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Imperial Brits Fear Withdrawal from Afghanistan Means the End of the “Rules-Based Order”

Imperial Brits Fear Withdrawal from Afghanistan Means the End of the “Rules-Based Order”

Listen to the whining coming from mouthpieces for the City of London imperial financial swindlers, such as war criminal Tony Blair, or former Ambassador Kim Darroch, who said it will take “quite a long time…to recover from all this, to recover our reputation.”  The truth is that Boris Johnson’s “Global Britain” is a cover for continued British imperial looting, which depends on U.S. military backing to succeed.  With the G7 leaders unable to convince Biden to remain in Afghanistan, they are preparing other traps — such as Ukraine — to keep the U.S. engaged in “forever wars.”  Instead, the U.S. must break with geopolitics and neoliberal trade and economic policies, and join with other nations to build up the capabilities of physical goods production, based on scientific and technological progress, to address mankind’s needs for the next fifty years. 

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