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Anastasia Battle

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International Xinjiang Modernization Drive from a Global Perspective

Join the Asian Institute of Eco-civilization R&D, the Schiller Institute, and the BRIX Institute June 22, 2023 for a live discussion! Starts at 2pm Asia/Karachi/ 11am CET. Zoom link below.

Applying JFK’s Vision of Peace to Stop World War III

Come with your thoughts, ideas, organizing reports and questions concerning the dire need to create a peace movement in the U.S. and Europe to steer the world away from world war. Submit your questions to or write them in the YouTube chat during the live broadcast on Wednesday, June 14 at 11am EDT, 5pm CET.

Have a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche at 11am EDT, 5pm CET! Send questions, thoughts and organizing reports to

Will the U.S. Join the Global Majority? LIVE discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss the strategic situation with Helga Zepp-LaRouche ! Send in your questions early to

How to Stop a New Great Depression — LIVE discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Live Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche May 10, 2023 at 11am EDT

Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.

There is no shortcut, there is no short way of saying: We just have to go for Glass-Steagall, or we have to do this, or that. We have to get people to understand the whole picture. And I know that many people say that this is impossible, that people are not educated. But I think the only chance we have is to get a sufficient number of people internationally to understand both the historic dimension of what is happening, the economic-financial side of it, the military side, and most importantly, a vision of where this has to go.

That is the gigantic task which we have to accomplish, if there is to be any hope that this can be stopped, a nanosecond before midnight—or hopefully it’s seconds, but it could be much less.

Because what is still hanging over us like a Damocles Sword is that the drone attack on the Kremlin was very likely what Colonel Bosshard had characterized as a probe for a decapitalization strike against Russia and the Russian President; followed by the announcement by the Russians that they will counter that, in ways which they will keep secret and covert, but it will be felt. Now, what that response is going to be, I have no idea: It could be some use of hypersonic missiles, it could be all kinds of things.

But we are in an absolutely, incredibly dangerous moment. And the problem is that the vast majority of people on both sides of the Atlantic are absolutely sleepwalking, and the mass media are involved in the most criminal effort to distract people, to use disinformation to convince people that the world is very different than it actually is.

There Must Be a Clear Voice to Counter the War Hawks: Discuss Helga Zepp-LaRouche

We need everyone to muster their courage and intervene across the world! Have a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche! Go through the world historic situation and what we can do to intervene on it. Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.

Let Your Voice Be Heard! Live discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Have a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Wednesday, April 26 at 11am EDT, 5pm CET! Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Live Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Have a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche! Go through the world historic situation and what we can do to intervene on it. Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.

Webcast: Change the Course of History!

No one has been more clear on the need to replace the collapsing Unipolar Order with a New Paradigm than Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is gaining international recognition for her role in spearheading the mobilization to accomplish that urgent task. On Wednesday, April 12 — three days before the historic Schiller Institute conference on April 15-16 — you are invited to join a live-stream dialogue with her, to discuss what you can do to participate in this world historic mission. Register for this historic Conference here: Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet (

Email in your questions, thoughts and organizing reports to or join us live and post them in the YouTube chat.

Live at 6am EST: China-Europe ties – exploring new heights

Live: China-Europe ties – exploring new heights – CGTN

What would the future of China-Europe relations hold? Join CGTN for a forum featuring experts from both China and Europe as they dive into the opportunities and challenges of this crucial bilateral relationship. From existing challenges to opportunities for collaboration, this panel will provide valuable insights into the future of China-Europe relations.

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