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Participates in the Beijing Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

Helga Zepp-Larouche Participates in the Beijing Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation ‘We are in a phase-change for humankind!’ May 15 — Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of the International Schiller Institute, is right in the middle of the action in Beijing during the…

Belt and Road Forum: May 14 – 15, 2017

Helga Zepp-Larouche Participates in the Beijing Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation ‘We are in a phase-change for humankind!’ May 15 — Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of the International Schiller Institute, is right in the middle of the action in Beijing during the…

Ukraine: Nazi Hit Squads attack political leaders Natalia Vitrenko and Vladimir Marchenko

May 12, 2017 (EIRNS)–On Victory over Fascism Day, May 9, Neo-Nazi “National Corps” (former Azov Battalion unit) staged a new attack on Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) leaders Dr. Natalia Vitrenko and Vladimir Marchenko. Early that morning, as the USA, Canada and European countries…

Schiller Institute Conference in New York: “U.S.-China Cooperation on the Belt & Road Initiative”

U.S.-China Cooperation on the Belt & Road Initiative Schiller Institute Conference in New York – April 13-14, 2017 Program (PDF)   “Summary” The Schiller Institute hosts a two-day conference in NYC April 13-14 on the future of U.S.-China relations in respect to the Belt and…

Beautiful Souls: Friends and Associates of the Schiller Institute

Amelia Boynton Robinson Mrs. Amelia Platts Boynton Robinson was a former Vice Chairwoman of the International Schiller Institute. She was an author, playwright, speaker and organizer, although she was most well known as a veteran of the original American Civil Rights Movement. Sylvia Olden Lee Eos ullamcorper consectetur…

International Conferences

International Schiller Institute Conferences ‘Dialogue of Civilizations’ : Creating a ‘New Paradigm’ for All Mankind Synopsis Historic Presentations Music “…Our goals should be chiefly three. First, we must define that ecumenical conception of man, avoiding conflict respecting other matters of religious beliefs, man as made…

Helga Zepp LaRouche Lifts Stockholm Audience to the Sublime at Schiller Institute/EIR seminar

“Sublime” is the only fitting word to describe Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s deep and beautiful presentation and the atmosphere she created in the audience of 60 participants (full room capacity) at the Schiller Institute/EIR seminar held in Stockholm on January 11th, under the title “Donald Trump and…

Statement by Zepp-LaRouche to the International Dubna Conference, Russia

This is an edited transcript of a video presentation by the founder of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, to the Sixth Annual International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Problems of Sustained Development in the “Nature-Society-Man” System at the Dubna International University of Nature, Society, and…

The Inalienable Rights of Man

The following declaration was adopted on Nov. 24, 1984 by over 1,500 citizens from more than fifty countries, at the Third International Conference of the Schiller Institute. The Declaration of the Inalienable Rights of Man is based the American Declaration of Independence of 1776, with…

Open Letter from Chairman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine Natalia Vitrenko

Stop the Political Terror, Defend the Right to Life of Leaders of a Ukrainian Opposition Party! To President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yu. Lutsenko Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine V. Hrytsak Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine A. Avakov Human…

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