Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche Dec 11, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.
The message from the historic weekend Schiller Institute conference, “In the Spirit of Schiller and Beethoven: All Men Become Brethren!” was loud and clear. The world is at a “punctum saliens”’ where hard work over the Institute’s forty years has created a real breakout possibility for the world to break the cycle of underdevelopment, poverty and constant warfare.
Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche opened her keynote stating, “We are coming here together at this international Internet conference, in order to send out an urgent call to the world, not only, that we may be weeks, days, or hours away from the potentially greatest catastrophe in human history—namely its potential annihilation in a thermonuclear war—but also to emphatically make the point, that there is a solution, a way out of this danger, if people of good will unite all over the world to enforce its implementation. It is my great honor to greet all the distinguished panelists representing the Global South as well as Western nations, at this 40th anniversary of the founding of the Schiller Institute.”
The “distinguished panelists” of Panel 1 and 2, men and women of good will, came from institutions at the highest levels in and around governments, from West and East, North and South—former presidents and prime ministers, ambassadors, military figures, economists, farmer leaders, and professors. All underscored the fact that humanity is in this potentially fatal mess because of the refusal of the Western elites to let go of the idea of geopolitical hegemony; all urged, in different ways, that the West must be caused to see the inexorable shift in the world order toward equality of sovereign nations and the right of all to develop not as a threat, but as a great good, and the only way forward for all countries.
Sunday’s third panel, “The Science Drivers of Physical Economy”, laid out the very real development projects and method of thinking for the way forward. And the fourth panel, “The Beauty of the Cultures of the World: A Dialogue Among Civilizations”, posed the thoroughgoing classical statecraft of Lyndon LaRouche, the motor behind the developments that make for a pathway out of war and genocide.
As Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche posed, and the other dialogue participants developed, the idea poses a paradox, which challenges the listener to work the problem through to the end, coming to a solution on a higher level only dreamed of before. “Classical” works in a world where there is a coherence and a causal connection between the world’s “objective” requirements and the “subjective” world of the mind. So, an opening theme, rich though not yet fully grasped, engages the listener, allowing the beauty of the idea to drive the listener through the lawful development of the untapped riches implicit in the opening; so as to change the listener into a version of a capable statesman.
Friedrich Schiller refused to let go of a critical scientific paradox, whereby the American Revolution had proven that the imperial, hegemonic mode of the British Empire could be superseded, yet the French Revolution demonstrated a cultural backwardness that substituted for the required passion for justice, an animalistic and impotent rage. Schiller knew that humanity was born for something better and fought for a Classical method—in poetry, in music, in historiography and statecraft—so that a great moment in history, a punctum saliens, might not find a small-minded population.
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche Dec 11, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.