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Appeal to Artists & Scientists: Prevent World War III Before It’s Too Late

Appeal to Artists & Scientists: Prevent World War III Before It’s Too Late

March 2014

The Schiller Institute has issued the following appeal for circulation and signature among scientific and artistic layers. If you feel addressed by this appeal, please sign it and send it in to the address below.

This appeal in PDF format, fits 1 letter-size sheet on both sides

Never since the beginning of human civilization has the danger been as great, that we will cause our own extinction as a species. Since November 21, a coup, long prepared by Western hands, has been activated in Ukraine, culminating on February 22 in an open putsch, forcing the legally elected President Yanukovych from office, and putting Rada (parliament) Chairman “Yats,” the darling of U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, in power as Prime Minister. Throughout the country since then, armed bands of stormtroopers, comprised of right-wing radical, anti-semitic, anti-Russian elements, have been terrorizing elected officials and the population at large.

Photographs and videos are now circulating worldwide, documenting the brutality of these groups, who, with flags, symbols, and martial songs, flaunt their adherence to the Nazi tradition of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera and his Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). And yet, the official line of the United States and the European Union continues to be that these are simply individuals who want to escape from Russian oppression and to join a free and democratic Europe.

Even western think tanks have admitted that without a friendly Ukraine at its doorstep, Russia cannot defend itself. The entire assortment of military doctrines, ranging from the stationing of U.S. missile defense systems in Eastern Europe, to the Prompt Global Strike doctrine, to the AirSea Battle doctrine in the Pacific, are all doctrines that no longer proceed from the old NATO doctrine of MAD—Mutual and Assured Destruction—but rather proceed from the utopia idea that in our nuclear age, a first-strike strategy can succeed in winning wars.

The first phase of such a planned war, is the creation of an enemy image. The intended adversary must first be demonized by means of an orchestrated media campaign—a tactic made famous by Dr. Goebbels and later refined by the British intelligence service. “To out-Goebbels Goebbels” has been the credo, then as now: People must be made to believe that snow is black. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the policy of “regime change” has been on the agenda for any government that refuses to knuckle under to the imperial order of globalization; and in every case, the Big Lie has been liberally applied.

Remember those Kuwaiti babies, brutally torn from their incubators by Saddam Hussein’s troops? or Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, which in 45 minutes could wipe out any location on Earth? or the great democratic sentiments of the anti-Qaddafi rebels in Libya? or the alleged proofs of Assad’s use of poison gas? And now? Today it’s President Putin who is the man-eating dictator, who throws poor, helpless oligarchs and blaspheming punk rock singers into prison—acts which, of course, completely justify nuclear confrontation. With an unprecedented campaign of lies, individuals and entire peoples are denounced, dissension sown, and the population indoctrinated and made confused with such persistence, that they finally adopt this enemy image as their own, take up the old Cold War rhetoric, and advocate hot war.

And, what then? If it does come to this threatened thermonuclear exchange with Russia and China, the majority of humankind is exterminated within approximately one and a half hours, and the dead will be the fortunate ones in comparison to those who will only perish some days later.

But mankind’s nature is not what we would be led to believe by the morally degenerate attitude of most national governments today, or by the stupefied state of the masses. Humanity is the only species which, by exercising its creative capacities, is capable of repeatedly pressing forward to attain deeper understanding of the laws of the physical universe, and of utilizing that knowledge for the improvement of humanity’s conditions of life. Human beings are also the only living creatures who can have a vision of the future, and who can shape that vision into a material power of ideas which creates that future.

It is precisely because we scientists and artists understand universal principles in science and art, and develop them further—in other words, that we seek the Truth—that in this dark hour of human history, we call upon the world public to fight to preserve peace, and, in this age of thermonuclear weapons, to abolish, once and for all, the very idea of resolving conflicts through warfare, and to drive out of office those politicians who, with their ideology of geopolitical confrontation, are putting the very existence of humanity at risk.

As the discoveries and compositions of Nicholas of Cusa, Leibniz, Einstein, Planck, and Vernadsky, of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, of Dante, Shakespeare, and Schiller, of Brunelleschi and Rembrandt demonstrate, to name only a few, their creations are an expression of the immortality of the human soul, and of the potential immortality of the human species. We, the living, have the awesome duty to make our life’s work contribute to ensuring that the creativity of those great minds of the past, provide a foretaste of the potential for limitless possibilities with which the human species is endowed. The kind of international cooperation for the common aims of mankind which all scientists and artists have experienced at countless conferences, joint research projects, concert tours, and lively cultural exchanges, must provide the inspiration for solving all political, economic, and even military problems. As Nicholas of Cusa already wrote back in the 15th Century, peoples can only arrive at mutual understanding when they all bring forth their own scientists, artists, and philosophers.

For the sake of our love for humanity, as our expression of gratitude to all generations whose accomplishments have contributed to our present level of development, and as our sacred commitment to the immortal identity of the human species, we call upon the world’s people to put an end to the threat of our collective annihilation.


Signed: _____________________________

Please include your affiliation and contact information with your signature, and mail this to the address below.
Schiller Institute
Appeal to Artists and Scientists
PO Box 20244
Washington, DC., 20041-0244


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