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Webcast—Our Stark Reality: Either Act in Solidarity, or Face Hell on Earth

Webcast—Our Stark Reality: Either Act in Solidarity, or Face Hell on Earth

In her weekly webcast today, Helga Zepp LaRouche laid out the stark choice facing humanity: Either we can act together, in cooperation and solidarity, or the future will be one of chaos, war and even more destructive pandemic disease. It is wrong to say that there was no advance warning that we would face such an existential crisis. Lyndon LaRouche was prescient in his forecasts going back to 1971, when he warned that the decision to end the Bretton Woods system, if not reversed, would plunge mankind into a Dark Age.

At present, we are seeing that warning fulfilled, in the horrors of overcrowded and under-equipped hospitals in Italy, Spain, and New York City. But we are also seeing the hope that the disease can be slowed, even halted, coming from China. The Chinese are now offering necessary medical supplies to 82 nations, as well as their expertise in countering the coronavirus. Only “insane people, or criminals” continue to push the lies which justify the anti-China rhetoric.

Zepp LaRouche also elaborated her call for a “pause” in financial trading, to allow for the implementation of Glass Steagall, and a move toward a Hamiltonian national credit system, instead of a hyperinflationary bailout of the worthless assets being traded in the casino economy. The explosion of the two crises—the pandemic and the collapse of the financial system—offer us the opportunity to come out of the crises with a new image of man, as we build the New Paradigm, in cooperation with sovereign nation states.

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