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Conference: A Time of Strategic Upheaval — Will Europe Be Able to Help Shape the New Paradigm? — Panel 1

Conference: A Time of Strategic Upheaval — Will Europe Be Able to Help Shape the New Paradigm? — Panel 1

This Schiller Institute conference is dedicated to the memory of Lyndon LaRouche. His ideas, his economic method, and his optimistic outlook about the potentials of human creativity for the lasting existence of humanity in the universe, are more relevant than ever. Today, the New Silk Road, joined by more than 130 nations, is the first opportunity for developing countries to overcome poverty and underdevelopment and is the achievement of his vision of a new, more just, world economic order. The core of his program for a new Bretton Woods system, in which the world’s strongest nations must work together to replace the oligarchic system, was, from the beginning, the industrialization of Africa, Asia and Latin America — the realization of the solidarity-building World Land-Bridge.

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