. “The scope of problems humanity has faced in 2020 is truly unprecedented. The coronavirus pandemic, global lockdown and frozen economic activity have launched a systemic economic crisis the world probably has not known since the Great Depression,” Putin began. “The growth of national economies has been severely undermined. The pandemic claimed dozens, hundreds of thousands of lives while millions of people have lost their jobs and incomes. The main risk, obviously, even despite some positive signals, the main risk remains: mass long-term unemployment, a so-called ‘stagnant’ unemployment with the subsequent growth of poverty and social insecurity. The role of the G20 is to stop this from happening.”

Putin noted that nations around the world had provided “packages of incentives for the world economy totaling $12 trillion” to address the crisis. “The U.S. President has spoken now about the U.S. efforts — indeed, it is a very big contribution to the recovery of the American economy, which also means the recovery of the world economy.” But none of this is sufficient to address the magnitude of the crisis we face.

“We are aware that the developing economies and some emerging market economies objectively lack such resources [to mitigate the crisis]. Their fiscal revenues have plunged while the need to allocate considerable funds for fighting the pandemic is growing practically daily. National currency devaluation carries a big risk, and respectively, the cost of servicing on the state debt, primarily for low-income countries, which have two-thirds of their loans in U.S. dollars.”

He supported the G20 decision made in April 2020 to “install a temporary moratorium on developing nations’ debt payments. That is certainly a much-needed initiative, but it only covers the poorest countries. It does not include their debt to private creditors and concerns less than 4% of the developing countries’ overall costs of servicing state debt in the current year. I believe additional measures are needed to prevent the deterioration of the situation and the growth of economic and social inequality.”

Putin did not present a comprehensive policy to reverse the systemic crisis he had accurately described. He instead focused on aspects of the fight against the pandemic that Russia and other nations are undertaking.

“Undoubtedly, immunization drugs are and must be universal public domain. Our country, Russia, is ready to provide the countries in need with the vaccines developed by our researchers. This is the world’s first registered vaccine Sputnik V, based on human adenoviral vectors platform. The second Russian vaccine, EpiVacCorona from a Novosibirsk research center, is also ready. The third Russian vaccine is coming.

“The scale of the pandemic compels us to engage all the resources and research available. Our common goal is to form portfolios of vaccines and ensure reliable protection for the planet’s population. It means that there will be enough work for everyone, colleagues, and I think it is a case when competition may be inevitable but we must proceed primarily from humanitarian considerations and make it a priority.”

He concluded: “This crisis must become an opportunity to alter the trajectory of global development.”

The text of his speech is posted to the President’s website.

APEC Meeting Charts a Path Out of the Economic Crisis

While the world remains in the throes of the coronavirus epidemic, with a new surge in both Europe and the United States, the Asia-Pacific region is gearing up for a new spurt of economic growth and development, which will help the world overcome COVID and create a solid restart for the world economy. “The world economy is like the Pacific Ocean around us,” said President Xi Jinping in addressing the APEC Business Leaders’ Meeting on November 20th. “It admits water from various rivers, and connects different parts of the world. As such, it has acquired a vast magnitude and enormous vitality.”

After having resolved its own most serious bout with COVID, China has now committed to concentrate its efforts on reviving its own economy based on the pent up demand of the Chinese consumers, and open up further to the world in order to make its growth a resource for the Asia-Pacific and the world economy. The bywords here are “multilateralism” and “free trade”, but the content of the policy is that of economic cooperation and mutual help. The recent signing of the RCEP treaty by most of the Asia-Pacific countries was a clear sign that they also were in agreement with that policy. With China having the only real economic growth this year, the new mechanisms of cooperation will also help create solid economic growth in the entire region next year.” China is ready to take active and well thought-out steps with all other parties to set up “green lanes”, which will help make customs clearance more efficient, unclog bottlenecks, and reconnect disrupted links,” Xi told business leaders.

We may also promote the creation of international cooperation platforms on industrial and supply chains to ensure the safe and smooth operation of industrial and supply chains in our region and beyond. We need to create greater complementarity among the development plans and connectivity initiatives to different parties to forge a bigger synergy.”

Much of this was incorporated in a Leader’s statement issued at the end of the meeting. President Trump, who has not attended many APEC meetings and had said he would not go to Malaysia for this year’s meeting, did attend by video. He made comments himself, but expressed general agreement on the need for increased trade.

Manhattan Project Meeting: Will the Digital Theft of the U.S. Election Spark a Worldwide Resistance to Global Fascism

That press conference was the most dangerous 1hr 45 minutes of television in American history.” What would prompt Chris Krebs, the recently fired Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security, to say that about the Thursday presentation given by Trump election fraud attorneys Rudolph Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis? The role of Britain’s Lord Mark “Moloch” Brown, longtime associate and controller of George Soros, and of Brown’s voting machine company, Smartmatic, in the present alleged theft of Trump’s re-election to the Presidency, may soon make clear that all along it was British Intelligence, not Russia, which interfered in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Resolution for a Worldwide Resistance to Global Fascism— Stop the Central Bank Takeover

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Seventy five years after the end of World War II, the world is threatened with a new fascist dictatorship. It comes, this time, in the form of an attempt by the City of London, Wall Street, and various leading central banks to consolidate total control over all financial investments for the benefit of the super-rich at the expense of the middle-classes and the poor worldwide. The “ecological transition” they peddle signifies a destructive financial takeover of economies, with the “green” color being but the banner of their purpose to loot.

They call it the “Great Reset.” Under the pretext of rebuilding the world economy after the COVID-19 pandemic, the top private bankers and billionaires intend to implement a “regime change,” whereby monetary and fiscal policy is no longer to be decided by elected governments, but by the private central banks and leading financial players directly. In this final phase of the decades-long neo-Malthusian policy in favor of speculators, they would consolidate ultimate control over all investments and channel them entirely into “green technologies,” thus cutting off  all investment in the productive sectors of high-tech energy, industry, agriculture and infrastructure.

If this scheme, promoted by the World Economic Forum with a series of “Great Reset” conferences, succeeds, it will mean the end of the industrialized nations of the so-called advanced sector, and the death of literally millions, and then billions, of people in the developing countries. There is a direct relationship between the productivity of an economy, including the energy flux density of its productive processes, and the number of human beings that it can sustain. If the entire world economy is “decarbonized,” in what Schellnhuber and his associates already years ago called the “Great Transformation of the World Economy,” including the exit from nuclear energy and research, then the number of people who can be sustained will scarcely be more than one billion. What about the other seven billion? This approach, if not reversed, can only lead to chaos and a new world war.

An integral part of the “Great Reset” is the plan to introduce cryptocurrencies and the digitalization of currencies. This shift would allow the total surveillance of all personal data in any field of economic activity, completing what is already ongoing with the surveillance by the NSA and GCHQ.

If society continues to operate for the benefit of a privileged financial elite, this digitalization of currencies will be used to devalue the accumulated unpayable debt through write-downs and inflation, such as happened in Germany in 1923. The people and the productive economy itself will be looted. The digitalization of currencies can only find useful applications if society is oriented toward the benefit of the common good.

The present effort to establish total control over monetary and fiscal policy, by giving control to the central banks in the framework of the “Great Reset” and imposing a Green New Deal, is based on the same fascist principles as the policy of Hitler’s President of the Reichsbank, Hjalmar Schacht, and must be absolutely rejected.

We demand:

  • A global Glass-Steagall banking separation, to end all support for the speculative, investment bank sector and the shutting down of the shadow economy;
  • The re-establishment of sovereignty over national currencies;
  • The creation of a national bank in every country, and the return of credit creation to sovereign governments;
  • The creation of a new credit system in the tradition of the original intention of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Bretton Woods System and of the Non Aligned Countries in the 1976 Colombo Conference. The primary aim is to increase the living standards of every human being on the planet as the precondition for peace, and to overcome all current challenges, such as the pandemic, world famine and poverty.
  • A massive increase in productivity by moving to new economic platforms based on the commercial use of thermonuclear fusion power and international cooperation in space research and travel.

The fundamental opposition determining our future and that of the generations to come is between a mass surveillance society under the rule of green fascist finance, and a world of detente, entente and cooperation among all peoples and nations, in the way all humanists have posed the challenge and continue to demand today. We are committed to fighting for it.

This text is being circulated internationally, and people are called upon to sign it. In 1945, all those who had just lived through fascism and world war said clearly: “Never again!” We are now at the hour of decision: Have we learned anything from history, or are we more immoral than our forefathers?

Webcast: Overturn U.S. Election Fraud to Defeat a Green, Global Bankers’ Dictatorship

Register for the Dec 12-13 International Schiller Institute conference:

As the battle to overturn the election fraud, designed to make war hawk Joe Biden president, heads into the third week, the role of the City of London again comes into the picture. In her summary presented in her weekly dialogue of the fight to reverse the fraud, Helga Zepp LaRouche exposes Lord Malloch-Brown, the chairman of the voting machine firm Smartmatic, as a key British operative, with ties to regime change fanatic George Soros, who has been a leading backer in the dirty campaign against Trump. Smartmatic has been identified by Trump attorney Sidney Powell as a target of her investigation into how the fraud was run against President Trump, and has been rejected by several nations due to how easily it can be programmed to rig elections.

She praised the work of Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe, NSA whistleblowers, as “absolute heroes” in their long-standing defense of personal freedom against the surveillance state, and the sanctity of fair, legal elections, and endorsed the call for Trump to offer pardons and safe travel to the U.S. to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, to help in cleaning out the surveillance state and its Big Tech enablers.

She also dissects the City of London role behind the move to establish a global fascist banker’s dictatorship, to give bankers control over government spending policy, and how those bankers intend to use this power to enact a deadly Green New Deal internationally. She urged viewers to register for the Dec. 12-3 Schiller Institute online conference, which will present the outline for what is needed to pull the world back from a geopolitical, neo-liberal drive for war and depression, and establish a new paradigm of peaceful cooperation among sovereign nation states.

UN OKs $100 Million in Emergency Food for Six Nations; Beasley Asserts Famine Is ‘Bigger Killer’ Than Virus

The United Nations on Nov. 17 announced that it will provide $100 million in emergency aid for food and related relief to six countries. It will come out of the UN Central Emergency Response Fund. The largest amount, $30 million, will go to Yemen. The remaining funds will cover food aid to parts of Nigeria, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, and Afghanistan. 

World Food Program Director David Beasley and UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Director Mark Lowcock, who made the announcement, also wrote a joint opinion column Nov. 17 that was published by The Times of London, titled, “We’ve Averted Famine in the Past — We Must Do It Again.” They began, “Humankind’s greatest success was to consign famine to history,” but now it is back, and this is “heart wrenching and obscene.” They said, “The world has been understandably preoccupied with COVID-19, but this must not distract us from the bigger killer.” They called for action. “Do nothing and it will be the catalyst for the grand reversal — the avoidable unravelling of decades of progress.”

Their op-ed states: “The UN’s COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan requires $10 billion. A drop in the ocean compared to the $12 trillion stimulus packages of wealthy nations or the $8 trillion collective net worth of the world’s 2,000 billionaires.”

On Yemen in particular, they point out, “Countries in the region and beyond should collaborate to finance the Yemen relief effort, stabilize the shattered economy, support longer-term development and bring pressure to bear on the warring parties to silence the guns and make peace.” Beasley and Lowcock conclude, “Famines are a stain on humanity. Now is the time to act.”

China Radio International Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Helga Zepp-LaRouche was interviewed on Nov. 18th, for the China Radio International podcast, “The World Today.” The moderator asked about comments made by Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee at a Bloomberg event, where he said that the Biden Administration should make efforts to improve the U.S.-China relations. 
Listen here (Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche starts at minute 25:08.)

Q: How do you understand Lee’s remarks here?

HZL: It’s quite understandable that Prime Minister Lee would express such a wish and recommendation, because obviously the situation in Singapore will be greatly affected by whatever the U.S.-China relationship will turn out to be.

But contrary to the impression which is created by the mainstream media, the outcome of this election is not yet decided. Yesterday, for example, Roger Stone, who is the former campaign manager of President Trump, in an interview with Newsmax TV, said that there is a widespread psychological warfare operation to make it appear as if Biden is inevitably the next President, that there are even people from the Trump Administration like National Security Adviser O’Brien, who talks about a “professional transition,” and that everything is settled. But the head of the legal team of President Trump, Sidney Powell, who is a very, very excellent lawyer, she said that the fight is by no means over, that she has evidence of vote fraud which will blow up the whole election, and that there is absolutely damning information on the Smartmatic and Dominion electronic election systems being used; and that she has affidavits of top people from the military and others that these systems were designed to change the votes, not by the thousands, but by the millions, and that this whole thing will blow up. So I would not necessarily assume that Biden will be the next President. Because if these legal cases all proceed—and also the population is rallying very much around Trump, the next President may be Trump, and not Biden.

Q: Singapore’s prime minister said, while U.S.-China tensions exist, they try their best, their very best, to do business with both sides during the past four years. Actually, we see many countries and U.S. companies express unwillingness to play the Cold War game under the Trump Administration. Do you think there will be a change in U.S.-China relations under no matter, President-elect Biden, or a next term of a Trump Administration?

HZL: Well, I’m afraid that even if I understand that the Chinese people are very bitter about how the relationship between President Xi and President Trump has evolved from a very promising beginning, that under Biden, I’m afraid it would be much worse. First of all, Biden has been painted in the media as being (quote) “soft on China.” And the aim of that was to manipulate him to prove that he’s not soft on China, like it was done in Russiagate in respect to Trump, that he was not too close to Russia.

Now I think that the trans-Atlantic establishment is so manic that with Biden everything will go back to “normal.” But we should remember that this so-called “normal” was the reason why Trump won the election in the first place. The population was completely tired of the financial policies of Wall Street, which only favored the speculators and not the common good; and the population was tired of the endless wars which Trump had promised to end and bring the troops back home, which he now reiterated that before Christmas he wants to bring back the troops from Afghanistan and more troops from Syria. So I’m afraid that Biden would not be a “third Obama Administration,” as some people say, but it would be much worse. If you look at the record of Biden who was for 50 years in Washington politics, after all, he was in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and in many points he was much more hawkish than the Obama Administration. And if you look at his team, there are people like Michèle Flournoy, who is mooted to become the next Defense Secretary if there would be a Biden Administration; she has been the architect of every war the United States was involved in in the past 20 years. And Hillary for the UN, she lied to the UN Security Council before the Libya operation which then led to the murder of Qaddafi. So I don’t think that team forebodes anything good. And I think Biden would be the worst option for U.S.-China relations.

Q: How much damage have the deteriorating relations between the U.S. and China brought to the smaller countries like Singapore? What are their expectations for the next four years from the White House?

HZL: Well, I think that was one of the compelling reasons that the Asian countries all signed the RCEP, the regional cooperation agreement, despite the recent tour of Pompeo. Pompeo went to Asia to put maximum pressure on all the Asian countries not to work with China, and only a few weeks later they signed the RCEP, which I think reflects the fact that people recognize that it is in their fundamental interest to cooperate with China.

Q: On the subject of the RCEP, what do you make of the signing of RCEP, recently? And Lee claimed that the countries in the region believe in a model of cooperation and willing trade regardless of what happens in the broader world. What do you make of his remarks here?

HZL: That’s for sure true. It is very clear that if you look at the mass media, who have in the recent period been portraying China as having all these evil intentions, the reality is that while the Western countries still are looking for the worst to come concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, because they could not do the measures which China and also other Asian countries effectively were able to implement, it is very clear that China is now the only country with a significant growth rate for this year. So China is the locomotive for the world economy, and therefore it is very clearly in the interest, especially of Chinese neighbors, to profit from that locomotive effect with respect to their own economies. And I think, if you have the choice of being an aircraft carrier for the United States in the region, or have economic benefit in cooperating with China, I think their choice was made clearly, and that is true despite the still-existing tensions with Australia.

Q: Thanks for taking your time with us, Helga. … That’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, a Germany-based political and economic think tank.

Video: Invitation to the June 26-27 Conference

The upcoming two-day Schiller Institute International June 26-27 conference is part of a continuous process to build a stronger and stronger anti-Malthusian alliance worldwide, incorporating a network of people who understand the profound importance of a Renaissance of Classical culture. Register today to participate.

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