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The LaRouche Oasis Plan Endorsements: Peace Through Development for Palestine and Israel

The LaRouche Oasis Plan Endorsements: Peace Through Development for Palestine and Israel

Below are statements from leaders, officials and professionals from around the world endorsing the LaRouche Oasis Plan. Please email if you would like to submit an endorsement.

Civil Engineer, John A. Shanahan Endorses the Oasis Plan

Dear friends and colleagues,

All of us have watched the powers of the world fight it out in WWI, WWII and the nearly continuous regional wars since. The weaponry has gotten much more effective and civilian casualties have gone through the roof.

Lyndon and Helga LaRouche and their associates have made a tremendous difference with practical ideas for a peaceful world. The powers that control the United States and those behind them have tried for fifty years to discredit their sincere efforts for a better, more peaceful world. 

Nuclear Physicist, Dr. Kelvin Kemm Endorses the Oasis Plan

Many countries of the world need a more intelligent and stronger leadership, than they currently have. Leaders have been far too dominated by ridiculous theories and beliefs of the extreme left wing, who do not have to face the reality of building a real world.

The world population is currently increasing, and also moving up the social brackets. That means that they need more and more fresh water. God and Mother Nature are not going to cause more rain to fall. It is pointless imagining that you can just ‘collect more water’ from wherever. 

Here in South Africa, we have minimal freshwater inland, but we have the entire Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean which we can use. The country has to plan for 100% increase in water consumption. This is not going to come from natural rainfall. We have no option but to use the oceans, and for that we need to desalinate. 

An ideal mechanism for desalination is nuclear power, specifically Small Modular Reactors, which can be placed strategically at many points.

Plans such as the Oasis Plan should be applauded. We need worldwide intellect to address the real problems of living in our modern world, and not all these emotional and imaginary issues of left-wing people who don’t actually advance the lifestyle of anybody.

Engineering good sense must come to the fore.

Dr. Kelvin Kemm
Stratek Global (Pty) Ltd
South Africa

Dr. Kemm is a nuclear Physicist, and Past Chairman of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation.

Col. Richard H. Black (ret.) Endorses the Oasis Plan

The Oasis Plan can refocus efforts away from the slaughter of war, back toward making Gaza a place where families can live and thrive again.

— Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), U.S. Marine combat veteran and U.S. Army Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and former Virginia State Senator

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