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Ten Principles

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Greetings to International Peace Day Rally at the United Nations

Below are the greetings sent in for the Humanity For Peace “Special Musical Operation” at the United Nations on International Peace Day. Twenty-four hours of nonviolence and cease fire is the least we can ask for at this crucial time in our shared work for…

Fred Wills Address at UNGA Sept 8 1975

Call for New International Economic Order  ADDRESS AT THE SEVENTH SPECIAL SESSION OF THE U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1975 Mr. President,    One year ago in this very forum there were articulated the Declaration on the Establishment of the New International Economic Order and a…

Diane Sare: The Strategic Situation After the Historic BRICS Summit

The following speech was given by Diane Sare (U.S.), LaRouche independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York during Panel 1 “The Strategic Situation After the Historic BRICS Summit” at the international Schiller Institute Conference “Let us Join Hands with the Global Majority To Create a New…

Seventh Weekly Meeting of International Peace Coalition: Humanity Must Overcome Differences To Prevent Nuclear War

If you would like to join in the International Peace Coalition, please contact July 21, 2023 (EIRNS)—The International Peace Coalition (IPC) held its seventh weekly international meeting on Friday, July 21, with representatives of 17 nations, most of whom reported on the mobilizations taking…

Conference: On the Verge of a New World War: European Nations Must Cooperate with the Global South!

A two-day international conference was held July 8-9 in Strasbourg, France by the Schiller Institute, titled “On the Verge of a New World War: European Nations Must Cooperate with the Global South!” The proceedings were organized into five panels, with three on Day One July…

World Peace Based on Universal Ethics

Liz Augustat (Austria) – Ms. Augustat is President of Peace through Culture. Europe (Germany) Peace through Culture is an organization whose main target is to build bridges between ethnics, countries, religions, traditions and different worldviews. Focused on our function as an inspirer and connector, we…

Culture Is the Key for Peace

Maurizio Abbate – Mr. Abbate is Chairman of ENAC, National Institute for Cultural Activities, Italy Dear friends and colleagues from around the world, We are gathered here today to seek, with all our strength, useful ideas and solutions to resolve the terrible armed conflict that…

Make the U.S. a Force for the Good

Diane Sare – Mrs. Sare is a candidate for the U.S. Senate in New York, USA. Thank you! I am very happy to be with you here, because we must quickly improve ourselves and our approach to everything in a coordinated fashion. I would like…

What Russia Really Wants in Its Relations with Europe—Peace or War?

H.E. Ilia Subbotin – Mr. Subbotin is Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in France. Dear participants of today’s International conference, organized by the Schiller Institute, Dear Ms. Zepp-LaRouche, Dear Mr. Cheminade, Dear friends, I’m stressing the word friends, because I really hope…

The Emergence of the Global South Against Geopolitical Blocs

Jacques Cheminade – Mr. Cheminade is President of Solidarité et Progrès, France. We are gathered here in Strasbourg in the face of the risk of a conflagration in the world, the risk that “humanity will one day annihilate itself in monstrous destruction.” Today, we are…

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