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Malene Robinson

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As the Reign of the Imperial System Is Coming to an End, the Geopoliticians Escalate Their Provocations

This past weekend’s Schiller Institute conference pointed the way toward an escape from the devastating consequences of the end of an imperial era, with a dialogue demonstrating the potential for sovereign nation states to cooperate for the benefit of all mankind.  The Empire will not just go away quietly, though.  Instead, they are engaging in one provocation after another, with special emphasis this week on the Black Sea and Syria.  Watch the Schiller Institute conference, at and join us to move humanity into a new era.

Brits on Renewed War Drive Following Putin-Biden Summit

The British government at first denied there was a confrontation in the Black Sea with Russian naval vessels, then proclaimed they do not recognize that Crimea is Russian; and finally, a BBC reporter, on board the ship, admitted it was “a deliberate move to make a point to Russia.”  At the risk of a nuclear war?  And what exactly is that point, that the Brits can force the U.S. into a war with Russia?  Join us tomorrow and Sunday, at, for a two-day online conference, to become part of the mobilization to flank the evil bastards from the City of London who keep playing such dangerous games.

Lunacy of Brit geopoliticians, U.S. “Deep State” on Display in the Black Sea, U.S. Courtrooms

A naval incident provoked by the British in the Black Sea yesterday led to shots fired over the bow of the HMS Defender. Former British Ambassador Craig Murray asked what business it had in the Black Sea, describing its deployment there as “lunacy.” Court documents released on the January 6 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol demonstrate the involvement of a legion of FBI provocateurs embedded among the demonstrators. These actions have nothing to do with “protecting” us from “aggressive” Russians or domestic terrorists, but in justifying further war build-up and security state spying and psychological warfare in the U.S.

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Censorship and Psy-War, Courtesy of the City of London

This week’s {Executive Intelligence Review} features the story of Who’s Who in controlling the narratives which appear in social media.  You know you’re being lied to, but who are the liars-in-chief?  The same networks which fabricate lying narratives such as Russiagate, Putin’s legions of hackers and poisoners, and Chinese concentration camps in Xinjiang, control the “fact checkers” who protect the real liars, centered in the intelligence community in London, Wall Street, and Washington, working hand-in-hand with Silicon Valley tech giants.  For more on this, watch the report by Mike Robinson, the co-editor of “UK Column”, available here: Sanctions Are Killers, and Are Driving the World Away from the U.S. and the Dollar – The LaRouche Organization

Peaceful Cooperation, or the Insanity of Geopolitics and Neoliberalism

The future is being shaped by the battle between two Paradigms: One, that of the unilateralist insistence, directed from London and Washington, that all nations must give up sovereignty and submit to the phony Rules-Based Order of imperial financial dictators; or move into an era defined by peaceful cooperation for mutual benefit.  The world is currently trapped in the former, but signs exist that the latter can be brought into being, depending on the courage and creativity of citizens in moving governments to act in the interests of the people of sovereign republics, rather than bow down to an imperial oligarchy.  Join the Schiller Institute for our online conference, June 26 and 27 — to participate in the mobilization to create a new anti-Malthusian paradigm. Register for the Schiller Institute conference:

Did the Biden-Putin Summit Change Anything?

The joint statement from Biden and Putin, reaffirming that nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, represents a potential for positive change.  First, it acknowledges that we have been headed toward a nuclear war, which few are willing to face.  Second, it raises the deeper question, how can such a war be avoided?  Pronouncements like this are never definitive.  Lyndon LaRouche provided the answer, that the commitment of sovereign nation states to sharing the benefits of technological progress, is the key to durable peace.  And how do we achieve that?  His wife, Helga, has provided the answer: break out of the imperial geopolitical paradigm, with its commitment to predatory neoliberal economics benefitting the private banks, and build a new paradigm of cooperation, to achieve the Common Aims of Mankind.  This is the theme of next weekend’s online Schiller Institute conference — click here to register for this historic event!

Putin and Biden Take a Step Back from War: Mainstream Media Protests!

We should not overstate the case — the outcome of the Putin-Biden summit did not resolve most of the outstanding issues, which the War Hawks in the Military Industrial Complex have been inventing and hyping, to bring the two countries to the brink of war. However, the joint statement they issued included an extremely important agreement: “Today, we reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” See if you can find this reported in the English-language mainstream media, which instead demeaned the summit, and tried to provoke confrontation between the two leaders, exactly as they tried following the July 2018 summit between Putin and President Trump in Helsinki.

Will the Putin-Biden Summit Initiate a Prospect for Improved Relations?

The meeting today in Geneva has been played down by both sides.  Yet, the fact they are meeting is significant.  It comes in the midst of worsening relations between the U.S. and Russia.  And it follows a not-fully successful effort by the Anglo-American geopolitical War Hawks to pull the “Alliance of Democratic States” into an agreement for heightened confrontation with Russia and China.  While some of the rhetoric was harsh, with wild accusations against both states, it is also clear that not everyone was buying into the idea that more sanctions and bluster against them would accomplish anything, especially when no real evidence backing the charges against Putin and Xi has been presented.  In the absence of a solid front in favor of heightened confrontation against Russia and China, is it possible that an actual dialogue might begin?

The Lunacy of G7-NATO Leaders on Display in this Week’s Summits

Instead of engaging the leaders of Russia and China in a serious deliberation on what to do about the multiplicity of crises affecting the world, the G7 and NATO leaders put forward a series of unserious, if not downright lunatic proposals, during their confabs over the last days.  Their proposals for global infrastructure and battling the COVID pandemic were not serious, but instead would continue the policies which have left infrastructure — including that of public health — incapable of serving the needs of nations and their people.  As for their strategic communique, it is more of the same false accusations against Russia and China, to justify military buildup and geopolitical confrontation.  Where are the statesmen and women, when they’re needed?  They will be at the Schiller Institute online conference, June 26-7.  Join us!

Global Banksters Issue Orders in G7 Communique — Who Will Obey These Orders?

The G7 summit followed through with most of the plan composed by the City of London/Wall Street bankers and their allies among the Davos billionaires, adopting a Green agenda which will harm, if not eliminate, human life on the planet, and a call for increased economic warfare against China.  While there was some hesitation in adopting the most extreme language pushed by host Boris Johnson and his new buddy, Joe Biden, it is expected that this will be reinforced when NATO heads-of-state meet today in Brussels, to discuss transforming NATO into a global alliance, i.e., into the “Indo-Pacific” region, to “contain” China, which is accused of violating the sacrosanct Rules-Based Order.  But the Green New Deal took a hit, with voters in Switzerland rejecting a referendum which would have mandated Swiss adoption of the extreme energy austerity demands of the G7 communique, and support for the Green Party in Germany has fallen sharply in the last weeks. 

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