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Helga Zepp-LaRouche addresses T20 Summit in Beijing, China

Think 20 Summit: Building New Global Relationships New Dynamics, New Vitality, New Prospects The following speech was delivered by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, on July 29 at the “Think 20” Forum in Beijing. The Forum was organized by three Chinese…

Musical Dialogue of Cultures

  Musical Dialogue of Cultures Concert in Verdi Tuning (A = 432 / C = 256 Hz) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Coronation Mass Beethoven: Die Himmel rühmen des Ewigen Ehre Bach: Double Concerto in D major, BWV 1043 Vivaldi: Concerto in A minor, RV 158 Tchaikovsky:…

Egbert Drews: International networking in the economy — Practical experience

Given the globalization and liberalization of the economy, the significance of cooperation among SMEs has considerably grown over the past years: The SMEs recognize that this approach is a means of achieving the needed growth potential, which they cannot realize by themselves due to a lack of or insufficient financial resources, market share or competencies…

Jacques Cheminade: The LaRouche method of physical economy

The trans-Atlantic financial system in which we are living— based on appropriating money— leads to chaos or war, or more precisely and more tragically, to a combination of both. The preceding speakers have shown that the current world is more dangerous than it ever was at the height of the Cold War. The system, by its very nature, is criminal…

Michel Raimbaud: In Syria and elsewhere, against the war party and the law of the jungle, rebuild peace in accordance with law

One hears much talk about a new cold war that would lead us back to the old confrontation between the “Free World,” the ancestor of the “Axis of Good,” and a “totalitarian bloc,” dubbed the “Axis of Evil” by George Bush, a confrontation which ended with the victory of the United States over communism…

Leonidas Chrysantopoulos: Global Crisis — Proposals for Solution

The theme of our conference is very appropriate and comes at a moment when humanity is not only facing its worst economic crisis since the depression of 1928, but also the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War, due to the aggressive policies of the United States in the last decade, that have destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: The future of mankind will be beautiful – provided we can avoid the fate of the dinosaurs

I think we all have come to this conference because everybody who is in this room knows that we are experiencing an absolutely unprecedented, systemic and existential crisis of civilization. We have the coincidence of a war danger, where NATO is confronting Russia in a very, very aggressive fashion—which could lead to a Third World War…

Manhattan Conference: Building A World Land-Bridge—Realizing Mankind’s True Humanity, April 7th

  Panel I Thursday’s Schiller Institute Conference in New York City, “Building a World Land-Bridge—Realizing Mankind’s True Humanity,” marked a success for Lyndon LaRouche’s idea. Although further and fuller reports will follow, and this one only reflects a part of the proceedings, that much can…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Speaks in New Delhi

March 2, 2016 (Schiller Institute)–Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, spoke today in New Delhi at the Raisina Dialogue, co-sponsored by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation. The two-day conference is described by its organizers as being…

Ukrainian Government in Chaos, Leftist Opposition Appeals against Police-State Repression

by Rachel Douglas 23 Feb.—With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s dramatic Feb. 22 announcement of agreement between Russia and the United States on joint enforcement of a ceasefire in Syria, it is natural to ask: but, what about Ukraine? There is more than one potential trigger…

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