Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche this Wednesday, September 6 at 11am EDT/5pm CET to discuss how the Global South is organizing a New Paradigm. It’s time for the citizens of the Global North to join them! Send in your questions to
“The next period will be full of dramatic turns and changes. Because what happens today in Argentina could happen tomorrow in Germany, maybe not in terms of the banking system but in terms of the industry. And I think there will be many of what Friedrich Schiller would call punctum saliens, there will become several points where it is absolutely possible to catapult the whole strategic situation to a different plane. So the period ahead is not going to be linear and therefore all linear thinking should be banned from all of us. Because the idea of projecting what you know from the past into the future is not going to help you.
“We should go for the idea of winning this battle, because the alternative is not acceptable.”
— Helga Zepp-LaRouche in discussion with associates on Monday, 9/04