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International Peace Coalition

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Webcast: U.S. Directed Attack on Crimea: One Step Closer to War Between NATO and Russia

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 26, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream. At long last, Julian…

Webcast: To Address an Existential Crisis, Think Like LaRouche

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 19, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream. The major outcome of…

Press Release — RED ALERT: Ukrainian Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Threatens To Unleash Nuclear World War

Over the course of Wednesday night and Thursday morning [May 22-23], Ukrainian drones struck the Armavir Radar Station in Russia’s southwestern Krasnodar Krai region, a part of Russia’s early warning radar system designed to detect an incoming ICBM attack. This radar is one of the…

Webast: The Dignity of Man Is in Our Hands -A Cognitive Leap into the Future!

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue May 15, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream. Faced with an unprecedented…

IPC Meeting, Friday April 5: How close are we to world war?

International Peace Coalition General MeetingJoin us Friday April 5, at 11am EDT/5pm CETSend an email to to get the Zoom details for the meeting of the International Peace Coalition.Please share this invitation with your organizations and friends. Come with full organizing reports. Today, responding…

IPC Meeting Friday, March 29: Organizing Works! Do More of It

Even as the March 22 terror attack in Russia, the sharply escalating Russia-Ukraine war, and ongoing NATO plans to put boots on the ground in Ukraine threaten to push the planet over the edge into thermonuclear war, those who would stop such insanity should take…

Webcast: Diplomacy, or Collision of Two Galaxies?

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue March 20, 12pm Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream. Even as the March…

Our Outcry Must Not Come Too Late!

This statement was presented at the March 22, 2024 meeting of the International Peace Coalition, where its immediate distribution internationally was a central topic of discussion. We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of…

The Growing Danger of Nuclear War as NATO Declines – Col. Richard H. Black (ret.)

Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, former Virginia State Senator, addresses the International Peace Coalition on March 8, 2024. A summary of the event follows below. The 40th consecutive weekly online meeting of the…

IPC Meeting: Only Through Development Will Mankind Defeat the ‘Structures of Sin’

by Kevin Gribbroek The opposite of destruction is love. And what more loving could you do than to create the conditions for every living human being on the planet to fulfill the potential of their life. Helga zepp-larouche The 38th meeting of the International Peace…

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