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A Turning Point in History

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Jayshree Sengupta : Working Together for The Asian Century

Jayshree Sengupta Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, India   India occupies a strategic position in Asia. It is surrounded by China, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. To its north is Russia. As is well known—the Twentieth century was the American Century but the Twenty First century…

Jean-François Di Meglio : Internationalization of the Yuan: Perspectives and Realities

Jean-François Di Meglio President ASIA Centre, Paris.   Introduction: Until recent years, the question on the Chinese economy that left most audiences, even the best informed, silent and petrified, was: “what is China massively borrowing from abroad?” Since China is the world’s largest exporting nation…

Livestream: January 17th International Schiller Institute Event

Archive: January 17th International Schiller Institute Event in NY     Economic Justice Is An Inalienable Right BRICS Nations realize Dr. King’s Dream More than 200 people came together at Riverside Church in New York City January 17, under the auspices of the Schiller Institute,…

Schiller Institute 30th Anniversary Conference: Sen. Richard Black

Senator Black represents the 13th Senate District in Virginia. He sent the following prepared remarks to the conference, under the title “Syria, a Case Study of How the U.S. Has Engaged in a Policy of Regime Change in Violation of the U.S. Constitution and International Law.”…

Requiem performance in Remembrance of JFK

A Remembrance of President Kennedy: W.A. Mozart »Requiem«

Performed at the scientific Verdi Tuning (C = 256hz) by the Schiller Institute Chorus and Friends, conducted by John Sigerson. Download the Requiem and hold your own screenings!

A Remembrance of John F. Kennedy And a Recommitment to the Principles of His Presidency

[no_toc]  Visit our page for the tribute to JFK at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston from January 19, 2014 The Schiller Institute Presents A Remembrance of John F. Kennedy And a Recommitment to the Principles of His Presidency Featuring a Performance of: W.A.…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: A Vision of Hope for Mankind

Transcript I think we all are aware of the fact that we, right now, are finding ourselves in the middle of a world drama which is so gigantic, that if Shakespeare or Schiller were here today, even they would be challenged to put something onstage,…

Diane Sare: The Glass-Steagall Fight in the U.S.

Transcript I would like to start with the greetings from Congressman Walter Jones, which I think is very important, because Walter Jones is a Republican Congressman. He is an important figure on two bills in the Congress: One is that he was the first Republican co-sponsor…

Jason Ross: The Physical Profit of Planetary Defense

Transcript   Hello. My name is Jason Ross. I work with Mr. LaRouche’s Basement Research Team in Virginia. My other hat is that I’m the editor-in-chief of 21st Century Science & Technologymagazine, and our last published issue was on planetary defense. I am very happy to…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Mankind Is Better Than the Oligarchy Can Imagine

Transcript Dear friends of the Schiller Institute, distinguished guests from many countries: We are coming here together at the fourth conference of the Schiller Institute within less than five months, because we are determined to inspire a new paradigm in the history of mankind, a…

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