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America Should Become, Again, a Force for Good in the World

Register for the June 10, 2023 Schiller Institute conference, “The World Needs JFK’s Vision of Peace”


 HARLEY SCHLANGER: This is someone who is circulating the statement for signatures. She asks: “Can you say what you hope to accomplish with the statement the Schiller Institute issued, ‘Urgent Appeal by Citizens and Institutions from All Over the World to the (Next) President of the United States!’ What is the intent of circulating that?”

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, on the 10th of June is 60th anniversary of the famous speech by John F. Kennedy at the American University, which is generally called the “Peace Speech.” And if you haven’t don’t that yet, you should read that speech, or even listen to him on YouTube, because it is a beautiful speech, where Kennedy says that the world needs peace, coming from America, but not a Pax Americana, where the United States would enforce with weapons to subject all others and that way have a “peace of grave.” But to have a peace where each country can flourish and work together.

And it’s a very beautiful, poetical speech. And it is so important that people listen to that speech—there are also other, incredible speeches by Kennedy, for example, one where he talks about the importance of art and culture, which I can only underwrite every word he is saying there, that it is the culture of a country which is what makes it human and what makes it beautiful.

First of all, many young people have no real idea who Kennedy was, because they were born long, long after he had been assassinated, and therefore they don’t have a vivid idea any more that he represented a completely different paradigm of American politics. And this is very important, because what I want to accomplish with that statement is, as I mentioned before: We are in an unbelievable historic transformation right now, of which people in the West are hardly aware. The Global South is shifting—first of all, they have a completely new self-assurance; they have the economic ties, especially with China, but also among each other, Brazil, India, Indonesia—these are all major countries that are now rising. And the danger would be that the West remains arrogant, and basically says, “who are these people from the South? They should be submitting to the unipolar world,” because they will not.

And it would be very dangerous if you would have a complete separation into two blocs, a Western bloc, and a bloc of Russia, China, and the Global South, because you can’t solve the problems of the world by this separation. And if the dynamic would continue, that it would all turn anti-America, which is clearly a tendency, because the United States—there was just a report by Brown University; and they made a study and they said the interventionist wars in which the United States was involved after 9/11, resulted in 4.5 million deaths! Now, that is an unbelievable figure! And naturally, there are many people in the Global South also, who are not exactly friendly to the United States, and that’s probably the understatement of the year. And it would be very devastating if that would remain like that. Because I think if that is the tendency, World War III is unfortunately very likely down the road, or sooner or later.

So, since Kennedy represents a completely different paradigm of American politics, more like it was meant to be with the Founding Fathers, the American Revolution, the War of Independence against the British Empire, John Quincy Adams’ conception of foreign policy; Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and then Kennedy, who, after all, defused the Cuban Missile Crisis, together with Khrushchev, and who had a very optimistic idea about the ability of man to solve any problems through science and technology.

So, it’s a different paradigm. And by making this appeal, by saying, that what the whole world wishes, is that the United States would go back to that kind of a paradigm, which Kennedy represented. I think that first of all, it will help to educate people around the world to look at the United States in a more differentiated way, and hopefully, inside the United States also causes Americans to review their own history. Because, as my late husband, Lyndon LaRouche, emphatically always said, that things went wrong with America after the assassination of Kennedy, and especially the cover-up through the Warrant Commission. Because, if you assassinate the President of a country, which, obviously, the “lone assassin” theory does not hold for one minute, and then you have a cover-up and the institutions of that country are not able to remedy that, or find out the truth and find justice, this is an extremely—this was a break in the history of the United States. And the last 50, now 60 years, that is something one has to work through and find back to the kinds of values that existed with Franklin Roosevelt, with Kennedy, and I think that that’s the purpose.

And I always think one should relate to the best tradition of the other, and not the worst. When I founded the Schiller Institute in 1984, the main purpose was to contribute to a just, new world economic order, and the idea that this is only possible if one has a renaissance of Classical culture and a dialogue of the best traditions of all cultures, with the idea that peace is really possible when you relate to the best of the other person, or the other country, or the other tradition, and vice versa. Because, when you bring forth what is good in the other, then that is the basis for peace.

So I hope with that, and the memory comes back, that America should become, again, a force for good in the world, and then the whole world would be peaceful, and happy.

President John F. Kennedy’s American University “Peace Speech” of June 10, 1963

Register for the June 10, 2023 Schiller Institute conference, “The World Needs JFK’s Vision of Peace”

On June 10, 1963, eight months after the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, and peering into the abyss of thermonuclear self-destruction, President John F. Kennedy gave a world-historical speech at American University. He said: “Total war makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.” 

Nearly 60 years later, the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov said, “Whereas the consequence of the Cuban Missile Crisis was the recognition of the possibility of peaceful co-existence of two great powers, now, over the past decades, Washington has set out to subvert Russia, bring it to its knees, or even better—to dismember it into several separate principalities.” Further, China and other nations’ Ukraine peace proposals have been rejected by London and Washington. Worse, China/Taiwan is to be the next theater in which world war is to be provoked.

In the last month, mad drone attacks have been launched directly into Russia, including on the Kremlin itself. These attacks are coming, either from an unhinged Zelensky regime, or from NATO special forces masquerading as “anti-Putin freedom fighters” who are being “passively supported” by the London-Washington military-intelligence establishment.  Whatever their origin, they are criminally insane, and must be stopped.

No nation has the right to bring the world to the brink of annihilation; every citizen of the world has not only the right, but the obligation to act against such madness. This cannot be done through war. As Martin Luther King in his opposition to the Vietnam War put it, “The choice is no longer between violence and non-violence. The choice is between non-violence and non-existence.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche wrote an “Urgent Appeal by Citizens and Institutions from all over the world, including the U.S., to the (next) President of the United States!” which says: “Today we are faced with a strategic situation which is much more dangerous than that at the height of the Cuban missile crisis; offensive NATO weapon systems are much closer to the border of Russia than Cuba was to the U.S., the destructive power of the weapons even greater, the warning time before their launch shorter, and the trust between the leaders of the big nuclear powers much below that between Kennedy and  Khrushchev. The doomsday clock is set by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at 90 seconds before midnight, and that may be overly optimistic.” 

The Schiller Institute therefore calls upon all sane forces either already proposing pathways to immediate peace, or inclined to do so, to convene on June 10, the 60th anniversary of the JFK American University “Peace Speech,” an international assembly of the people of the world to deliberate on what Zepp-LaRouche has called “Ten Principles for a New Security and Development Architecture” and what we must each and all do, to bring that about.  As JFK said at American University: “Our problems are man made—therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man’s reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable—and we believe they can do it again.”

Have a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche at 11am EDT, 5pm CET! Send questions, thoughts and organizing reports to

Will the U.S. Join the Global Majority? LIVE discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss the strategic situation with Helga Zepp-LaRouche ! Send in your questions early to

How to Stop a New Great Depression — LIVE discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Live Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche May 10, 2023 at 11am EDT

Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.

There is no shortcut, there is no short way of saying: We just have to go for Glass-Steagall, or we have to do this, or that. We have to get people to understand the whole picture. And I know that many people say that this is impossible, that people are not educated. But I think the only chance we have is to get a sufficient number of people internationally to understand both the historic dimension of what is happening, the economic-financial side of it, the military side, and most importantly, a vision of where this has to go.

That is the gigantic task which we have to accomplish, if there is to be any hope that this can be stopped, a nanosecond before midnight—or hopefully it’s seconds, but it could be much less.

Because what is still hanging over us like a Damocles Sword is that the drone attack on the Kremlin was very likely what Colonel Bosshard had characterized as a probe for a decapitalization strike against Russia and the Russian President; followed by the announcement by the Russians that they will counter that, in ways which they will keep secret and covert, but it will be felt. Now, what that response is going to be, I have no idea: It could be some use of hypersonic missiles, it could be all kinds of things.

But we are in an absolutely, incredibly dangerous moment. And the problem is that the vast majority of people on both sides of the Atlantic are absolutely sleepwalking, and the mass media are involved in the most criminal effort to distract people, to use disinformation to convince people that the world is very different than it actually is.

There Must Be a Clear Voice to Counter the War Hawks: Discuss Helga Zepp-LaRouche

We need everyone to muster their courage and intervene across the world! Have a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche! Go through the world historic situation and what we can do to intervene on it. Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.

Let Your Voice Be Heard! Live discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Have a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Wednesday, April 26 at 11am EDT, 5pm CET! Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Live Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Have a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche! Go through the world historic situation and what we can do to intervene on it. Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.

Conference: Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet

Panel 1 — Saturday, April 15, 9am EDT, 3pm CET

The Growing Danger of World War III Underlines the Necessity for a New Security Architecture

Moderator: Dennis Speed, The Schiller Institute (U.S.)

  1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder, The Schiller Institute, Keynote Address: “Great Prospects for the Development of the Global Majority”
  2. Connie Rahakundini Bakrie (Indonesia), Lecturer, strategic analyst, “Quadruple Foundations Towards Building the World Anew” 
  3. Prof. Wen Yi (China), Macroeconomist, Former Senior Researcher at the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, “The Secret of the Chinese Economic Success” Brief Q&A Session 
  4. Amb. Igor Romanchenko (Russia), Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Peru; Greetings to the Conference 
  5. Cosmonaut Sergey Ryanzanskiy (Russia): “Greetings to the conference”
  6. Former Generals of the National Peoples Army of the German Democratic Republic Manfred Grätz and Sebald Daum (Germany): “Greetings to the conference”
  7. Scott Ritter(US), former UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq: “Nuclear Weapons, Democracy and the Deep State”
  8. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Argentina), civil rights activist, Nobel Peace Prize Winner(1980): “Greetings to the conference”
  9. Wolfgang Effenberger (Germany)Author, “The Foundations of International Law”
  10. Dr. Alexander Bobrov (Russia), Acting Dean of the School of Government and International Affairs, MGIMO University (Moscow State Institute of International Relations): “New Security Architecture in the Mirror of Russia’s Foreign Policy Concept 2023.” 
  11. Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard (Switzerland), Swiss Armed Forces; consultant, military-strategic affairs; “The War in Ukraine is an Indicator and Accelerator of the Decline of the West”
  12. Michael von der Schulenburg (Germany), former UN/OSCE Diplomat; “The Absolute Importance of the U.N. Charter”

Panel 2 — Saturday, April 15, 1pm EDT, 7pm CET

The “Global Majority” and the International Peace Movement Are Fighting for the Same Goal

Moderator: Stephan Ossenkopp, The Schiller Institute (Germany)

  1. Diane Sare (US), LaRouche Candidate for United States Senate, 2024; Keynote Address
  2. H.E. Donald Ramotar (Guyana), Former President of Guyana 
  3. Prof. Georgy Toloraya (Russia), Deputy Chairman, Russian National Committee on BRICS Research “The Expanding Role of the BRICS+ in Shaping a Better World” 
  4. Herman (Mentong) Tiu Laurel (Philippines), Political commentator, Organizer of the Philippine BRICS Strategic Studies think tank; “The LaRouche Movement Combatting the Remilitarization of the Philippines” 
  5. Mutalemwa George (Tanzania), Africa Peace and Development Network
  6. Nick Brana (US), National Chair, People’s Party 
  7. Angela McArdle (US), Chair of the Libertarian National Committee
  8. Jack Gilroy (US), Organizer, Pax Christi, NY State/ Pax Christi International; Board Member, New York Veterans for Peace
  9. Michel Cibot (France), Mayors for Peace

Q&A Discussion Period

Panel 3 — Sunday, April 16, 9am EDT, 3pm CET

End the Casino Economy Before It’s Too Late

Moderator: Claudio CelaniEIR Strategic Alert (Italy)

  1. Video of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche at Moscow press conference on the eve of their testimony at Russian State Duma hearings (2001): “The Policy Changes Needed to Overcome the Collapse”
  2. Dennis Small (US), Executive Intelligence Review (US); Keynote Address: “The Missing Ingredient: LaRouche’s Principles of Physical Economy” 
  3. Cong. Benjamin Robles (Mexico); “The Fight for Food, the Fight for a New World Order” 
  4. Farmers and Fishermen: Robert “Bob” Baker (USA) Schiller Institute Agriculture Commission—”Three Principles”; Dr. Jaap Hanekamp (The Netherlands) Chemist, Professor, University College Roosevelt; “End the Nitrogen ‘Scientism’ Scare; Produce Food”; Philippe Grégoire (France) President of the National Movement of Cattle Breeders from Our Regions: “Cooperation, Not Competition for the Development of Each Country”; Bill Bullard (USA) CEO of R-CALF USA “We Food Producers Stand Together”; James “Jim” Moore (USA) Former President Alaska Trollers Association: “Anti-Monopoly Collaboration, Plus Science and Morality Mean Food for All”
  5. Julio De Vido (Argentina), former Minister of Economics and Public Works, former member of Congress: “The Future Challenges Us: Resilience or True Transformation”  
  6. Marcos de Oliveira (Brazil), Publisher, Monitor Mercantil: “Brazil Is Back”
  7. Pedro Páez (Ecuador); former Minister for Economic Policy (2007-2008), “Three Pillars of the Alternative to the Bankrupt System of Financial Speculation”
  8. Diogene Senny (DR Congo); Secretary General of the Pan-African League – UMOJA; “Debt Cancellation to Generate an African Renaissance” 
  9. Dr. Mohammad A. Toor (Pakistan-US), Chairman of the Board of the Pakistani American Congress; “The World Needs the New Model of Development of the BRI”  
  10. Simon Miller (US); LaRouche Youth Movement: “Belarus’s Great Stone Industrial Park in the New Silk Road”

Q&A Discussion Period

Panel 4 — Sunday, April 16, 1pm EDT, 7pm CET

The Necessary Philosophical Foundations for the New Paradigm

Moderator: Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute (Germany)

  1. Jacques Cheminade (France), President, Solidarité et Progrès, former French Presidential Candidate 
  2. Dr. Chandra Muzaffar (Malaysia), Founder and President, JUST International; “The Importance of the Chinese and Russian Engagement in Southwest Asia and the World” 
  3. Amb. Chas Freeman (US), former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, former Deputy Chief of Mission to China; “Chinese Diplomacy Replaces U.S. Militarism in the Mideast”
  4. Abdul Fatah Raufi (Netherlands)
  5. Prof. Cord Eberspaecher (Germany), “The Amazing Lack of China Competency in the West.” 
  6. Graham Fuller (US), former U.S. diplomat, former Vice Chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council; “China Supersedes U.S. ‘Weaponization’ of Diplomacy With Development”  
  7. Shakeel Ahmad Ramay (Pakistan), CEO, Asian Institute of Eco-Civilization Research and Development; “A Contribution to the Discussion of Principles”

CONCERT—Sun., April 16, 4:00 p.m., ET.: The four panels of the conference will be followed by a concert by the Schiller Institute Chorus: “Let Us Have Peace: Handel Messiah”; Online & St Paul & St Andrew

Get concert tickets to view online

Webcast: Change the Course of History!

No one has been more clear on the need to replace the collapsing Unipolar Order with a New Paradigm than Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is gaining international recognition for her role in spearheading the mobilization to accomplish that urgent task. On Wednesday, April 12 — three days before the historic Schiller Institute conference on April 15-16 — you are invited to join a live-stream dialogue with her, to discuss what you can do to participate in this world historic mission. Register for this historic Conference here: Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet (

Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.

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