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Aug. 31 — It Was Not the U.S. Military Which Failed in Afghanistan, But the Neoliberal System!

Aug. 31 — It Was Not the U.S. Military Which Failed in Afghanistan, But the Neoliberal System!

Most of those involved in dissections of “What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?” are missing the obvious point. What was wrong is the system, which placed the American military in a series on no-win wars, in defense of a “unipolar” world order which benefitted the few, i.e., those who run the global central banks and financial institutions on behalf of City of London and Wall Street interests. That system should be buried, and replaced by a new system, which can bring lasting peace through economic development. The era of “endless wars”, of “Color Revolutions” to conduct “regime change”, has been exposed on a global stage by the western military withdrawal from Afghanistan. Good Riddance to that system — we can now enter the era in which Development Is the Name of Peace.

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