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Malene Robinson

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Is the Collapse of Our Civilization the Result of an Evil Conspiracy, Idiocy in High Places, or Both?

We are living through what Lyndon LaRouche described as a global systemic collapse, which affects every aspect of our lives.  How did this happen?  By looking at two case studies, we can get a sense of who is orchestrating the collapse: the energy inflation which has been caused by deliberate actions, related to the green financial bubble and the Great Reset; and the efforts by major media to deny any responsibility for their role in the regime change operation against Donald Trump which began in 2016.  Tomorrow,  we will present the LaRouche solution to the multitude of crises.

A Turn Toward Diplomacy Instead of War?

Three virtual discussions among leading officials in the last two days may be a sign that cooler heads have emerged, choosing diplomacy rather than war.  The Biden-Xi discussion on Monday was followed by an hour-long discussion the next day between German Chancellor Merkel and Belarus President Lukashenko, and one between French President Macron and Russia’s Vladimir Putin.  Each one represents a change from what has been business-as-usual, leaving the realm of hostile narrative, in favor of substance.  Though a promising start toward a change, the danger of new wars remains, as long as war hawks and neoliberals control governments and mass media in the Trans-Atlantic world.   

To Take Your Mind Off Inflation, the Neoliberal War Hawks Push Confrontation with Russia and China

With the failure to ram through the Glasgow “climate” summit their agenda of deindustrialization and shutting down efficient energy sources, and with inflation picking up steam, it is only natural for the unilateralists to create a big diversion.  Using the refugee crisis centered on the Belarus-Polish border, NATO and EU leaders are accusing Putin and Lukashenko of provoking a humanitarian crisis. This is an example of arrogant hypocrisy, given that behind the flow of refugees is a series of humanitarian crises triggered by wars, sanctions and disastrous financial and trade policies coming from the City of London and Wall Street.  For an alternative to this psychological warfare, watch the First Panel from the Nov. 13-14 Schiller Institute conference: Conference: All Moral Resources of Humanity Have To Be Called Up: Mankind Must Be the Immortal Species!

COP26 Failure, Energy Hyperinflation Shows the Trans-Atlantic World Is Falling Apart

As we forecast, the COP26 failed to do what they intended, which was to get agreement from the nations of the developing sector to give up their sovereign right to development in order to comply with the Malthusian demands made by the would-be global dictators running the show.  The 2-day Schiller Institute conference, on Nov. 13-14, demonstrated that representatives from leading nations can generate, through dialogue, solutions to the multitude of crises created by the failed axioms of the unilateral world order.  The presentations can be found at the

“Blah, Blah, Blah” at FLOP26 Summit Is Emitted to Cover Its Deadly Intent

For once, Greta Thunberg got it right — there is a lot of “blah, blah, blah” coming from the COP26 summit.  She’s wrong, however, when she says there is no action being taken.  Yesterday’s announcement of a new financial alliance under the direction of former Bank of England Director Carney and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is a big step toward consolidating the “Great Reset”, designed to establish a global central banker’s dictatorship.  Their intent is to inflate a new, Green financial bubble — to benefit the 450 financial firms which have signed up — while ensuring there will be no credit for the physical, productive sectors of the economy.  Their big problem is in getting developing countries to give up their sovereignty and sacrifice their people in return for the crumbs being offered to them to do so.

Defeat the War Hawks, Don’t Block Out the War Danger

As the combined forces of the City of London and Wall Street act through their puppets in the administrations of Boris Johnson and Joe Biden, much of the rest of the world is moving toward a New Paradigm.  This was the explicit theme of the online Schiller Institute conference on May 8, and a message implicit in Russian President Putin’s appeal during Russia’s Victory Day commemoration, that we must never again allow fascists to determine the agenda of nations.  Yet the “Rules-Based Order” demanded by the Brits and the Biden administration is not based on international law, but the unipolar dictates of those whose policies have brought mankind to the edge of global war, and have unleashed famine and plague.  The purpose of their order is to defend the bankrupt financial system which is crashing around us.  Join us to defeat them!

Friday’s Questions: How Can We Overcome the Imperial Drive to War?

While the prospect of a June summit between Presidents Putin and Biden is becoming more likely, such a meeting alone will not guarantee peace, unless the underlying axioms embedded in the idea of a “Rules-Based Order” are rejected.  This idea is a modern iteration of the geopolitical outlook imposed by the British Empire, at the end of the 19th century, which led to two World Wars in the last century and is pushing humanity to the brink of a possible nuclear war today.   It is now possible to achieve a New Paradigm in relations, based on  the concept that, through cooperation among the great powers, peace can emerge from a mutual commitment to sovereign economic development — but must be preceded by a rejection of the arbitrary imposition of a corporatist banker’s Great Reset or Green New Deal.

YouTube Moves to Censor Schiller Institute

The tech moguls behind YouTube do not want you to participate in this weekend’s Schiller Institute (SI) online conference.  Citing a flimsy pretext related to a webcast from January 2021 (10 months ago!), they have imposed a one week ban on posting or live-streaming by the SI, on the eve of what is shaping up to be an extremely significant event.  Given the deepening of the global strategic crisis, and the increasingly important role of the SI in exposing the corruption behind the crisis, and in mobilizing alternatives, you don’t want to miss it.  You can still register for the conference at the, and get information on how to streamline it at

The Great Reset and the Green New Deal Are Going Down!

While Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken is echoing the talking points of the Prophetess of Doom, Greta Thunberg, much of the rest of the world is orienting toward economic development, fueled by the kinds of higher energy-flux density power systems rejected by the Davos billionaire’s Green New Deal.  Long-term psy-ops run against the U.S. population by the brainwashing think tanks of the British Empire are designed to make you “indifferent” to “other people’s” suffering, but we can smash their evil intentions by building an anti-Malthusian movement.  Join us on May 8, when the Schiller Institute will present a conference, “The Moral Collapse of the TransAtlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.” 

Depopulation Ghouls at FLOP26; Dems Blow Virginia, Possibly New Jersey

It is dangerous to cling to old beliefs at a moment of global systemic collapse.  The belief in “limits to growth” is behind the “climate change” scenarios driving the push to reduce human population, which is the goal of those running the COP26 summit in Glasgow.  The ghouls can be outflanked and defeated, provided the opposition to the Green New Deal and Great Reset adopts the strategy developed over fifty years by Lyndon LaRouche.  Clinging to old beliefs is what led to the smashing defeat of Democratic Party candidates in Virginia, and possibly in New Jersey as well.  The reality of hyperinflation of food and energy prices, supply chain shortages, etc., was of greater concern to the voters, than the spectre of the return of Donald Trump, which Dem “strategists” foolishly believed would lead voters to cast ballots for their candidates! 

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