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German Jurist and Author: German Chancellor Must Denounce Ukraine Fascist Hit List

German Jurist and Author: German Chancellor Must Denounce Ukraine Fascist Hit List

Aug. 8, 2022 (EIRNS)–The widely-read German website NachdenkSeiten posted an article on Aug. 8 by Dr. Wolfgang Bittner, a well-known jurist and author who spoke at a Schiller Institute conference on June 18 (his presentation is here) and who was put on the Ukraine CCD hit list. The article, under the title: “Ukraine’s Blacklist – the Federal Chancellor must act,” notes, that in addition to himself and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the list includes Rolf Mützenlich, the Chairman of the Social Democratic Party caucus in the Bundestag. (It must be noted that Chancellor Olaf Schulz is a member of the SPD.)

 Dr. Bittner writes, from a machine translation: “The political situation is appalling and the persecution of dissenters in connection with the Ukraine war is taking the form of unbridled fascism. It is unacceptable that state terrorism is being carried out here under the eyes of the world public. The persecution of critics and opposition figures by Ukrainian government organizations must be stopped immediately. The federal government is called upon to lodge a protest with the Zelensky government against the discrimination against German nationals… and to stop all aid for Ukraine. The list of the CCD must be deleted immediately.” 

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