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Webcast: Global Realignment Underway, Opens Possibility to Break Forever from Geopolitical Games

Webcast: Global Realignment Underway, Opens Possibility to Break Forever from Geopolitical Games

In reviewing developments in the last week, Helga Zepp-LaRouche emphasized that a realignment of global strategic forces is occurring, which is being pushed forward by the insane policies of the Trans-Atlantic nations. The combination of the economic warfare of the sanctions policy with the confiscation/theft of dollar assets of Russia is causing a backfire against the western financial system, which is undergoing a rapid disintegration due to its own failed policies.

The European Union-U.S. refusal to accept Putin’s demand that they use rubles to pay for Russian oil and gas has the potential to push economies into depression, especially Germany, as stated by officials of BASF and Siemens. She pointed to the blatant actions of the U.S. to conduct regime change against Prime Minister Khan in Pakistan as a further incentive for nations to break with the unipolar world. The warnings that 1 billion people now face starvation due to the breakdown of the system must be addressed.

This strategic-economic breakdown, and the LaRouche proposals to reverse it, through adopting a new strategic and financial architecture, will be the subject of a Schiller Institute conference on April 9. Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche called on all viewers to become active this next week, to build for this conference.

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