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Dr. Fauci: Up to 400,000 Americans Could Die of COVID-19 If Measures Aren’t Adopted This Fall and Winter

Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH told an American University audience on Oct. 6 that as many as 400,000 Americans could die of COVID-19, if the proper measures are not adopted as the flu season hits, this Fall and winter. That’s higher than a University of Washington study from August that talked about possibly 300,000 deaths by Dec. 1. The total as of Oct. 7 was about 211,000. According to The Hill, Fauci also said “that a vaccine will probably not be available to most Americans until next summer or the fall… `Maybe 50 percent of you hate me because you think I’m trying to destroy the country, but listen to me for six weeks or so, and do what I say, and you’ll see the numbers go down’”.

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