Congratulations on this jubilee anniversary, which is important not only for the Schiller Institute, but for all progressive humanity.
I am proud to be taking part, together with the LaRouche movement, in the fight to change the world and save civilization. I am proud to know Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, these outstanding public figures of our time, personally, and to know many LaRouche movement activists in the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, and other countries.
I greatly value your intellectual and research work, which is honest, bold, and great in spirit.
Great, too, is the practical significance of your work, because many scientists and politicians around the world have been guided by your evaluations of the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, and of the problems of the banking system, as well as (most important) your specific proposals for transforming the world.
As usual, the topic of your conference, “An End to War!”, is precise and extremely timely. It is especially timely for us, as citizens of Ukraine, and for the entire Eurasian continent. A war is going on in our country. It is a terrible war by a neo-Nazi regime against the population of Ukraine’s southeast, which has risen up against it. You and we precisely identified the nature of the coup d’état in Ukraine, and sensed the monstrous danger that would result from it, not only for our people, but for all mankind. It was the Schiller Institute that organized the historic tour of our delegation in France, Germany, and Italy (February 23-March 5, 2014) and made possible an informational and political breakout of the truth about what was happening in Ukraine, through our numerous meetings with political and other public figures in these countries, and through press conferences (including at the European Parliament) and interviews for the media. Unquestionably, this was our joint contribution to preventing a Third World War from being ignited.
But the officials in Brussels and Washington, pursuing their geopolitical goals and defending their own personal, selfish interests, have supported the Ukrainian putschists and entered into a shameful alliance with Ukrainian Nazis.
Today, southeastern Ukraine is drowning in blood. Thousands of people have been killed, and tens of thousands are refugees. We have had the Odessa “Khatýn,”[ref]The fire deaths of dozens of people inside the Odessa Trade Unions building on May 2 have been compared with the March 1943 massacre of the population of the village of Khatýn, Belarus, by the 118th Schutzmannschaft Nazi battalion, composed chiefly of collaborationists from Ukraine; The Khatýn victims were locked in a shed and burned alive—translator’s note.[/ref] the tragedies in Mariupol and Volnovakha, the blockade and humanitarian catastrophe in Slavyansk, and the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous bombs against civilians. These events, and much more, are going on right in front of our eyes, in the center of Europe. But the UN and the OSCE remain silent, and neither the Red Cross nor journalists from international news agencies are operating in the hot spots of Ukraine.
And in this setting, a massive media campaign has been launched within Ukraine, aimed at turning the entire population of our country into Nazis and pitiless killer-robots, for the purpose of inciting war with Russia. There is no doubt that this would be a catastrophe for the Eurasian continent.
I am certain that, as always, you will deliberate in depth on the causes of the war in Ukraine, and identify who ordered it and carried out, and what their motives are. And, as always, you will offer a peaceful alternative. I promise to do everything possible, to bring your findings to the citizens of Ukraine.
I wish you every success!
Natalia Vitrenko
Kiev, June 13, 2014