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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Webcast: Orban Tries Diplomacy While NATO Plans More War

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 10, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán used the following words to identify the principle behind the actions he has embarked upon, immediately after assuming the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, a position he will hold for the next six months. “What we can do is what it is always the job of the Presidency to do: to put proposals on the table. So we won’t be deciding, but we’ll help the twenty-seven prime ministers to decide. We’ll be there in all the places that are important for Europe, we’ll explore all the situations… This leadership isn’t bureaucratic—of course there are these dossiers and deliberations, but there also needs to be a political form of energy: an initiative which isn’t a decision, but which puts a clear description of the situation on the table, the possible solutions. This is how we’ll proceed. If in the coming days you or your viewers hear surprising news from surprising places, this is the way of working that’s behind it.”

In his first week on the job, “President” Orbán has visited Ukraine, Russia, and China. President Orbán also said something more: “In this culture of international diplomacy, what we represent and how we represent it is public, open and direct. I think that this is a virtue.”

On July 8 he met with President Xi Jinping in Beijing. This was his third “surprise visit”—Kyiv, Moscow, Beijing— on his mission to create the basis for peace in Ukraine. Upon arriving in Beijing, Orbán wrote on X that “China is a key power in creating the conditions for peace in the Russia-Ukraine war. This is why I came to meet with President Xi in Beijing, just two months after his official visit to Budapest.”

Xi said that an early ceasefire and a political solution were in the interests of all parties. The current focus is to abide by the three principles of “no spillover of the battlefield, no escalation of the war, and no fanning of the flames.” The international community should create conditions and provide support for the two sides to resume direct dialogue and negotiations. “Only when all major powers exert positive energy, rather than negative energy, can there be a glimmer of hope for a ceasefire in this conflict as soon as possible,” he said.

From that standpoint, look with fresh eyes on the work of China, bordered by 14 nations, and its President, Xi Jinping, in the field of diplomacy, including China’s largely-ignored plan for peace in Europe. Look with fresh eyes at the “adversary,” Russia, also bordered by 14 nations, and its President, including his June 14 proposal for negotiations. From that standpoint, look at what Orbán has moved to enact. Consider what would happen if intelligent life-forms in the trans-Atlantic sector, not necessarily in full agreement with the policies of Russia or China, but with a congruent idea of the necessity for peace through development, would think about, publicly support, and advance what Orbán has done.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 10, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: The Old System is Dying, The New Paradigm Is Emerging

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 3, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Last week’s U.S. presidential debate showed beyond the shadow of a doubt that the post-World War II order is in a state of final collapse. The show might go on for a while longer, like the chicken whose head has been severed yet continues to run around, but there is little life left in the corpse to do much more than keep up appearances. Not only is there clearly no one home in the person of the President of the United States, but the entire political and otherwise ruling establishment has covered this up for months and even years, all the while preaching about such platitudes as “democracy,” “accountability,” and “honesty” to the rest of the world.

Only days later, the Western establishment suffered another major defeat in France, as Macron’s party was walloped in Sunday’s first round legislative elections. No amount of “fighting disinformation” was enough to prevent the French public from coming out in record numbers to vote against the ruling establishment. Taken together with the failing proxy war in Ukraine and the evident disaster Western nations have condoned in Gaza, it’s not hard to see how the “empire of lies” is quickly unraveling.

However, this alone is not enough. As Jacques Cheminade, president of Solidarité & Progrès party in France, put it in a statement on July 1: “The first round of the French legislative elections was a groundswell of opposition against the old regime’s policy of subservience to financial globalism. However, the political forces claiming to represent this popular will to break with the past are themselves trapped in the straitjacket that has been imposed on us since 1946.” Similar to Donald Trump, who has on one hand criticized and on the other hand fully embraced the policies of the military-financial complex, most if not all of the opposition candidates emerging across the trans-Atlantic have not yet raised their sights to take on the financial oligarchy of the City of London, Wall Street, and BlackRock. Can enough voices of clarity intervene to transform this debate?

A new system is in fact emerging which is pointing the way forward for the world to get out of its current crisis, and it’s important to keep in mind that those pundits who attack it as “communist” or “authoritarian” trickery, are the same people who were telling you just last week that Joe Biden has a sharp mind but suffers from a stutter. So the veil is falling, and it’s past time that the citizens of the trans-Atlantic choose a beautiful and free future alongside their global neighbors over the creepy and macabre machinations of today’s military-financial Frankenstein dragging into a world war.

In discussion with associates today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche pointed out that the obvious mental incapacity of Biden in last week’s debate implicitly raises the question of this military-financial “deep state,” because if Biden is in this condition, who is really running the United States? It therefore presents an opportunity to organize people around what is truly happening in the U.S. and the world, and why they have allowed themselves to give up on the idea of a republic and their role as a citizen.

The West must cooperate with this new emerging order if it is to get out of this crisis without a global war, and this is why the offer by Russian President Putin is extremely important. It represents an off-ramp that must urgently be taken.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 3, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: U.S. Directed Attack on Crimea: One Step Closer to War Between NATO and Russia

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 26, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

At long last, Julian Assange will be freed. Those who held him in prison for the last five years, however, are still free to unleash wars and chaos, outside of any accountability. The deadly ATACMs strikes on a beach in Crimea, done with full U.S. complicity, shows why the fight that was waged by Assange, and on his behalf — to expose war crimes — must escalate.  The peace plan offered by Putin is a place to begin negotiations, which must occur before it is too late.

Yesterday was a day of mourning in Sevastopol, Crimea and in the Republic of Dagestan in Russia, after the weekend terrorist attacks on places of worship on Trinity Sunday.

The danger shown in the escalation involved in these two attacks was described by Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche today, as signifying we are, “One or two steps from the point of no return.”

Zepp-LaRouche made the appeal again today: We have to get across to people to intervene, to demand negotiations be put back on the table. “Humanity depends on negotiations.” There can be all points of view, but talks must begin. Saying that a breakthrough to negotiations can “happen in many ways,” Zepp-LaRouche nevertheless singled out the United States, for the location where a shift can make all the difference.

The Schiller Institute and international collaborators are moving on initiatives of information and actions that can break through both the black-out of what is really going on, and the diplomacy paralysis, creating conditions for pulling back from the brink of disaster.

The role of the is indispensable. Look at the elements of what everyone “needs to know” and act upon at present:

  • On May 26, the Red Alert was issued by the Schiller Institute warning that, “Ukrainian Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Threatens To Unleash Nuclear World War,” reporting on the Ukrainian drone strikes May 22-23 against the Armavir Radar Station. On May 26, another strike was aimed at the Orsk early warning installation, in Orenburg.
  • On June 12, the National Press Club event in Washington D.C. warned of the danger of nuclear war, with reports given by Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and three military experts: Scott Ritter, former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence office; Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black, former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and a former Virginia State Senator; and Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell, plus Anastasia Battle, coordinator, International Peace Foundation/
  • On June 14, President Vladimir Putin presented to the special Foreign Ministry gathering, an overview of how the Ukraine crisis came about, from the vantage point of how negotiations and diplomacy can be conducted to end the crisis and provide for the Eurasian security and development in the interests of all.
  • On June 15 the German OKV (East German Board of Trustees of Associations–Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbaenden) issued an international invitation to endorse President Putin’s initiative; and on June 21 the International Peace Coalition did so.

In addition, in the course of this, the Schiller Institute held an international, online two-day conference, “The World on the Brink; for a New Peace of Westphalia,” addressing the crisis, with solutions,

These developments are the basis for creating more forward momentum, to get a breakthrough toward negotiations and diplomacy. Zepp-LaRouche today underscored, “We can agree on principle. Then work out the details.” We are mustering the forces for sanity and intervention.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 26, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: To Address an Existential Crisis, Think Like LaRouche

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 19, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

The major outcome of the “Summit for Peace in Ukraine,” staged in the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock over the weekend, is how it demonstrates conclusively that the West is no long able to coerce, or even fake, a “coalition” willing to do its bidding. This is a “strategic reality,” as noted by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today. The implication from this is, of course, that individuals and nations must step forward—as is happening in the Global Majority, to lead the way out of today’s horrifying phase of war, genocide, and danger of nuclear annihilation, into a new epoch of development.

Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the Swiss “peace” event, which was condemned to fail from the start, by excluding Russia, a principal party. There were 160 nations invited—a large part of the 200 countries in the United Nations, but only 98 accepted. Of those, 20 nations refused to sign the summit communiqué, and of the 78 nations which did, 42 of them were from Europe, with only 11 from Africa. China did not attend. Other leading nations of the BRICS, including India, South Africa and the U.A.E., refused to sign, along with other major nations such as Mexico.

In sum, Zepp-LaRouche noted, there is “a clear recognition that the Global Majority is no longer anywhere near the Global West” in terms of alignment and subservience. “The West is no longer able to dictate the terms” of military, economic, (counter) culture, and other fundamental relations among and within nations.

The immediate danger is the mad push forward by the Global NATO warhawks for nuclear confrontation. Outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with Telegraph, in London, done in Brussels at last week’s NATO defense ministers’ meeting, that NATO members are discussing taking more of their nuclear warheads out of storage, and putting more of them into active standby mode. He called this process increasing Western “deterrence,” saying it was necessary because Russia and China are two “nuclear-powered adversaries.”

These comments just add to the context in which the significance of the role played by the Schiller Institute and collaborators is clear, to sound the alarm. The message of the June 12 Schiller Institute emergency press briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. continues to reverberate, and needs to sound the alarm even faster and louder. “The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped.” The message from the three senior military-intelligence specialists, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and Anastasia Battle, leader of the International Peace Coalition, is critical.

Europe-based senior analyst Gilbert Doctorow stressed this in an article this week, covering the Schiller Institute event, in which he stated, after citing some observations and differences, “It would be excellent if the broad American public would listen to and act upon what Scott Ritter and Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson had to say. Here is a case where genuine American patriotism is fully aligned with saving the world for all of its peoples. Though I call out these two speakers, it is well worthwhile to watch at least the first hour of this event. So far, the video has attracted 43,000 viewers, It needs another 4 million to gain traction. May that happen!”

In Brazil, the message of the June 12 emergency event is likewise now circulating in the media. One reporter, carried by the national, important publication, CartaCapital, synthesized the content of the 2.5 hour National Press Club event, including that, “German activist” Helga Zepp-LaRouche “urges that a new and immediate security and development architecture, that takes into account the interests of every country,” be created.

This “story” will not grow stale. The challenge is to get it out rapidly, and engage everyone in the process of dialogue and policy formulation, as presented at the June 15-16 international Schiller Institute conference, “The World on the Brink: For a New Peace of Westphalia!”

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 19, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: At this Moment of Danger, the People Must Be the Peacemakers.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 5, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

At what point is one comforted by the argument, “Oh, they would never launch nuclear missiles at us”? Perhaps one should ask, “What is on the mind of those who make such assurances?”

If you have to ask, the answer is worse than those who provide assurances that your home values will always go up, your social security will always be there, and $35 trillion in national debt won’t destroy you or your child’s life.

Today, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov made a new contribution to the latest national sport of Russia, trying to figure out how to wake up their nuclear counterpart, the United States. Recent and sober contributions have included making a demonstration nuclear explosion, one not involving injuring anyone, just to jolt Westerners as to the physical reality of the event. Another objects that nothing less than a single, live action, tactical nuclear bomb with massive casualties, would do the trick. Russian President Vladimir Putin had responded to Britain’s latest escalation, to have Ukraine use Western weapons to hit deep into Russia, with a more limited response, that Russia will target the military facilities of the particular Western country, those inside of Ukraine and those elsewhere.

Ryabkov’s new wrinkle addressed the fantasy life in Washington, keeping those driving the country over the cliff from seeing the road. He stated: “I’d like to warn American actors against miscalculations that can lead to fatal consequences. For some unclear reason they underestimate how serious a response they could face.” American policymakers need to “spend some of their time, which they probably waste on computer games, judging by their air-headed approach to serious issues” on considering what Putin actually said.

German Gen. Harald Kujat (ret.), former Chief of Staff of the Bundeswehr (2000-2002) and former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (2002-2005), is not one given to hyperbole. Today, interviewed by Switzerland’s YouTube radio broadcast “Weltwoche,” Kujat stated: “I fear that the war in Ukraine will become the primal catastrophe of the 21st century.” He added that everyone is simply watching and/or joining in on the incitement and warmongering. He remarked grimly: “We will simply get what we deserve.”

One U.S. Senator yesterday, David Vance, tweeted: “I think the risk of nuclear war is higher now than at any point in my lifetime. Biden is sleepwalking into World War 3.” A Politico article that got Vance’s attention explained that no matter how “limited” and “defensive” Biden’s permission to Ukraine to strike inside Russia is portrayed, it “highlighted, once again, how Biden often changes his mind on once-taboo Ukraine policy ideas after battlefield conditions shift or, most persuasively, allies move first. That was especially true when the U.S. followed Britain and France in sending long-range missiles for Ukraine to use deep behind Russian front lines.”

Today, one American, the former Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter, was off to attend Russia’s annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), to do his best in his campaign to wake up Americans as to the danger we find ourselves. The U.S. State Department, with no explanation, with no charges alleged, actually physically stopped him from boarding his plane and had his passport seized. Is there any desperation in their actions?

Have Ryabkov’s computer games—or virtual reality exercises, good, old-fashioned hard liquor, or the more popular marijuana-induced fantasy life—allowed you or your leaders to slip into the death of civilization comfortably?

Those who whisper, “We can push our enemies past every ‘red line’ they draw,” are simply saying that they have a serious, serious addiction and a desperate situation. Whatever they are selling is guaranteed poison.

Perhaps the 70,000 New York citizens who put Diane Sare on the ballot as an independent candidate for U.S. Senate, or the similar mobilization of 10,000 in the Bronx CD 15 putting Jose Vega on the ballot for U.S. Congress, as actual human beings who can think, and can lead, and are not addicted to fantasies, can inject some life in the old republic yet. One big healthy step into reality involves wrapping your mind around a solution to the misery in Gaza, to the debasement of the Israeli population: The LaRouche Oasis Plan.

The late economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche concluded his 1977 document, titled “What Really Are the Labor Committees?—The Lessons of Erasmus and Franklin,” with the following paragraph: “Let it be understood, therefore, that if you are a humanist, the Labor Committees are in that sense your organization—whether or not you are a member. If you are for technological progress in the expansion of industry and agriculture, and define the vital interests of nations in those terms, and if you regard man’s power to create and assimilate scientific knowledge for the perfection of our species as the inviolable distinction between man and the lower beasts, then the Labor Committees are an indispensable aid to the cause you espouse, whatever political affiliation you have.”

Nearly 50 years after that was written, independent candidates that have rejected bankrupt, moribund political parties, such as New York’s U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare and Bronx Congressional candidate Jose Vega, are part of a growing international movement away from the predatory military-financial complex. Those in the trans-Atlantic sector calling for a return to advanced technological progress and an increase in the productive powers of labor, in alliance with the emerging nations of the Global South, are on the cutting edge of world politics today. War, even total war, will not stop this progress, if an international coalition for peace, linked together by a 24-hour “symposium” process, can operate as an intellectual clearing-house for policy deliberation.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 5, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

The World on the Brink:
For a New Peace of Westphalia!

Online Conference, June 15-16, 2024 · Panel 1, 8am ET; Panel 2, 12pm ET

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Copenhagen Diplomatic Seminar: Stop the Killing and Start Rebuilding Gaza and the Region with The Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development

Read the Invitation

The Schiller Institute’s Copenhagen seminar is designed to further the crucial dialogue held during our international online conference on April 13, 2024 entitled, “The Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development Between Israel and Palestine, and for All of Southwest Asia.” (See the full videos, and an hour-long summary video.)

Among the speakers from five continents were two of our guest speakers. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and international leader of the Schiller Institute, presented the dangers facing the Middle East and the world, and the hope for the future. 

H.E. Prof. Dr. Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian Authority Ambassador to Denmark, presented the ongoing tragedy of the Palestinian people, and the need for a political solution based on Palestinian sovereignty and equal rights, supported by economic development. There can be no military solution, he stated. 

Helga Zepp-LaRouche began her speech by highlighting the urgent need to inject a perspective of hope to show the way out of the catastrophic situation in Southwest Asia, warning of the potential for a full-fledged regional, and even global war.  She stressed the need for a totally new approach that considers the combined economic and security interests of the Palestinians, the Israelis, and all the countries of the region.

While immediately after the October 7th Hamas attack, the sympathy of much of the world was with Israel, that changed day after day, week after week, month after month, as the world watched, not a measured counter-reaction, but relentless ethnic cleansing, with 40% of the 33,400 deaths being children, and an entire population threatened with starvation. (See and read more at the links below.)

Now, the killing must stop, and the rebuilding must begin. 

Massive humanitarian aid must flow in. 

An international conference must be convened to find a political solution, including full international recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state. 

But where can the light come from amidst the current darkness? The Schiller Institute is convinced that a future vision of economic development for the whole region, now including a reconstructed Gaza as the first step, is needed to light the path to peace. 

This vision is the Oasis Plan, first proposed by the American economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019) in 1975 after a trip to the region. The Oasis Plan addresses the greatest barrier to development in the region — the shortage of fresh water — through the construction of a network of desalination plants, ideally nuclear powered, along the Mediterranean coast and along two new canals: a Red Sea-Dead Sea canal, and a Dead Sea-Mediterranean canal. An overview can be seen in the LaRouche Organization’s 14-minute video, The Oasis Plan: LaRouche’s Solution for the Middle East. 

“[W]ithout economic development,” the video states, “without a viable and meaningful path of progress into the future, political agreements in themselves are unsustainable….This is what Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin came to realize — there is no purely military basis for peace or security; development is essential…. By cooperating to fight the desert, rather than each other, the people of the region will better be able to recognize the humanity in each other …There are no human animals.”

But how can the Israelis and Palestinians ever make peace after what has happened? While the history of Southwest Asia has been devastated by the British Empire policy of divide and conquer, Helga Zepp-LaRouche urges us to rise above the level of the conflict – of despair, hatred and vengeance, to find a common interest in increasing the welfare of all the people through economic development of the region as a whole.

This has to be accompanied by ending geopolitics and designing a new international security and development architecture.

Death, destruction and starvation have been used as weapons of war; economic development must be used as a weapon of peace: to turn swords into plowshares. We must all act now to stop the killing and start the rebuilding.

The Schiller Institute Copenhagen seminar will be an important contribution to the dialogue about how to bring peace and prosperity to this long-suffering part of the world, and initiate a new paradigm of international relations.

We sincerely hope that the Ambassador, and/or other diplomatic representatives will be able to attend.

Additional links:

The Oasis Plan: Peace Only Through Development 

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute founder and international leader, and American economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche’s (1922-2019) decades-long collaborator. (Spoke online). 

Stop the Killing, Start the Rebuilding: Palestinian Ambassador to Denmark H.E. Prof. Dr. Hassassian

H.E. Prof. Dr. Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian Authority Ambassador to Denmark. 

Formerly ambassador to the U.K. and Hungary. Master’s degree in international relations from the University of Toledo, Ohio, and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Cincinnati. Was Executive Vice President of Bethlehem University on the West Bank, and professor at the University of Maryland where he developed a course on Israel-Palestine conflict resolution. Was the PLO’s chief advisor on the status of Jerusalem.

The Impossible is Self-imposed: Peace Through Economic Development is the Only Way Forward in West Asia

Hussein Askary, Schiller Institute Southwest Asia Coordinator.

Co-author of “Extending the New Silk Road to Southwest Asia and Africa.” 

May 9—The Schiller Institute in Denmark held a seminar May 8 in Copenhagen, for the diplomatic community and other guests, on the theme, “Stop the Killing and Start Rebuilding Gaza and the Region with the Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development.” Four ambassadors and many other diplomats came in person from twelve embassies, which represented Southwest Asia and North Africa, nations elsewhere in Asia and Africa, and Western Europe.
The audience was intensely engaged over a three-hour period, in hearing the engaging presentations, and participating in the dialogue, whose focus was intended both to contribute to an immediate end to the death and destruction in Gaza, and to outline a development path.
Tom Gillesberg, Chairman of the Schiller Institute–Denmark, moderated the event, noting the current efforts by the Schiller Institute in many nations, to promote dialogue on the concept of “peace through development,” in Palestine, Israel and globally, to contribute to a new world economic and security architecture.

On April 13, the Schiller Institute internationally held a day-long online conference, now available in video-archive, titled, “The Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development Between Israel and Palestine, and for All of Southwest Asia.” Since February, a 14-minute video has been circulating on “The Oasis Plan.”

In brief, the concept is that development of infrastructure to provide reliable water, power, transportation, health care, housing, and other basics in support of modern agro-industrial activity, is the basis for mutual-interest security. In the Trans-Jordan, this involves building new water conveyances and nuclear desalination; new high-speed rail lines, interconnecting Africa, Asia, and Europe; plentiful power, and more.

In 1975, statesman-economist Lyndon LaRouche (1922–2019) presented this approach as the “Oasis Plan” for Southwest Asia, when he visited the region, and also issued that year his “International Development Bank” funding proposal.
The invitation statement from the Schiller Institute, addressed to the entire Copenhagen diplomatic community, called for discussion of a new paradigm in this spirit:

“Death, destruction and starvation have been used as weapons of war; economic development must be used as a weapon of peace: to turn swords into plowshares. We must all act now to stop the killing and start the rebuilding.
The Schiller Institute Copenhagen seminar will be an important contribution to the dialogue about how to bring peace and prosperity to this long-suffering part of the world, and initiate a new paradigm of international relations.”

Speakers, Peace through Development

The three principal presentations began with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, by video link from Germany. She is founder and leader of the Schiller Institute, and decades-long collaborator in development diplomacy with her husband, Lyndon LaRouche (1922–2019). Second was H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian Authority Ambassador to Denmark. These two continued in dialogue their exchanges begun at the earlier, April 13, international Schiller Institute conference, including on the pressing question of whether “political” differences must be solved before “economic” development can proceed.

Speaking third was Hussein Askary, Schiller Institute Southwest Asia Coordinator, who co-authored the Schiller Institute 2017 book, Extending the New Silk Road to Southwest Asia and Africa, and made the Arabic translation of the EIR book, The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche began her presentation, titled, “The Oasis Plan: Peace Only Through Development,” with the horrifying news of the start of the Israeli attack on Rafah. She gave a global strategic analysis of the danger of regional and world warfare, describing the threat of even nuclear war from the escalation in Southwest Asia, and as an outgrowth of the NATO-Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Zepp-LaRouche called on the diplomats to collaborate to promote the “Oasis Plan” as a lever to get to a new paradigm and a new international security and development architecture, the only way out of the existential crisis the world is undergoing. She described her ten principles for a new security and development architecture, which she issued for international discussion in 2022. The transcript of her remarks in full is available in this issue of EIR.

Stop the Killing, Start Rebuilding

H.E. Amb. Prof. Dr. Hassassian spoke on the theme, “Stop the Killing and Start the Rebuilding.” He gave a very polemical speech about the ongoing tragedy of the Palestinian people, the history of the conflict, and what is necessary to stop the genocide. The Ambassador called on the 12 countries represented at the seminar, and the international community, to act to stop the killing, and he stressed the need for a political solution based on Palestinian sovereignty, supported by economic development. The discussion included the question of a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.
Amb. Hassassian speaks from long experience and commitment. He is a former ambassador to the UK and to Hungary. He was Executive Vice President of Bethlehem University on the West Bank, and a professor at the University of Maryland, where he developed a course on Israel-Palestine conflict resolution. He was the PLO’s chief advisor on the status of Jerusalem. His Master’s degree is in international relations from the University of Toledo, Ohio, and his PhD is in political science from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio.

See his interview March 15, 2024, with the Schiller Institute.

The LaRouche Oasis Plan

Hussein Askary presented concrete aspects of the economic geography and principles of development of the Oasis Plan approach, under the topic, “The Impossible Is Self-Imposed: Peace through Economic Development Is the Only Way Forward in West Asia.” He especially challenged the axioms behind the zero-growth movement and its political expression. He explained that principles of development are based on the reality that humanity’s creativity transforms nature.
Askary used examples from his recent trip to Xinjiang to show the Chinese development policy to green the desert. In the discussion periods, wide-ranging questions came up, including whether there are too many people in the world, and what to do about terrorism in West Africa, where he emphasized the need for economic development as an antidote.

Promote a Global Oasis Plan Discussion

During the discussion period, Helga Zepp-LaRouche answered one question that came up, by appealing to the Global South to make their voices heard.
A concrete proposal among the discussants is that the Oasis Plan should be on the agenda of certain of the symposia on security held annually by foundations and nations. Palestinian voices might formally request this. H.E. Ambassador Prof. Dr. Hassassian added getting the discussion going in the universities, and emphasized the importance of the Oasis Plan as a catalyst for economic development, and the work of the Schiller Institute and LaRouche movement in promoting it.

The immediate opportunity for speaking out at a formal international platform comes just two days after the Copenhagen meeting, when the United Nations General Assembly has on its May 10 agenda, the question of statehood for Palestine, for debate and, likely, a vote.
The general reaction to the seminar itself, from the diplomats, was that they were grateful for the ideas, which are very different from what is routinely presented. As one Asian diplomat said, “My mind is blown. It will take me days to think about all of the new ideas presented.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche reported to the International Peace Coalition, “It was an extremely important follow-up meeting on the level of diplomats and ambassadors, and out of this meeting came a complete commitment to continue the organizing, kick it up to a higher level by trying to get a big international conference with the participation of states on the need to put the Oasis Plan, the development plan for the entire region of Southwest Asia in earnest on the agenda.”

Webast: The Dignity of Man Is in Our Hands -A Cognitive Leap into the Future!

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue May 15, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Faced with an unprecedented evil—the ongoing, electronically-transmitted genocide, transpiring at this moment in Gaza, with no trans-Atlantic government acting to stop it—we, the people, are required to evoke from ourselves, and then deploy, an unprecedented good. Neither the world in general, nor we as individuals, can, or will, avoid the truth of this moment. We are being tested in the balance. Our self-conception as human beings is placed on one side of the scale. On the other side of the scale are weighed the lives of what was once 2 million people in Gaza. Over 350,000 people have been forced to flee, now from Rafah, where they were told they would be safe. The “red line” has been crossed, and nothing has been done. The Palestinians are forced to flee again some for the eighth or more time in eight months, now out of Rafah, and to where … and to what?

So far, we, and the world, have been tested in the balance, and found wanting.

This week, the LaRouche Organization, the Schiller Institute, and the International Peace Coalition, as well as all people of good will, must go beyond resources, beyond apparent influence, and beyond words, to catalyze an immediate change in the axioms of thinking, and therefore of behavior, of our fellow citizens now sleepwalking into World War Three. The doorway to that war may be through Palestine, and some are inviting it.

This is the moment to try. “The basic assumption for the new paradigm is, that man is fundamentally good and capable to infinitely perfect the creativity of his mind and the beauty of his soul, and being the most advanced geological force in the universe, which proves that the lawfulness of the mind and that of the physical universe are in correspondence and cohesion, and that all evil is the result of a lack of development, and therefore can be overcome.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Tenth Principle, of her Ten Principles for a New International Security and Development Architecture, properly studied, understood and deployed as the basis for taking the next step beyond the student protests, is the moral springboard that can connect the universities and high schools with the population at large.

Excerpts are from the EIR Daily Alert. Read more and sign up here.

Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue May 15, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: Xi Meets Macron — New Peace Offensive Possible?

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue May 8, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Amid the horrifying news that Israel is beginning its operations in Rafah, the last region of the Gaza Strip not already pulverized by Israel, a different paradigm is manifesting itself in Europe, with the arrival of Chinese President Xi Jinping to France, Serbia, and Hungary.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is now in Paris for a two-day trip including a summit with President Emmanuel Macron and other meetings and events. As is often the case, the visiting president wrote an opinion piece published in France’s oldest national newspaper, in which he presented three proposals: first, that the outlook that brought about the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two nations 60 years ago radiate again in a spirit of peace and development; second, to expand bilateral economic cooperation, such as through new processes of higher productivity; and third, to work together to preserve peace and stability in the world.

Xi told reporters that he would only support an international Ukraine peace conference if it includes the participation of both Russia and Ukraine. Currently, there are plans to hold a “peace” conference without Russia in Switzerland in mid-June. The president warned against smearing China’s efforts to achieve a peaceful solution to the Ukraine situation.

The West would do well to learn from the shifting world dynamic, as recently expressed by President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Félix Tshisekedi in a polemical interview with French television during his visit to Paris last week.

The Prime Minister of Georgia pointed to one particularly glaring hypocrisy of the West: governments supporting attacks on pro-Palestinian protests while denouncing police actions in other nations.

Pointing to hypocrisy does not itself provide a solution. For that, the World Land-Bridge of the LaRouche Movement, including its particular expression in the Oasis Plan, is the path forward. Two candidates in New York, U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare and congressional candidate Jose Vega, are taking the lead on campaigning actively for this outlook in the U.S.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue May 8, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Webcast: Will Campus Protests End the Military Industrial Complex?

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue May 1, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

We are in a time of dramatic change, when humanity faces decisions in the near future whose consequences will be felt for generations.

Will Anglo-American NATO propel its showdown with Russia to the brink, sending us teetering on the edge of the thermonuclear abyss? Will Israeli misleader Benjamin Netanyahu propel his ongoing military barbarisms, engulfing the region in conflict, with Iran as a potential justification? Will the United States cease to content itself with stern lectures and trade sanctions against China, the world’s leading economy—turning instead to forcing the military confrontation over Taiwan they claim China is planning?

Conflict is not inevitable, and colonialism is not eternal. The future is made by the actions taken every day, by leaders and citizens alike. Mental inertia need not overpower reason; it is not yet too late to shift!

There are signs of a transformation of official policy, and of nations’ and people’s self-perceived roles in deliberating upon it. Hawaii has become the first U.S. state to demand that the U.S. support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The nation’s youth overwhelmingly oppose the Biden policy towards Israel. College protests continue and expand, perhaps most notably in Columbia University in New York City, where an administration-imposed deadline to disperse came and went Monday afternoon. Reports from Israel indicate that Netanyahu is trying to figure out how to stop what seem to be upcoming arrest warrants from the International Criminal Court.

Indeed, nothing would be more reasonable, from the standpoint of the true self-interest of the United States and of its people, than to return to the revolutionary concepts that led to its founding.

A revival of the American System, taking on new forms appropriate to the present, would set the U.S. on course to having a beautiful future. It will free the nations of NATO to rid themselves of the myopic and puerile attitude of maintaining relevance, by preventing others from growing.

Abundance is ours, if we choose it.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue May 1, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Truth Over Treason: Toppling the ‘Not-So-Deep State’

“Today, on the campuses, this is something being done to 18 year-olds and 19 year-olds who simply are seeing the mass slaughter of women, children and people in Palestine, and are opposing it. They’re saying there has to be a better way than this; we’ve already acknowledged, and it’s been acknowledged by the UN, that there is supposed to be a state called Palestine. What is the problem with us ending the war and looking to do some form of economic development that brings peace to this area. They’re being called anti-Semitic.”

The same epithets used against Lyndon LaRouche beginning in the 1970s, and ever since, for the same purpose of stopping the establishment of a new, just world economic order, including the Oasis Plan—the only basis for durable peace—are used now against huge numbers of American students.

Watch The LaRouche Organization‘s video “Truth Over Treason: Toppling the ‘Not-So-Deep State’” featuring Harley Schlanger, Ray McGovern, Congressional pre-candidate Jose Vega, joining host Dennis Speed.

April 25, 11 am Webcast: Peace Requires a New Strategic Architecture: If We Unite We Can Move Mountains

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue April 25, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Just recently, the Schiller Institute conducted a very successful online conference presenting the Oasis Plan for a comprehensive economic development perspective for all of Southwest Asia, however, the strategic situation is moving closer to the point of no return.

Two recent votes underline the urgency to expand our efforts dramatically. The veto by the US denying Palestine the requested status as a full member of the UN clearly has thrown back the possibility to end the horrible, unprecedented catastrophe in Gaza. This veto is an historic travesty, which is isolating the US and its allies further from the countries of the Global Majority, who will not forget what is happening now in front of the eyes of the world. Secondly, the vote by the US House of Representatives to provide another $95 billion for weapons and other military operations in Ukraine, Israel and the Pacific region represents a gigantic step further in bringing the world to the abyss of a global nuclear war.

Why is the spectacular failure of U.S. representative government and leadership, seen in Saturday’s “bipartisan,” “democratic” $100 billion vote to continue to finance the no-win depopulation wars in Gaza and Ukraine, a de facto active provocation for World War Three? And what can be done to reverse that failure?

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue April 25, 11am Eastern/4pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

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