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Jacques Cheminade: The LaRouche method of physical economy

Jacques Cheminade: The LaRouche method of physical economy

The trans-Atlantic financial system in which we are living— based on appropriating money— leads to chaos or war, or more precisely and more tragically, to a combination of both. The preceding speakers have shown that the current world is more dangerous than it ever was at the height of the Cold War. The system, by its very nature, is criminal…

Marco Zanni: The collapse of the European financial system and the failure of the Banking Union

The European institution decided to ignore the voice of the citizens and Brexit is the result of this lack of a political view for a united Europe with cooperation among European countries…

Daisuke Kotegawa: Japan’s outlook concerning Eurasian cooperation

I worked in the Ministry of Finance of the Japanese government for 35 years, and fortunately, or unfortunately, I was in charge of the settlement of the financial crisis in the late 1990s in Japan. I lost some friends of mine and my staff, as well as my friends, Japanese bankers who were arrested and put in jail, or they committed suicide and died. But I survived…

Musical Introduction : Panel 1

Leonidas Chrysantopoulos: Global Crisis — Proposals for Solution

The theme of our conference is very appropriate and comes at a moment when humanity is not only facing its worst economic crisis since the depression of 1928, but also the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War, due to the aggressive policies of the United States in the last decade, that have destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria…

Ren Lin: The New Silk Road win-win perspective

My background is about globalization, and economic integration, regional integration, etc. and as well as OBOR (One Belt, One Road). Before I get started with my presentation, I always like very much to share with my academic friends my research findings, that the moderate level of globalization, regionalization, would benefit economic development…

H.E. Hamid Sidig: Greeting

Since ancient times, the Silk Road has been a symbol of the commercial artery that connects Asia and Europe, creating wealth and cultural exchange to benefit all countries involved in this area. Our conference today hopes to build on this ancient tradition, by bringing together scientists and politicians to develop a New Silk Road and begin the process of healing and regenerating this very important region, Central Asia…

Egbert Drews: International networking in the economy — Practical experience

Given the globalization and liberalization of the economy, the significance of cooperation among SMEs has considerably grown over the past years: The SMEs recognize that this approach is a means of achieving the needed growth potential, which they cannot realize by themselves due to a lack of or insufficient financial resources, market share or competencies…

Michel Raimbaud: In Syria and elsewhere, against the war party and the law of the jungle, rebuild peace in accordance with law

One hears much talk about a new cold war that would lead us back to the old confrontation between the “Free World,” the ancestor of the “Axis of Good,” and a “totalitarian bloc,” dubbed the “Axis of Evil” by George Bush, a confrontation which ended with the victory of the United States over communism…

Her Excellency Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban: Reconstruction with Syrian characteristics — rebuilding a truly diverse and more secure world based on the lessons of the Syrian experience

One of the major problems we face in our country, is that today, Western countries approach our countries with the feeling of exceptionalism or a feeling of righteousness, that whatever Western countries see appropriate or good, should apply to our countries without any question…

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