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David Dobrodt

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Panel 2 — The Real Science Behind Climate Change: Why the World Needs Many More Terawatts of Energy

Panel 2, Saturday, June 26, 2pm EDT — The Real Science Behind Climate Change: Why the World Needs Seven More Terawatts of Energy

  1. Megan Dobrodt, President, Schiller Institute USA: “Why the Universe Needs More People” 
  2. Dr. Kelvin Kemm, (South Africa), nuclear physicist, former Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa
  3. Prof. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke, Physicist (Fluid Mechanics), Emeritus Professor, Saarland University for Technology and Economics
  4. Emanuel Höhener (Switzerland), Consulting Engineer in Energy Sector, Chairman of the Switzerland-based think tank Carnot-Cournot Network: “Swiss Vote ‘No’ to New CO₂ Law”
  5. Paul Driessen (US), Senior Policy Advisor, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
  6. Prof. Nicola Scafetta (Italy), Department of Earth, Environmental and Resources Sciences, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II 
  7. Vincenzo Romanello, PhD (Italy), Nuclear Engineer, Research Center Rez, Founder, “Atoms for Peace,” Czech Republic 
  8. Prof. Augustinus Berkhout (Netherlands); member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau (2008), Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, the Netherlands and President of the Climate Intelligence Group, and Senior Member of the Dutch Academy of Engineering (AcTI) 
  9. John Shanahan (US): Civil Engineer, Editor,, MSc. Civil Engineering

Invitation: Winter Storm Smashes Green New Deal Utopia – Great Power Cooperation Instead of War

Virtual Roundtable Forum sponsored by the Schiller Institute
Please register here

The devastation and death across major portions of the US and Mexico from the polar vortex was not a “natural disaster,” but the man-made result of the systemic takedown of reliable fossil fuel and nuclear power plants, replaced by the primitive and unreliable use of sun and wind. This result was warned against in the EIR Special Report, “Great Leap Backwards – LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal,” released just days before the polar vortex, demonstrating that this is the disaster awaiting the entire world if the Green New Deal is not replaced by international cooperation to deal with the global pandemic and economic breakdown with modern technologies, infrastructure and industrial development.

Instead, we are witnessing the open mobilization by the US and its NATO allies for military confrontation with Russia and China, bringing the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. 

Experts on China and Russia, as well as experts on the actual, galactic causes of climate change, will join this Schiller Institute Roundtable Forum, to discuss the urgent steps required to avoid the twin disasters of war and economic disintegration, and pose the changes in international relations required to turn the current crisis into a new paradigm of peace through development. We invite you and your friends and associates to join us. 

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Mobilize to Reverse the “Great Leap Backward”

In the aftermath of the Texas Deep Freeze, which was caused by a combination of environmentalist insanity, and neoliberal deregulation, the Biden administration is doubling down, with a call for an international summit on “Earth Day”, to “fight climate change.” The issue of “climate change” is based on a fraudulent narrative, to impose drastic population reduction worldwide through reviving the British Empire’s Malthusian dogma, which was designed in the 18th century to defend the looting which sustained the empire.

Fear of “overpopulation” of the earth led to the first Earth Day in 1970, which was an attempt to harness the energy of youth engaged in the anti-war movement, to target industrial society. It became the basis of law, with the adoption in 1975 of Kissinger’s NSSM 200, which claimed that overpopulation threatened U.S. control over raw materials. It is at the heart today of the Great Reset and the Green New Deal, which would impose a global banker’s dictatorship, to protect a bankrupt financial system.

Panel 4 — The Coincidence of Opposites: The Only Truly Human Thought Process

Panel 4, 2pm EDT — The Coincidence of Opposites: The Only Truly Human Thought Process

  1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President and Founder, The Schiller Institute
  2. Russian Federation speaker
  3. Dr. Khadijah Lang (US), Chairman, National Medical Association (NMA) Council on International Affairs; President, Golden State Medical Association
  4.  Marcia Merry Baker (US), Editorial Board, Executive Intelligence Review
  5. Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former United States Surgeon General 
  6. Diane Sare, Candidate for United States Senate; founder, Schiller Institute NYC Chorus
  7. Pedro Rubio (Colombia), President of the Association of Officials of the General Accounting Office of the Republic

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Will the Texas Deep Freeze Lead to the Rejection of the Green New Deal?

The promoters of the Green New Deal, including in the media, are lying that the failure of “renewable” energy sources, such as wind power and solar, had little to do with the dangerous loss of electricity in Texas. How do we convince people that the GND is not modeled on FDR’s New Deal? How much of a factor in the Texas breakdown is the application of the neoliberal model of deregulation and privatization? Is it right to describe Prince Charles and the other leaders of Davos as “Satanic”? And why does there seem to be so little interest in the convergence of three nations’ space programs on Mars?

Interview — BlackRock, Inc.: How ‘Green Finance’ Forbids Modern Fuels

Mike Billington, Asia Intelligence Desk for Executive Intelligence Review, presents how BlackRock uses its power to threaten and intimidate nations— both advanced and developing— to accept “green” technology and abandon energy dense fuel sources, according to the genocidal diktat issued from the British Monarchy. Mike’s recent article on BlackRock, “BlackRock INC. How ‘Green Finance’ forbids modern fuels” appears in the EIR Special Report.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Davos Math — Neoliberalism + Green New Deal = Increased Death Rate

It is a lie for the media to report that frozen windmills have little effect in producing rolling blackouts in Texas, which are putting four million people in danger from the current deep freeze. But the failure of Green New Deal “renewable energy” sources is only part of the story. The other part is the destruction that neo-liberal economic policy, particularly deregulation, has done to the physical economy of the western nations. And the Davos “Great Reset” combines neoliberalism with the Green New Deal, creating conditions for mass murder. What’s happening in Texas today is a “foretaste” of what to expect if the plans of the Davos corporatist fascists are not rejected, and replaced by the American System.

Webcast: Following Geneva, Putin Makes Generous Offer

Reviewing events since the Biden-Putin summit in Geneva, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the history lesson Putin gave, which was published in Die Zeit, as a further example of his commitment to make sure that the lessons of World War II are learned. That the war hawk faction in the U.S. is proceeding with more sanctions against Russia and attacks on China — including the hilarious threat to “isolate China!” — shows that these lessons are still badly needed. This weekend’s online Schiller Institute conference comes at just the right moment, to give citizens an opportunity to intervene in shaping history. With new waves of COVID threatening, electricity flickering in Milan and bridges collapsing in Germany, what kind of idiocy is it to spend more money on wars, instead of building new platforms of infrastructure?

What Will It Take to Put the Trans-Atlantic War Hawks Out of Business?

In spite of the continuation of slanders and threats against Russian President Putin, coming from War Hawks in London, Washington and NATO, he wrote an article designed to build on the baby steps away from nuclear war from his Geneva summit with Biden. We must not allow “the burden of past misunderstandings” prevent us from “concentrating on the challenges at hand,” he wrote. While there is momentum toward dialogue, the imperial war hawks will stubbornly pursue provocative actions, until they are removed from any positions of power and influence. If we learned anything from the Geneva summit, it is that we must create a movement among citizens to reinforce the conclusion that no one can win a nuclear war.

Campaign Video: Defeat the Great Reset with the LaRouche Movement

The LaRouche movement is conducting a month-long series of events to mobolize the population of the world to defeat the Great Reset and accompanying danger of world war. Defeating this policy opens the door for implementation of Lyndon and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s policies of economic development aimed at increasing the number of people on the planet and our standard of living.

Saturday, Feb. 27, 2pm EST: Roundtable Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on U.S./China Relations on

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 8:30 pm EST: The LaRouche Organization Youth Town Hall: Philip Ulanowsky: “An Unexpected Step on the Path to a Renaissance” on Zoom, RSVP for info:

Thursday, Feb. 18, 9 pm EST: Fireside Chat, “Green New Deal is a Famine Policy”, Marcia Baker and Diane Sare:, or call in: (712)770-5505, access code 536662#

Friday, Feb. 19, 8:00 pm EST, Sare for Senate NY Symposium, with Bob Hux and Dennis Small on NABRI (North American Belt and Road Initiative) on Youtube:

Saturday, Feb. 20th, 11 am – 2 pmEST, Schiller Institute International Youth Discussion with Helga Zepp LaRouche: “Stop the Great Reset, Develop Every Nation” Call Sylvia for more information and to register: 323-522-8363

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2 pm EST: Manhattan Project Weekly Meeting, Sunday. Feb. 21, 4 pm EST: “The Art of the Negro Spiritual” RSVP at:
Event is free, donations are welcome

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