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David Dobrodt

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Webcast: Implication of Minsk Lies—Erosion of International Law, Loss of Trust

In her weekly webcast today, Helga Zepp LaRouche ridiculed the anti-Russian narratives of NATO leaders, pointing to the broad implications of the admissions, by former German Chancellor Merkel and ex-President of France Hollande, that they never intended to fulfill the agreements they signed in Minsk. They were not just lying, she said — they were violating international law. These are the same people who speak incessantly about the “Rules-Based Order.” She said that these admissions led Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to announce that there is no longer anyone in the EU with whom to negotiate.

In contrast, leaders in the Global South are moving ahead with plans to build an alternative to the neo-colonial Unipolar Order. She cited a Chinese intellectual who said that rather than being in a period of “epochal change”, it is more properly a moment of “de-westernization.”

This moment requires a “higher level of thinking,” which she introduced with her Ten Principles, in which the principle of “One Humanity First” must be the starting point. Reflecting the “divine nature of human beings”, this new era can establish humans as a “species of poetry, science and composers.”

New Year’s Message from Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The New Year 2023, must become the year where humanity reaches the age of adulthood. That means, we must leave behind us childish, geopolitical squabblings, where nations fight each other as if we were spoiled brats, fighting each other aiming war toys against each other in a sandbox. That sandbox can turn thermonuclear radioactive in a moment.

We must remember that we are the creative species which has the lofty task to continue the process of creation for the good of all of humanity. The majority of mankind, the countries of the Global South, and many in the formerly so-called advanced countries, want to leave war behind us, be it the danger of a new global war, or the many interventionist wars, which left millions dead or displaced as refugees.

Let us create a new paradigm of international relations, where the interest of each sovereign nation is respected, where we all join hands to eradicate poverty and underdevelopment. Let us create a modern health system in every country, so that life expectancy is increased for all human beings living on this planet, and let us create the conditions, where every child and every adult has access to universal education, so that each person has the chance to realize his or her innate creative potentials to the fullest.

Let us also create a new credit system to finance these goals and to increase the living standard of the people of the Global South and the poor in the so-called industrialized countries. Let us finally bring infrastructure, agriculture, and industry to all continents on Earth. Let us create a new international security architecture, which overcomes the division of the world into blocs and ban all weapons of mass destruction and work to make nuclear weapons technologically obsolete.

Let us think of the entire human species as that higher One, which is of a higher order than the many nations, and let us never pursue a national interest, which is not in coherence with the interest of humanity as a whole. Let us put the political, economic, and social order in cohesion with natural law, the laws of the physical universe, and let us increase that knowledge through progress in science and classical art. And let’s start from the assumption that the nature of man is fundamentally good, and that all evil comes from a lack of development, and therefore can be overcome!

A new world economic order is emerging, involving the vast majority of the countries of the Global South. The European nations and the U.S. must not fight this effort, but by joining hands with the developing countries, cooperate to shape the next epoch of the development of the human species to become a renaissance of the highest and most noble expressions of creativity! 

Let us therefore create an international movement of World Citizens, who work together to shape the next phase in the evolution of mankind, the new epoch! World Citizens of all countries, unite! 

Why the JFK Files Must Be Released Now! — A Tribute to John F. Kennedy featuring Mozart’s Requiem

The murder of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States sixty years ago, was also the murder of the American republic—and that murder is still unresolved in the minds of the American people. Many subsequent crimes, including many criminal wars and deposing of governments, are actually derivative expressions of that “murder most foul.” 

Now, because of a December decision by the Biden Administration to continue to suppress certain documents, there is renewed discussion about the potential international significance of releasing thousands of pages of still-withheld files regarding the assassination of President Kennedy. Can the United States finally regain its soul as a nation through the public exposure of how and why American (and other) governmental and non-governmental institutions may have played a role in—or even directed—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963? 

Answering that question with “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” is now essential to restoring the trust of both the American people as well as that of other nations in the now horribly compromised Congress, Presidency and American judicial system. To successfully do this, in the 60th year after JFK was murdered, requires a higher cultural vantage point from which to see and face the truth. Mozart’s Requiem, performed in Kennedy’s honor immediately after his assassination at the request of Jacquline Kennedy, provides that. The greatest beauty is required to confront the greatest ugliness. “

The Schiller Institute commemorated the January 1964 performance of the Mozart Requiem at Boston’s Cathedral of the Holy Cross, 50 years to the day, January 19, 2014 . On that occasion, chairwoman and founder of the Schiller Institute Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who attended and briefly spoke (along with former Mayor of Boston and Ambassador to the Vatican Ray Flynn,) observed,“It is urgent to evoke again the divine spirit of beauty of Mozart’s composition in order to recreate in us the better world which both Kennedy and Mozart represent.”


Commemorative Program (PDF)

Commemorative Program (HTML)

Christian Democratic Party of Peru: The Children Say, “We Don’t Want War, We Want Peace”

Dr. Carlos Gallardo, the president of the Christian Democratic Party of Peru, joins a group of Peruvian children from the Oasis community settlement in Villa El Salvador, Lima, to call for peace and an end to violence, and to deliver a message endorsing the Pope’s offer for the Vatican to serve as the venue for urgent negotiations, with no pre-conditions, between all parties in the Ukraine war.

Webcast: Reject the Zelensky Hollywood Production, Organize Support for Peace Conference Proposed by Pope Francis

Helga Zepp-LaRouche used a pre-Christmas webcast to call for an expanded mobilization behind the offer of Pope Francis to use the Vatican as a site for negotiations, without preconditions, to end NATO’s war against Russia.  Every thinking person, she said, is concerned with the danger of an escalation to World War III.  She urged viewers to circulate the Schiller Institute’s letter of support for the Pope’s offer, in the spirit of Christmas, and use the season as a moment for serious reflection on the mission of Jesus to achieve peace, through acting with good will towards all men.

The Zelensky extravaganza in Washington yesterday demonstrated the opposite, exposing the British intent for expanding the war, even as NATO is approaching the crossing of a trip-wire which is unacceptable to Russia.  She said that she believes the war hawks, typified by the Green officials in the German government, are preparing an escalation against China in 2023.  If they are successful in “diversifying” EU economies away from China, Europe will be “marginalized”.  Instead, the potential still exists for Europe to participate in the BRI. 

Webcast: World War III Danger Over Fatal Missile Strike in Poland Confirms Need for New Strategic Architecture

In her webcast today, the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche explained how this week’s deadly missile attack in Poland confirms why she and the Schiller Institute have insisted on the need for a new strategic and financial architecture. Even after it became evident that the attack, which killed two Polish citizens, was not initiated by Russia but by Ukraine, the NATO pro-war faction continued to blame Russia, and insist on full support for Zelensky’s puppet government.

The attack occurred during the G20 summit, in which nations of the Global South asserted that they are no longer willing to accept a colonial world order, dominated by the U.S. and Europe. There were important discussions between China’s Xi Jinping and leaders, including Biden and Macron. Zepp-LaRouche emphasized that momentum is with Asia, where there is growth of the real economy, while the west is collapsing due to self-imposed deindustrialization.

While the arrogance of western leaders, committed to war defending the Unipolar Order, remains a danger to all mankind, the emergence of a new NonAligned Movement offers the opportunity for a new movement of world citizens to recognize that the future depends on cooperation. She urged viewers to register for the SI conference on Nov. 22.

Conference: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now

Panel 1: Stopping the Doomsday Clock —
The Common Good of the One Humanity

Tuesday, November 22 — 9:30 am eastern

Moderators: Dennis Small, Stephan Ossenkopp, The Schiller Institute  

An International Chorus for Peace: Dona Nobis Pacem 
Video Address from Lyndon LaRouche  

· Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany); founder, Schiller Institute: “Principles of a New Security and Development Architecture” 
· Benjamín Robles Montoya (Mexico); Congressman: “A Call to Current and Former Legislators of the World: We Must Act Now to Stop the Danger of Nuclear War” 
· Col. Richard Black (ret.) (U.S.); former state senator for Virginia: “The Danger of Nuclear War After the U.S. Midterm Elections”
· Steven Starr (U.S.); retired director of the University of Missouri’s Clinical Laboratory Science Program, expert on nuclear war: “What Would Happen if a Nuclear War Started in the Black Sea?” 
· Karl Krökel (Germany); Founder of Craftsmen for Peace: “The Role of Artisans for Understanding Among Peoples”  
· Sister Ortrud Fürst (Germany), Dominican Missionary: “Thoughts on Current World Affairs” 
· Dr. Andreas Uhlig (Germany); Organizer of Citizens Initiative Peace Negotiations NOW,  Dresden:  “Peace Negotiations NOW” 
· Liane Kilinc (Germany); peace activist
· Scott Ritter (U.S.); former U.N. weapons inspector
· Patrice Kindt (France); Mayor of Chidrac, Puy de Dôme département;
· Patrick Gombault (France), Mayor of Viâpres-le-Petit: ““Support of French Mayors for the Stralsund Call for Peace”
· Antonio Ingroia (Italy); former anti-mafia Magistrate in Sicily; former candidate for Prime Minister: “Italy and Europe Are on the Front Line in the Danger of a Nuclear War”
· Julio de Vido (Argentina); former Minister of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services (2003-2015), former congressman (2015-2017): “The Necessary Conditions for the Development of the Third World”
· Paulo Cannabrava Filho (Brazil); journalist, Editor of Diálogos do Sul: “The Danger of Nuclear War: The Alternative Is Being Built by the BRICS” 
· Alberto Quintanilla (Peru); former congressman: “The End of Globalization and the Emergence of the BRICS” 
· Pedro Páez (Ecuador); former Minister for Economic Policy (2007-2008): Greeting
· Pino Arlacchi (Italy); former head of the UN Office for Drug Control (1997-2002), professor at Sassari University.

Question & Answer Session

Panel 2: Peace Through Development

Tuesday, November 22 — 2:00 pm eastern

Moderator: Dennis Speed, The Schiller Institute 

· Diane Sare (U.S.); 2024 candidate for U.S. Senate from New York State: “America’s Voice in the Emerging New Global Architecture of Peace Through Development” 
· María de los Ángeles Huerta (Mexico); former congresswoman: “The Role of the Media in Creating a World Movement for Peace and Development”
· Donald Ramotar (Guyana); former President and former member of parliament
· Jorge Robledo (Colombia); former senator: “The Only Positive Thing About this War Is for It to End” 
· Juan Pari (Peru); former congressman: “The Energy Crisis and the Ukraine-Russia War” 
· Mike Eby (U.S.); dairy farmer, Chairman, National Dairy Producers Organization (NDPO), Exec. Dir., Org. for Competitive Markets, V.P., Penn. Farmers Union: “Monopsony – the Other Silent Killer” 
· Dr. Rodolfo Ondarza (Mexico); former Representative, Mexico City Legislative Assembly: “Bacteriological Warfare and the Need for a Global Health System”
· George Koo (U.S.); retired international business advisor: “The Prospects for U.S. China Economic Cooperation” 
· Nick Brana (U.S.); National Chairman, People’s Party: “Citizens Action to Demand Congress Stop Funding the War” 
· Tony Magliano (U.S.); Internationally Syndicated Catholic Social Justice and Peace Columnist: “Compelling Catholic Church Reflections on Peace and Nuclear Disarmament” 
· Dr. Kirk Meighoo (Trinidad and Tobago); former senator: “Reviving the Bandung Spirit of the Non-Aligned” 

Question & Answer Session 

One Step Away from the Nuclear Annihilation of Mankind — A Christmas Truce for All!

The following statement was released on December 19, 2022, by the Schiller Institute to be circulated internationally in support of an international campaign for a Christmas truce and for accepting the Pope’s offer of the Vatican as venue for the immediate beginning of peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, without any preconditions. It is available as a two-sided with the musical score of the Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace), a traditional canon, which can be sung at peace vigils everywhere. We encourage you to distribute the statement and send us back responses to

Political and social leaders from around the world, of different philosophical outlooks and religious faiths, are coming together in support of the offer of Pope Francis to use the venue of the Vatican for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine for a diplomatic settlement of the war in Ukraine. The confrontation between the U.S., NATO, and Russia has escalated to the point where one more step, even an unintended mistake, one misreading by one side or the other, could trigger the launching of the entire nuclear arsenals of both sides, leading to a global nuclear war, followed by a nuclear winter of about ten years, which would mean that in all likelihood not one human being would survive.

According to the U.S.-based Arms Control Association, citing senior U.S. Officials: “Biden has decided not to follow through on his 2020 pledge to declare that the sole purpose of nuclear weapons is to deter a nuclear attack against the United States or its allies. Instead, he approved a version of the policy from the Obama administration that leaves open the option to use nuclear weapons, not only in retaliation to a nuclear attack, but also to respond to non-nuclear threats.” The U.S. at no point in the past ever adopted a no-first-strike policy, and in the Bush as well as in the Trump administrations the option of a first strike existed in the security doctrine.

In response to the growing crisis and threats, Russian President Putin declared on December 9, in a press conference in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan that Russia will reconsider its current nuclear doctrine of using nuclear weapons only if attacked first with nuclear weapons by another party, or if the existence of the Russian state itself is threatened. Putin said Russia was now considering responding to the U.S. doctrine of preemptive first strike by having to adopt the same first strike policy. That means we are one step away from a thermonuclear catastrophe.

We call on all people of good will to support the offer of Pope Francis, which has been reiterated by Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, to use the venue of the Vatican for the immediate beginning of peace negotiations, without any preconditions.

A group of political and social leaders has just issued a public letter to Pope Francis in which they state that “we welcome Your Holiness’s offer of the Vatican as a possible neutral ground for peace talks – without any preconditions – between Russia and Ukraine… We note that others in Europe and the United States have also offered venues for the Russian and Ukrainian leadership to negotiate peace. We believe it is urgent to unify all such efforts into a globe-spanning movement to bring resolution to this conflict, taking into consideration the valid security interests of all parties.” They further called “on other political and social leaders around the world, regardless of differences in ideology or religious faith,” to join that effort.

We call on all men and women of good faith to join this call for a diplomatic solution. Also join our campaign to conduct choruses in the whole world to sing the canon for peace, “Dona Nobis Pacem.” May the voices for peace move the hearts and minds of those responsible.

Related Material

· Open Letter to Pope Francis From Political and Social Leaders: Support Call for Immediate Peace Negotiations

· One Step Away From the Nuclear Annihilation of Mankind! — by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

· Declaration of Current and Former Legislatures of the World: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War

Declaration of Current and Former Legislatures of the World: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War

It is known that this war can have far more serious consequences than what we are already suffering, including massive destruction and a crisis of global proportions never before seen, because it can lead to a confrontation with nuclear weapons between Russia and the United States and NATO.

Among the growing voices calling for a sensible approach, we highlight that of Pope Francis, calling for a negotiated, peaceful solution.

The undersigned political and social leaders, current and former legislators, and other elected officials from various countries, urge Russia, Ukraine, the United States and NATO to reach an agreement which, first of all, rejects the growing loose talk about the possible use of nuclear weapons and reaffirms the fundamental commitment of the Reagan-Gorbachev Formula of 1985, that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” To be lasting, such an agreement must also establish a new international security architecture that recognizes and respects the legitimate security interests of all the planet’s nations.

We recognize and emphasize that Russia, like the United States, NATO, Ukraine and all countries, has legitimate security concerns which must be taken into account and become one of the cornerstones of the new security architecture. A return to the successful principles of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia – respect for sovereignty, commitment to the good of the other, and forgiveness of debts that make true economic development impossible – is the kind of architecture we seek today.

The common good of the One Humanity is the obligatory premise for the good of each and every nation. In that way, among all the nations of the world we will be able to help build an organization of citizens in collective global action, and establish ourselves that way as a force to influence the international policy debate.

We call on people of good will around the world – notwithstanding our diverse and natural differences – to participate in this process of deliberation and search for peaceful solutions, including a thorough examination of the alternative economic policies to replace speculation, which has generated so much poverty and suffering, with a system of production and progress to meet the needs of a growing world population.

We reject all attempts to limit, intimidate, or prohibit such a deliberative process. And we call on the United States, NATO, Ukraine and Russia to advance in the direction that we present in this respectful call.


Donald Ramotar (Guyana); former President (2011-2015), former member of parliament (1992-2011, PPP)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany); founder, Schiller Institute

Jorge Robledo (Colombia); former Senator (2002-2022, Partido Dignidad)

María de los Ángeles Huerta (Mexico); former Congresswoman (2018-2021, Morena)

Dr. Kirk Meighoo (Trinidad & Tobago); former independent Senator (2004, United National Congress)

Dr. Rodolfo Ondarza (Mexico); former Representative, Mexico City Legislative Assembly (2015-2018, PT)

Diane Sare (U.S.); candidate for the U.S. Senate from New York (2022, independent/LaRouche)



Gen. Edwin de la Fuente Jeria; former Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Bolivia (2012-2013)


Paula Cannabrava Filho; journalist, Editor of Diálogos do Sul


Jennifer Pedraza Sandoval; Congresswoman

Luís Eduardo Peláez; state representative, Antioquia

Leónidas Gómez Gómez; state representative, Santander

Jorge Gómez Gallego; former Congressman

Diógenes Orjuela García; former Secretary General, CUT trade union confederation

Manuel Sarmiento Arguello; city councilman, Bogotá

Czech Republic

Vincenzo Romanello (Czech Republic/Italy); Ph.D., Senior Nuclear Researcher and Project Manager, National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO)

Dominican Republic

Ramón Emilio Concepción; former presidential precandidate (2020)


Sergio Tancredi; former member of the Sicilian Parliament (2017-2022)

Antonio Ingroia; former anti-mafia judge in Sicily; candidate for Prime Minister (2013)

Alessia Ruggeri; trade unionist, Comitato per la Repubblica


Benjamín Robles Montoya; Congressman (2018- ); former Senator (2012-2018)

Elpidio Tovar de la Cruz; former Congressman (2003-2006)

Claudia Yáñez Centeno; former Congresswoman (2014-2017)

Alberto Vizcarra Osuna; former Sonora state representative (1988-1991)

Dr. Sergio Pablo Mariscal Alvarado; former Mayor, Ciudad Obregón (2018-2021); engineering professor, Sonora Technological Institute

Emeterio Ochoa Bazúa; former Sonora state representative (2015-2021)

Antonio Valdez Villanueva; former Sonora state representative (2009-2012); Under- secretary General of the Mexican Labor Confederation (CTM) in Sonora.


Dr. A. J. (Guus) Berkhout; Professor-Emeritus Geophysics, Technical Univ. of Delft; President of CLINTEL


Juan Pari; former congressman (2011- 2016)

Alberto Quintanilla Chacón; former congresmman (2016-2019)

Roberto Vela Pinedo; President, Association of Economists of Peru

United States

Richard Black; former Virginia state Senator (2012-2020), former member Virginia House of Delegates (1998-2006)

Graham Fuller; former U.S. diplomat, CIA official, and Islamic scholar

Dr. George Koo; International business advisor, retired

Dr. Mohammad A. Toor; Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Pakistani American Congress

Bradley Blankenship; Journalist

Bob Van Hee; Commissioner, Redwood County, Minnesota


Román Rojas Cabot; former Venezuelan ambassador to the European Community, Brussels

Emil Guevara Muñoz; former member of the Latin American Parliament (2006-2011)


Dr. Fouad al Ghaffari; Advisor to the Prime Minister for BRICS Countries Affairs; President of Yemeni ALBRICS Youth Parliament

Interview: Danish Russia/Ukraine Expert Jens Jørgen Nielsen Politically Fired from Folkeuniversitet

Jens Jørgen Nielsen has just been fired as a teacher at the adult night school Folkeuniversitet (People’s University) in Copenhagen, explicitly for political reasons. Jens Jørgen Nielsen spoke at the Danish/Swedish Schiller Institute conference about a new security and development architecture on May 25, and was afterwards placed on the Ukraine National Security and Defense Council’s Center for Countering Disinformation hit list.

Recently, three other teachers of the university quit, because they refused to teach if Nielsen continued, which the media covered. In its coverage, the Christian Daily reported that Jens Jørgen Nielsen had been placed on the Ukrainian government blacklist, charging its victims with being pro-Russian infoterrorists.

Then, three days ago, the school’s new board of directors decided to not renew Nielsen’s contract next year, because some people have criticized him for “politicizing the teaching in favor of the Russian understanding of the war in Ukraine.” He is currently teaching a course about the history of Crimea, which he will be allowed to finish, but next year’s courses about “Russian Conservatism” and “History of Ukraine” have been canceled.

Neither the board of directors, nor any of his academic critics has ever attended any of his classes, and the board did not even speak to him, nor to any of his students, about the matter before firing him. The board just listened to some of his critics, and read one of his debate books Ukraine in the Field of Tension. The board criticized him, for example, for writing in his book that Crimea was not “annexed” by Russia, which would have required a military attack, but that Crimean citizens voted en masse to rejoin Russia.

In a radio interview after the firing, Jens Jørgen Nielsen stressed that he keeps his personal political opinions, which he expresses publicly in the Danish and international media, out of the classroom, and only presents different viewpoints about the historical subjects in his teaching, for the students to consider. Student evaluations during the eight years he has been teaching have been mostly positive, and no one criticized him for politicization.

Jens Jørgen Nielsen has said that he has not politicized in favor of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine in his class. Even in the media he has not legitimized Russia’s actions, saying that it was a mistake, but he has said that it is important to find out how we got here, and, secondly, how we can reach a peaceful solution. Should that not be allowed? he asks. He says that he wrote the book about Ukraine because of one-sided media coverage.

One of the teachers who quit attacked him on the radio program for being interviewed on Russian state TV, but the teacher knew nothing about the content of the interview.

Jens Jørgen Nielsen concludes that the Folkeuniversitet has chosen the easy, but also unprincipled solution to the pressure on them caused by the furor which arose when the other teachers quit. It is unknown what role Jens Jørgen Nielsen’s appearance on the Ukraine hit list played, as it was widely reported on in the press.

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