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Xi Jinping in Hong Kong To Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Its Return to China

June 30, 2022 (EIRNS)—Chinese President Xi Jinping spent the first of a two-day visit to Hong Kong today to help its citizens celebrate the momentous 25th anniversary of July 1,1997, the date on which Great Britain returned Hong Kong to China. Imperial Britain occupied Hong Kong on July 25, 1841, during the Opium War and following China’s defeat in that war, it was forced to cede the territory to Britain in the Treaty of Nanking on August 29, 1842. The anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China carries great political and emotional significance for the Chinese people.

Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan, arrived by high-speed rail at Hong Kong’s West Kowloon train station in the afternoon today, where they were greeted with much fanfare by the police brass band, flag-waving citizens, and a lion dance. In a short speech after his arrival, Xi stated that he and the central government have always felt concern for Hong Kong and held its compatriots in their hearts, understanding that it has had to overcome many difficult challenges and tests. He emphasized that as long as the principle of “one country, two systems” is always upheld, Hong Kong will have a bright future and will make great contributions to China’s rejuvenation.

Prior to attending a banquet at the official residence of Carrie Lam, the outgoing chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)—Hong Kong’s government—Xi met at the local convention center with 160 officials, including senior government officials, heads of law enforcement agencies, and members of the chief executive’s cabinet. He also visited the city’s very impressive science park, which is home to 1,000 high-tech companies. Also attending the banquet was John Lee, Carrie Lam’s successor, whose inauguration tomorrow Xi will attend. Xi spoke very highly of Carrie Lam, praising her for firmly implementing the “One country two systems” and China’s Basic Law in Hong Kong and for guiding it through a period of chaos in 2019-2020 when violent “pro-democracy” protesters sought regime change in the HKSAR, and overseeing its transition to the current period of peace and order.

African Nations Plan To Develop Their Fossil Fuel Resources, Climate Change Be Damned

Aug. 6, 2022 (EIRNS)–The folks at London’s fanatically Malthusian the Guardian are besides themselves, having been leaked a document revealing that African nations are discussing going into next November’s COP27 UN climate summit with a common position asserting their right to develop their fossil fuel resources, in order to develop.

In an Aug. 1 “exclusive,” the Guardian reports that someone passed them a five-page “technical document” with an accompanying 25-page explanation revealing the plan, which was prepared by the African Union for a June 14-16 meeting of AU energy ministers. That document asserts that “in the short to medium term, fossil fuels, especially natural gas, will have to play a crucial role in expanding modern energy access in addition to accelerating the uptake of renewables.”

 The Guardian warned that if Africa dares to proceed on “new exploration for gas, and the exploitation of Africa’s vast reserves of oil,” the entire climate scheme might collapse.

 Africa must not advance past unreliable “sun and wind,” the head of the green “Power Shift Africa” thinktank, Mohamad Adow insists! Africa Coal Network coordinator Lorraine Chiponda denounced African leaders discussing such an idea as “reckless,” even as she admitted that 600 million people in Africa “live in energy poverty.” That is, they have no access to electricity.

 The British Royal Family is on the case. On July 6, a fellow at Chatham House/Royal Institute of International Relations issued a so-called “expert opinion,” warning that this year’s UN COP27 summit being hosted by Egypt, an African nation, is a problem. Egypt has not set any quantifiable emission reduction targets, has no economy-wide carbon reduction target, and never published a long-term strategy for decarbonization. It is also the second-largest producer of natural gas in Africa, and is becoming a fossil gas hub for the Eastern Mediterranean, it notes. Furthermore, Egypt has “voiced support for other African countries to extract and deploy fossil gas and oil resources, making it one of the protagonists of the ‘great fossil gas pushback’. These advocates defend the right of developing countries to deploy fossil gas as a ‘transition fuel’ and champion its necessity to solve energy poverty,” the author complained.

 With typical imperial arrogance, however, the author assures that Egypt will be “malleable,” if attention is paid to change its stance.

India Receives Chinese Foreign Minister; Rejects UK Parliamentary Delegation

India Receives Chinese Foreign Minister; Rejects UK Parliamentary Delegation

March 26 (EIRNS)–The Guardian reported on Thursday that a high ranking delegation of ten UK Parliamentarians which had planned to visit India was suddenly informed that the invitation had been withdrawn. According to the report, covered by RT, the bi-partisan delegation, led by House of Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle, was called off at the last moment by the Indian authorities. This follows by only a few hours a previously unannounced visit to India by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, a meeting very well received by the Indian government, with both sides agreeing to improve their troubled relations.

The unstated but clear cause of the snub to the UK politicians is that they had made known that they intended to lecture India on why it had to join in the denunciation of Russia and join in the sanctions warfare. Not only did India refuse, but they are advancing plans to expand their trade with Russia on the basis of Rupee-Ruble deals, avoiding the toxic U.S. dollar, now widely recognized as a tool by the degenerating regime in the U.S. simply to impose sanctions, or even to steal foreign nations’ reserves deposited in their banks, as they did with Afghanistan and Russia.

RT notes that on Tuesday, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke by phone with Indian PM Narendra Modi. Johnson lectured Modi that India must follow their lead in attacking Russia — which certainly rankled the Indians, who can never forget the degradation and genocide of their people at the hands of their former British colonial masters.

Like Father, Like Son: Prince Charles Demands Environmental War Drive at COP26

Like Father, Like Son: Prince Charles Demands Environmental War Drive at COP26

Nov. 2, 2021 (EIRNS)—While the Queen ensured that Prince Phillip’s virus hovered visibly over the proceedings, recording her video for the Royal Family’s reception for the world leaders gathered to open COP 26 with the late His Royal Virus’s picture prominently next to her, Prince Charles well saluted his father’s Nazi-like approach to depopulation, demanding that this be accomplished by replacing governments by a global system of private interests imposed through “a vast military-style campaign.” 

Twice he insisted that “a war-like footing” be adopted. “Climate change and biodiversity loss … pose an even greater existential threat than the COVID-19 pandemic, to the extent that we have to put ourselves on a war-like footing,” Prince Charles asserted from the outset. “We know what we must do. With a growing global population creating ever increasing demand on the planet’s finite resources, we have to reduce emissions urgently, and take action to tackle the carbon already in the atmosphere, including from coal powered power systems….” 

“Our efforts cannot be a series of independent initiatives running in parallel; the scale and scope of the threat we face, call for a global systems-level solution, based on radically transforming our current fossil fuel-based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable…. 

“We know this will take trillions, not billions of dollars. We also know that countries, many of whom are burdened by growing levels of debt, simply cannot afford to go green. Here what is needed is a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector. With trillions at its disposal, far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders, it offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition,” he concluded. His ghoulish speech can be found here,

HRH’s reference to a military approach is not mere metaphor. As EIR reported in its Oct. 1, 2021, Daily Alert, the British Crown’s premier policymaking think tank, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA)—known as Chatham House—had just published a paper, “Building Global Climate Security,” arguing that since climate change poses such a serious threat to global security, it will now be necessary to rethink “traditional security concepts,” because climate change is “the most serious threat to global security we face,” and the “security community” is going to play a major role in enforcing green fascism and depopulation. For example: the RIIA paper enthusiastically noted that since there are growing calls to legally define “ecocide” as a crime under the International Criminal Court (ICC), the chance of the armed forces being called on to defend against ecocide “looks increasingly likely.” 

The Schiller Institute