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Prof. Wangsou Wu: Future Perspectives of Nuclear Power in the New Era of the Silk Road

Prof. Wangsou Wu: Future Perspectives of Nuclear Power in the New Era of the Silk Road

Prof. Wangsou Wu

Dean of the School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, China

The training of qualified workers through the peaceful development along the New Silk Road is one of our
tasks, since our institute is located in the capital of Gansu province, Lanzhou, which is now as then located at
the Silk Road and closely related to it’s development. This is one of the reasons, why this speech is part of a
series of speeches, that dealt with the past and the future of the Silk Road.

But, what does nuclear mean? This question can be answered in different ways.

In the past, nuclear meant armament, threats and similar things.

But in the future, nuclear will stand only for peaceful and sustainable energy.

Therefore, I will look about this issue from the perspective of the development of the Silk Road.

In Chinese writing, there are two characters which sound alike, but mean different things. But the fact, that
they sound alike, demonstrates that they are somehow related, anyway.

So, for me, in Chinese language, nuclear energy means peace through development. And that has been, after all,
the fundamental idea of the Silk Road in the past, and that is what it will be in the future.

Chinas future perspective:

There are presently 19 nuclear power plants at 7 locations.

Another 28 Gigawatts are under construction, and until 2020, 58 Gigawatts will be online.

And, they shall not be built along the eastern coast of China, but more and more in the interior parts of China.
In this endeavour, all work is aimed at an peaceful and sustainable development of nuclear power in China.

Thus, the percentage of nuclear power in the production of electricity will be expanded to
4% by 2020,
to 10% by 2035
and, together with renewable energy, to 30%, by 2050.

To reach this aim, China needs to build and develop more nuclear power plants.

But, first of all, I want to show why we did choose nuclear energy:

– because we have to re-evaluate, for a number of reasons, coal as an energy source;
– because we do not want to create a conflict, between economic growth and the environment;
– because we will be more able to even out energy prices;
– because we want to overcome the limitations of other energy sources in regards to the availability of
resources and their compatibility with the environment;
– because the development of nuclear energy serves to boost productive powers, especially in the area
of nuclear power technology.

The challenges we are confronted with, in this endeavour, are

– the safety of the installations;
– the protection of the installations against terrorism as well as the emission of dangerous substances;
– the handling of radiation products;
– economic competitivity;
– as well as sustainability.

But, aside from these general challenges we are confronted with, there are some challenges that are
specific for China. Among these, there are:

– the availability of nuclear materials and resources in this area;
– competitivity in the construction and installation of nuclear power plants;
– our own capacities for innovation in nuclear technologies;
the construction of nuclear power plants in the interior parts of China;
– and the training of skilled workers in the area of nuclear science and technology.

This last challenge for China, concerning the training of skilled workers in the area of nuclear science and
technology, is a task of our university of the city of Lanzhou, which is located at the Silk Road. How
important this area is for China, today, is demonstrated by a look at the past, the present and the future of
nuclear science in China.

1895-1942 – The first steps: founding of radio chemistry and nuclear research in China;
1942-1986: Golden Era: construction and use of nuclear technicians;
1986-2000: Decay
2000-2011 Renaissance: of nuclear technicians
2011-?: Fukushima

After the incident in Fukushima, it was, at first, not clear how China would proceed, and if China would stick to
its plans. Therefore, there were intensive discussions among specialists.
They arrived at the conclusion that China will continue to develop its nuclear energy.

Nuclear training, today

While in the last century, our universities hesitated and in some cases stopped some nuclear programs, we have
now restarted programs in the areas of radio chemistry, nuclear technology, nuclear physics, nuclear medicine

Similar developments occur at a number of institutions outside of universities.

We have to recognize, that the number of nuclear workers needed depends on how many nuclear power plants
are in use.

Therefore, it is clear that a faster development of nuclear science and technology will enlarges the labour market for skilled workers, there will be a greater demand for skilled workers, and this creates a challenge, weather we will be able provide for this demand.

The areas of skills that are affected by this are planning, construction and running of nuclear power plants and the nuclear fuel cycle.

If China is to provide for this demand, this would require that the number of skilled nuclear workers rises to
25.000 until 2020. Because of the speedy development in recent years, demand will increase until 2015 and will
the slow down and stagnate after 2015.

This means, that before 2015, 1200 nuclear workers will be educated:
350 engineers for fuel chemistry;
330 reactor engineers;

90 workers in basic sciences like radio chemistry and nuclaer physics;
140 workers in geology, uranium mining, and metallurgy.

But not only in nuclear science and technology we will need skilled workers, because of these
development plans, but also in areas like finances, law and protection of the environment.
Thus, the challenge is:

– to provide for the needed skilled workers;
– the lack of teachers;
– laboratories are too old and badly equipped;
– there is not enough done to attract students.

Political decisions can liberate all subordinated institutions. We will need decisions by the People’s
Congress, to provide for a long-term financing for these programs.
Progress that has already been made:

– The government has decided in favour of a sustainable financing for training programs in the areas of
nuclear science and technology;
– companies get involved and share their facilities with universities;
– universities work to renew their departments and equipments.


Concluding, I can say that the peaceful use of nuclear energy along the Silk Road will enhance the training of
skilled workers in the areas of nuclear science and technology.
Chinese people love and hope to set up a peaceful world.
We should ensure peaceful use of nuclear energy.
We hope every body in the world enjoy the peaceful development.

Toni Kästner: Germany’s Next 50 Years Our Role in Tomorrow’s World

Toni Kästner

Fusions-Energie-Forum, e.V.


Dr. Wolfgang Lillge: Fighting diseases and pandemics through a policy of global development

Dr. Wolfgang Lillge

Editor-in-chief of the Fusion Magazine, Berlin, Germany


When we are talking about „Fighting diseases and pandemics through a policy of global development” that refers of course in the first place to the Ebola epidemic raging in West Africa and threatening to expand massively into other African nations, but with a high potential also into South and North America and Europe.

But it’s not only Ebola; there is great number of other old and new diseases that are spinning out of control, not only in the developing sector. However, the Ebola virus and the very closely related Marburg virus are probably the worst killers known to us. Ebola is a highly infectious virus that can kill up to 90 percent of the people who catch it, causing terror among infected communities. Ebola first appeared in 1976 in simultaneous outbreaks in Sudan and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter outbreak happened in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name. Since that time, several smaller outbreaks of Ebola occurred in remote places, which could be contained.

But the situation in the Ebola regions of West Africa now can only be described as horrific. It is the modern days’ image of the Black Death of the 14. Century, as it has been reported by aid organisations like Doctors without borders and others. Bare figures like the officially announced number of deaths of 4033 and 8400 cases of infection (as of Oct. 10) cannot catch the dramatic situation. Because of the lack of health and social infrastructure there are no reliable figures available. In several reports the numbers are believed to be 3-10 times as high. One specific projection says, we will have more than 20,000 cases by October 24. However, if nothing changes and the epidemic continues to rage as it currently does, then the projections are that as many as 4.7 million people will have been infected and 1.2 million will have died in the next six months.

So, these prospects, in fact, are horrendous, but not really surprising.

The source of this threat to the existence of civilization clearly is the British Empire
and the intentional policy of the British Empire to kill off as many people as possible, if not by war, then by deadly epidemics. That is the long standing conviction of people like Bertrand Russell or Prince Philip, as we know. This does not necessarily mean that the Ebola virus was cooked up in some secret lab in London or so. The modus operandi works differently: It’s the policies of the International Monetary Fund, of the EU Troika, and of the big banks, which intentionally create conditions in which diseases such as Ebola get out of control.

Everybody in Europe, even more in the United States, is rightly terrified about the situation. We are faced with a process very similar to the 14th Century with the Black Death, which spread across Europe, based on the ongoing financial and economic collapse after the breakdown of the Peruzzi and Bardi banking houses, combined with the insanity of the flagellants and other insane religious fanatics, just as we see them today in form of the ISIS terrorists.

In fact, the same failed strategy by the Obama Administration in fighting ISIS is applied also at the homefront in fighting the danger of Ebola spreading in the United States. Now, after the second nurse being infected with Ebola in the Texas Hospital, where one patient died from the virus, it becomes clear, that the US health system is utterly incapable of protecting the population from the disease. In a conference call on the Ebola disaster with over 11,500
nurses on the call, the National Nurses United union was getting reports from across the US on the utter unpreparedness of the US health system for the disaster of the Ebola pandemic, and placing the blame squarely on Obama. A letter to Obama was read to the participants, calling on everyone to get it to Obama, the Congress, and their state politicians, demanding that Obama take action to protect the nation, and especially the nurses in the face of the “clear and present danger” of the Ebola pandemic.

Obama and US government institutions – but also officials in Europe – are caught just lying to the population that everything is safe and fine. Reports from nearly all hospitals in the US are saying: Nurses and staff have no training, no protective gear, no means of disposal of infected material, no respirators, and no protocols — all despite claims by the hospital administrations and the CDC that they are prepared for highly infected patients.

The US in fact has only four clinics that can provide a biosafety level-4 treatment of Ebola patients. These Level 4 units require a separate area. Each room has an anteroom, where medical staff can put on or take off their personal protective gear. Inside the room is a negative air pressure, so air is always being sucked into the room from the ventilation system, instead of floating out.

Germany has 7 such units.

Because of that carelessness, the US faces now the prospect of an uncontrolled spread of Ebola in the whole country and beyond. In fact, the second infected nurse was allowed to fly on a plane from Texas to Cleveland and back, although she had developed already symptoms of the disease, and in that condition she may have been highly contagious.

Thus, another lie has been exposed, that Ebola propagating in the developed world would be very unlikely.

Actually, for the virus it does not make a difference, in which country it is doing its job. We, the humans beings, are preparing the ground for Ebola by allowing defenses against diseases to be torn down, as it has happened on a massive scale in Africa and the transatlantic world in the recent decades. Fortunately, the only prospect of hope in this respect are the BRICS nations and their allies that are engaged in a massive build-up of the physical economy in their regions.

If you look at this graph, you see one of the reasons for what is going on in western Africa, in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea in particular. The graph shows a comparative reading of the level of poverty in this area, as compared to Spain, Germany, and the United States — where the situation is bad enough. And I definetely think that those figures for the United States, Germany, and Spain, are not reflecting the reality there, they are much worse than that. But it does give you an idea. In Liberia, 80% of the population lives in poverty; in Sierra Leone, 70%; in Guinea, 47%.


In another graph we have a comparison of the basic health infrastructure, specifically of hospital beds and also doctors per 100,000 population. On the left side of the graph, you see again, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, which countries have only 4-8 hospital beds per 100,000 people, which is miniscule as compared to Spain, Germany, or the United States.

In terms of doctors per 100,000, you can’t even discern Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea on this graphic, because the figures are so low, compared even to the inadequate situation that exists in Spain, Germany, and the United States.

The poverty in West Africa has been significantly worsened by 14 years of protracted internal conflict in Liberia, and 11 years in Sierra Leone, wars which made these states ungovernable. In that whole period, therefore, there was no education of the young generation, which is greatly complicating the efforts to inform the populations about the nature of the disease, and what has to be done to prevent it from spreading. 75 percent of the Liberian population is illiterate as a result of the internal war.

Thus, the two nations are ideal breeding grounds where epidemics can easily develop.

Because of deliberate negligence, the Ebola epidemic after it’s first outbreak did develop in the region unnoticed for several months. The first cases are believed to have occurred as early as December 2013. Since there is a lack of any significant surveillance and laboratory capacities, it took until March 21, 2014, that the first confirmed case was reported.

At that point, with an effective intervention, the spread of Ebola could still have been stopped, as it was done in the outbreaks before. But the World Health Organization WHO, the leading international body responsible for organizing the response to pathogenic outbreaks, was unable to react appropriately, since its capacities were massively cut down in the past. Due to massive budget cuts, experienced staff members, who retired, were never replaced, and in fact it is an open secret that the WHO is essentially bankrupt.

The Doctors Without Borders have been the only major international organization on the ground, that deployed over 300 doctors and health care workers into the region, but very soon they were overwhelmed by the rapid increase of Ebola-infected patients. Because of the spreading hysteria in the population, medical personnel has been violently attacked, they themselves suffered high infection rates, because they have to operate with wholly inadequate protection. At least 250 have died from the virus.

In fact, even the President of the World Bank, Yong Kim, in a speech at the recent meeting of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, said, “We, the world community, in the Ebola crisis, we have failed miserably. Now that there are cases in Spain and the United States the chance of the virus going to other European countries is fairly high. We were tested by Ebola, and we failed. We failed miserably in our response. So I say to finance ministers, look at what’s happening in Spain right now. It is going to get much worse.”

It is highly ironic, to say the least, to hear such statements from a representative of an institution that is responsible for much of the misery in Africa in the first place.

We have failed also to provide adequate health care in Europe itself. The health care systems in most European countries are running on the edge of bancruptcy and have been cut down to the bare minimum. In Germany, all the health care reforms of the last decades have been austerity programs to make hospitals and other institutions cost-effective. One aspect of that austerity has been the reduction of hospital beds in Europe between 2003 and 2014, as shown in the graph. In Germany alone, there are reports that more than 300 hospitals are about to be closed in the coming years.

In terms of doctors per 100

The situation is exactly what our organisation predicted to be the case, already in the 1970s, when Lyndon LaRouche commissioned to set up a task force which produced a study forecasting the consequences to the world’s population and the biosphere as a whole, were the “zero-growth” policies then being implemented by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank not drastically altered. We forecast at that time that, under these policies a global ecological holocaust would be the inevitable consequence.

We predicted specifically that

1. A biological holocaust would develop in successive waves of famine and disease, going downwards in a succession of exponential step functions, to a final potential general breakdown phase of the biosphere – to which we gave the name “Biological Holocaust”.

2. The process would include the emergence of new mutated deadly types of diseases, never before experienced by man, which would have the capacity of overwhelming the collapsed immunological defenses. We asserted that the combination of long-standing lethal pestilences and new “recombined” disease strains would have the potential of causing more general devastation to mankind than did the hideous Black Death of the 14th century.

3. We also forecast that the “cost efficient” World Bank and IMF programs would generate conditions of major desertification, laterization, and erosion of top soil, as ecological collapse takes place in fragile jungle zones. The growing desertification and destruction of photosynthetic dense jungle areas would have global consequences on weather patterns.

This forecast from the 1970s was first confirmed tragically by the outbreak of HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s, and is like an exact carbon copy of what is occurring with the Ebola virus today. The Zaire Ebola strain, the type which is behind the recent outbreak in Africa, is the most virulent of the five known strains and there are indications that in the process of massive spread the virus gains even more virulence. In fact, the current claim that Ebola is not an airborne disease must be put in question, because when you have a concentrated infectious situation like now all over West Africa, where many people are infected in relatively small areas, the disease becomes in effect airborne through the spreading of saliva, the diarrhea and the excretion of other bodily fluids, that are the core symptoms of these hemorrhagic diseases.

This is an absolute nightmare scenario which can only be dealt with by a massive containment of the virus in the affected African nations and beyond. Measures taken so far have been much too little and much to late. The spread of the virus has been significantly faster at each point of time than all the actions to contain it, especially once the virus moved out of the forest areas and jumped over into the urban centers of the affected countries.

The failure of containing the epidemic, however, is also due to the nature of the disease itself. When someone is infected with Ebola, he or she is not yet contageous, before symptoms of the disease suddenly appear. Without treatment, people may die then within a couple of days, and they may spread the virus uncontrollably in that time. Additionally, the early symptoms of an Ebola infection are almost identical to those which you develop with malaria and many other tropical diseases, which are widespread in many parts of Africa. But, even when an infected individual is identified, there is no health infrastructure available in these African countries to track all of the contact persons.

So, the task of containing and defeating Ebola requires a huge commitment. Where do we stand?

There are more statements inside the United States about the total inadequacy of Obama’s reaction to the crisis. Dr. Michael Osterholm, who is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and a prominent public health scientist and biosecurity expert in the United States, said on a recent symposium at Johns Hopkins University that there is no effective policy from the US government for dealing with the Ebola crisis. „When the president announced five weeks ago, to send 3,000 military people into Africa,“ Osterholm said, „and last week there were only 200 on the ground, and today there are 300 on the ground for logistical support – these are not 3000, this is woefully inadequate.“ So in fact, nothing has happened: Plan A has been a failure, and there is no Plan B.

Just to add here: According to a commentary published Sept. 17 by Dr. Osterholms Center, the Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted by aerosol particles, and therefore, healthcare workers should be wearing respirators, not only facemasks in dealing with Ebola patients. The authors urge the CDC and the WHO to purchase and transport these respirators to all healthcare workers fighting Ebola in Africa, and beyond.

As an immediate intervention to curb the epidemic, we need an emergency international mobilization, a full-scale effort to build the necessary health infrastructure in West Africa. This includes scaling up isolation centers, deploying mobile laboratories to improve diagnostic capabilities, establishing transport hubs to move personnel and equipment to and within West Africa, and building a regional network of field hospitals and establishing special units to treat suspected or infected medical personnel. Also the deployment of hospital ships into the ports of West Africa would support the immediate response to the crisis. And we must be open to any additional option.

This must be an international effort, because almost all advanced-sector nations, most especially the United States, Russia, and Japan, have developed capabilities to fight major biological threats. The military in both the United States and Russia, and likely, other countries, must make available their expertise in bio-hazard containment. Those assets, along with civilian disaster response teams backed by massively expanded logistical capabilities, must be deployed, in close collaboration with the sovereign governments in the area.

Nothing short of that scale of deployment has a chance of success. And as Lyndon LaRouche stated recently, the immediate aim must be to reverse the death rate. Nothing less than that will prevent a potential catastrophe for all mankind.

However most urgent also is a Plan C, which would be the development of a vaccine against Ebola. That would be the most effective intervention to halt the disease in the medium term. Most promising are reports from the Russian Health Minister, that Russia is planning to send a new, experimental vaccine against Ebola to Africa in two months. The efficiency of the drug, which is to be tested on the ground, is about 70-90 percent. An Ebola vaccine is being developed also in Canada which will need some more month before it could be tested.

As in many other cases, vaccines are the most effective protection against viral diseases. Small pox for example has been eradicated from the face of the earth by that method.

In the case if Ebola, the challenge for a vaccination campaign is incomparably greater. No other virus kills its victims faster than the Ebola virus. So, the virus has a clock that runs extremely fast. In order to contain it, we must be at least as fast as that inner virus clock, otherwise it will always be in front of our efforts to contain it. But if we succeed to inoculate large enough portions of the population, then the further rapid spread of the virus will be slowed and then stopped at some point. That must be a joint international project involving the USA, Russia, China und Europe.

The next immediate step must be the massive economic development of Africa, especially the setting up of a health and transport infrastructure, not only in the Ebola-affected countries of West Africa, but on the whole continent, up to levels as they exist now in Europe or the U.S. For that the BRICS process of cooperation has to become the paradigm for development, away from the destructive policy of feeding the bankrupt western banks with bail-out or bail-in money that will destroy the physical economy even more.

We have always been scientific and cultural optimists. Therefore, let’s use the optimism that has been unleashed on the planet around China’s Helium-3 fusion power policy and around the BRICS process, to also set in motion a Biological Defense Initiative, of the sort Lyndon LaRouche has called for repeatedly in the past, to stop the Ebola and related New Dark Ages crises from destroying humanity.

Thank you

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar: Greeting from the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

Founder and President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)


Malcolm Fraser: Message for 30th Anniversary Conference of the Schiller Institute

Malcolm Fraser

Former Prime Minister of Australia (1975-1983)

I wish you well in your deliberations. We desperately need a more cooperative and more inclusive world. The West needs to be prepared to recognise, and also to accept, the consequences of past grievous errors. The move of NATO eastwards was giving notice that the West did not want Russia as a collaborative partner, but rather as a defeated foe still to be marginalised. It is not surprising that NATO’s move has led to a cool or even to a sour relationship between the United States, NATO and Russia. They virtually made a cooperative relationship impossible.

Other Western initiatives have generally ended in failure. The GulfWar to free Kuwait was an overwhelming success, but the possibilities that could have flowed from that war, where 31 nations participated with troops on the ground, were thrown aside by policies of the neo-conservatives and their ideas of American exceptionalism and manifest destiny. In that vision, whatever America did was right, because America did it. The 2nd War in Iraq was an unmitigated disaster, predicably unleashing sectarian violence which has engulfed, and still plagues, the whole region.

The West has begun a new war against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, without the means to complete that war or to achieve peace. We need a new and more open inclusive society, where others can participate in making the rules that affect everyone. We have a Monetary Fund and a World Bank, dominated by American and Western interests, it is not surprising that there are now moves to sidestep these institutions and create alternatives.

There is an option and that is for the most powerful Western nations to realise that there have been great changes in the world, that the strategic context has altered, that other powers such as the BRICS are emerging and that the West should collaborate with them as partners to establish a more equal and a more just world.

Resolution of the Schiller Institute Conference, Oct. 19, 2014

Resolution of the Schiller Institute Conference, Oct. 19, 2014

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche


Schiller Institute 30th Anniversary Conference, Frankfurt: The New Silk Road and China’s Lunar Program

Mankind Is the Only Creative Species! Declaration of the Conference of the Schiller Institute, Oct. 19, 2014 {The following declaration was read by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche,  and has been transcribed from the audio file.} 

Mankind experiences presently a deep civilizational crisis, where the foundations of  society in many parts of the world have eroded, and established codes of international  relations have broken down. On top of this, we are faced with mortal dangers, each of which  could lead to the potential extinction of the human species.

  • There is first the Ebola pandemic, which is already out of control in Africa, for which  there is no cure, and which is threatening to become more threatening than the Black Death of  the 14th century.
  •  There is second, the terrorist threat for the whole world, and genocide spreading from  the so-called IS Caliphate, not only demonstrating a subhuman barbarism, but explicitly  threatening Russia and China, and therefore, becoming the potential trigger to blow up all of  Southwest Asia and even leading to a new world war.
  • And there is third, the absolute certainty that the completely bankrupt trans-Atlantic  financial system is about to blow up, threatening also to throw much of the world into a Dark Age.

In light of these three mortal dangers, it is a question of life and death of humanity to stop  the immoral and imbecilic policies of geopolitics and confrontation against Russia and China.  Instead, we have to shift the agenda to the common aims of mankind, and work together with  Russia, China, India, and other nations, to defeat these mortal threats.  We call on all forces of reason in Europe and the United States, to join the emerging new  economic order of the BRICS and the New Silk Road. Let’s work to establish an inclusive  peace order, with the participation of every nation on the planet, a peace order for the 21st  century, worthy of mankind as the only known creative species in the universe. Let us grow  up into the adult age of humanity, where love, creativity, and beauty define the values of our  common human family.

Schiller Institute 30th Anniversary Conference: The New Silk Road and China’s Lunar Program: Mankind Is the Only Creative Species!

We Need a New, Inclusive World Security Architecture

We Need a New, Inclusive World Security Architecture

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche


In the referendum on the independence of Scotland, London once again got its way, by the skin of its teeth—at least for the time being—thanks to a massive campaign of scare tactics. But even the New York Times commented that the anger expressed in Scotland against Westminster’s policies—in favor of the super-rich, imperial wars, etc.—is paradigmatic of the growing anger of the populations of the United States and the Eurozone about the blatant failure of the establishment’s policy.

In stark contrast, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are proceeding to build an alternative economic system and have declared themselves optimistic, noting that China and India together account for 35% of the human race and are together writing the screenplay for the future.

Indeed, Xi’s three-day state visit to India represents a qualitative breakthrough in Sino-Indian relations. Not only does China intend, in the next five years, to invest $20 billion in the expansion of India’s rapid transit systems, the modernization of its railway stations, industrial parks, power transmission equipment, and auto parts production—it also wants, in return, to open its market for Indian pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, and films. Other agreements were reached on cooperation in the development of nuclear energy, the peaceful use of space, a sister-city relationship between Shanghai and Mumbai, as well as cultural exchanges, and—especially importantly—it was agreed to prioritize settling the country’s outstanding border dispute, once and for all.

Solving this question threatens to leave the Western media and think-tanks with nothing left to say that would satisfy their need, bordering on the absurd, for nitpicking. Failing to recognize the grand design behind this summit, the Western media have tried to outdo one another in describing only the supposed geopolitical conflicts of interest between the two nations.

“No man is a hero to his valet; not, however, because the man is not a hero, but because the valet is a valet,” wrote Hegel in his Phenomenology, describing this state of mind. What these media representatives and think-tanks don’t understand, from their petty, geopolitical perspective, is the qualitative change that has been underway for more than a year, with Xi’s New Silk Road policy, and the drive of the BRICS countries for real development. More and more countries of Asia, Latin America, and Africa are defying the conditionalities of the IMF and World Bank and are creating their own development banks, the AIIB [Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank], NDB [New Development Bank], and a bank of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which are dedicated to financing only real economic projects and not speculation.

Underlying this is the determination to finally tackle the shift from underdevelopment and poverty, to the defense of the general welfare of their people. What the scribblers and talking heads cannot imagine, is that there are governments today that truly represent the interests of their nations and of mankind—and not those of the banks, as is common in Europe and the United States.


The growing alliance of the BRICS countries [Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa], the Union of South America (UNASUR) countries, and the ASEAN and SCO members in Asia, in which such countries as Egypt, Nicaragua, and South Korea must also be counted, is not only joined by the common perspective of economic development, but also by the recognition that the current strategy of confrontation against Russia on the part of the U.S. administration, Great Britain, NATO, and the EU, is causing the imminent threat of global thermonuclear war.

– Threat of World War –

Prof. Han Xudong of the National Defense University of the People’s Liberation Army, in an extraordinary article headlined, “As Possibility of a Third World War Exists, China Needs To Be Prepared,” deals with this question.

Prof. Han Xudong

“As the Ukrainian crisis deepens, international observers have become more and more concerned about a direct military clash between the US and Russia. Once an armed rivalry erupts, it is likely to extend to the [rest of the] globe. And it is not impossible that a world war could break out,”

he wrote in the People’s Daily on Sept. 16.

“…Currently, the world has entered an era of new forms of global war. Outer space, the Internet and the sea have become the battlefields of rivalry… China should not be pushed into a passive position where it is vulnerable to attacks. We must bear a third world war in mind when developing military forces, especially the sea and air forces.”

Pope Francis said essentially the same thing, on the occasion of a commemoration of the outbreak of World War I.

Pope Francis

“A third world war in pieces”

“A third world war in pieces” is already being waged, with crimes, massacres, destruction, he said. And German historian Michael Stuermer, writing in Die Welt, gave the diagnosis that since the Ukraine crisis began, world politics has found itself in an experimental mode, in which the time-tested rules of crisis prevention and crisis management have been thrown overboard, and senior staff are inexperienced in the management of emergencies. The saber-rattling, he wrote, fails to take account of the limitless possibilities of destruction and self-destruction. The security architecture that emerged during the Cold War and that ended in German unification—amazingly, without catastrophe—was an era of undeclared small wars with no beginning and no end, extending from Indochina/Vietnam to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. In the Ukraine crisis, he wrote, both sides have acted without a goal or an exit strategy; nobody knows where it will end. One escalation drives another, and the reasoned imperatives of the long nuclear peace seem to be forgotten.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev, for his part, addressed the situation at an economic conference in Sochi recently:

“Essentially the entire system of European security is threatened, as well as fundamental values, further globalization, and basically the entire concept of peaceful development. I have a feeling that the West has completely forgotten that Russia has its own national interests. History clearly shows that all attempts to exert pressure on Russia by such measures [sanctions], have been in vain. We will not give in to any political blackmail. We are the largest country in the world, a nuclear power in which 150 million people live, an area with immense natural resources and a huge market for goods, services, and investments. The West, however, acts as though Russia simply does not exist on the world map.”

From the Chinese military to the Pope, the Russian government, and growing segments in all European nations, people see that World War III has actually already started, that all the rules of war prevention have been thrown overboard and there is actually no longer a security system. Why then do we not immediately pull the emergency brake and stop this madness, this train that is hurtling at full speed toward a wall behind which there is only a great void?

– Call for an Emergency Conference –

We immediately need a global emergency conference with only a single theme: How should a global, inclusive security architecture be designed which guarantees the existence and security of all nations on the planet?

It is obvious that the strategic crisis began with the broken promises to Russia at the time of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, namely that NATO would never be extended up to the borders of Russia. We must start again from that point and the equally obvious point, that in 1991, there were no convincing reasons to exclude Russia from alliances, but rather to expand NATO and the EU further to the east; the intention to encircle Russia and eventually render it indefensible can no longer be denied.

President Xi has repeatedly argued that there can be no security structure that grants security only to a few states, while others remain in chaos and danger; only an inclusive security architecture can guarantee world peace. Precisely such a security architecture, which encompasses all States, must urgently be placed on the agenda, if we do not want to collectively kill ourselves off.

The obvious economic basis for such an inclusive security approach is the New Silk Road program, which China is working to bring about and whose spirit the aforementioned alliances have embraced. The Chinese government has repeatedly stressed that this New Silk Road is an open concept, which every nation can join.

The human species will survive only if we learn the lessons of the two world wars of the 20th Century and stop thinking in geopolitical categories. We must replace this imperial, oligarchical approach with a new paradigm: that the common aims of mankind are the priority for everyone. This is also the view of “the coincidence of opposites” that Nicholas of Cusa put forward in the 15th Century, in his Coincidentia Oppositorum: that this is the only way to achieve “concordance in the macrocosm.”

Now we have arrived at the point where our survival as a species depends on achieving this level of thinking.

What the West Has To Learn from the Ongoing Transformation of China

What the West Has To Learn from the Ongoing Transformation of China

Helga Zepp-LaRouche


Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and president of the international Schiller Institute, reported on her recent trip to China in a webcast on Sept. 11, 2014 (in German, at We excerpt here that portion of her overall strategic briefing:

…We were just on a very interesting trip to China. We first visited western China, along the ancient Silk Road, where we conducted a kind of fact-finding tour. We traveled to some of the hubs of the ancient Silk Road, which gave us an incredibly good, sensuous impression of what a tremendous breakthrough the ancient Silk Road was, because the obstacles that had to be overcome at that time—2,000 years ago, during the Han Dynasty—were so gigantic, such as crossing the Gobi Desert, and even more so the Taklamakan Desert, where there are sand dunes 200 meters high and sandstorms that then blow everythng away again.

We visited not only some of the sites of China’s cultural heritage, but also saw films about the ancient Silk Road. We visited the famous caves of Dunhuang and several places along the Great Wall, including its furthest northwestern point, almost on the border of Xinjiang, which dates back 2,000 years.

It reminded me a bit of the poem “Ozymandias” [by Percy Shelley], where statues and buildings in the desert sand were blown away; and then, after 2,000 years, the question is: What remains of what a person did with his life?

It had a very profound effect on me. In any case, it was all very, very inspiring and instructive, because the Chinese government is obviously making extraordinary efforts to keep alive and strengthen in the population the awareness of its heritage.

A Giant Construction Program

We also, of course, were extremely enthusiastic to see the Lanzhou-Dunhuang railroad being built, which will reach Urumqui—i.e., it is really the ancient Silk Road to Xinjiang, but now connected by a high-speed rail system.

On the way from Lanzhou Airport to the city, a bus ride of about an hour, we saw the frenzied pace at which the railroad is being built. You can see bridges, then a few kilometers further there are embankments for the railway, then just marked-out routes or fortifications—everything going up at an incredible pace, in complete contrast to the way our projects are built [in Germany]. For example, it took ten years to build the ICE railroad from Cologne to Frankfurt, while China is obviously pushing ahead the development of its interior regions, and also the upgrading of the Silk Road, at a rapid tempo and also with high quality.

In the second week, we had many meetings and attended conferences in Beijing itself, and I will summarize my impressions.
The West’s Geopolitical Thinking

This is very important: We must get people in Germany and the rest of Europe and America to have a really correct understanding of what’s going on in China with the Silk Road and the space program. In a few days, there will be a big conference on space in Beijing, with all the astronauts, cosmonauts, and taikonauts who were ever in space, and who were invited by China to take part in the future Chinese space station.

But if you listen to the think-tanks in the West, from America and Europe, they all say: “Yes, China wants to increase its influence now: It wants imperialist expansion.” But nothing could be further from the truth. Because the think-tanks’ characterization of the Chinese policy of the New Silk Road, or other Chinese initiatives such as the space policy, show that everything is being judged from the standpoint of projecting their own geostrategic interests, such as the EU’s desire to expand. Now, the Balkan countries are also supposed to join. I believe it was [Javier] Solana [former NATO General-Secretary], and later also [European Commission President José Manuel] Barroso, who said that there is no limit to the expansion of the EU.

The EU is a neo-imperial entity pursuing geopolitical interests, which it sees in a blatant contradiction to the supposed geopolitical interests of other countries such as the United States, Russia, China, the BRICS. And that’s simply wrong.
China’s Development Perspective

Thus we encounter the question of what Chinese policy actually is, a policy which has now really become the beacon for the BRICS and many other countries that are joining this new combination. This is not geopolitics at all! People in the West cannot imagine that there are nations that don’t operate on the basis of neo-liberalism, monetarism, positivism, and geopolitics, but rather on axioms that may not be quite identical to, but are yet very similar to the ideas and principles that Gottfried Leibniz upheld at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries—namely a true development perspective for the universal history of mankind. This was comparable to the policy of the American Revolution or John Quincy Adams, one of the first Presidents, who said: We need an alliance of sovereign republics, which jointly work for the common aims of mankind.

And that is emphatically what China is doing today.

I know that many people don’t understand or believe that, nowadays. But I can really say, to my best of my knowledge and conscience: China is operating at the moment on the basis of 5,000 years of Chinese history. One must realize that China is the only culture that has survived as a continuum for such a long period, without interruption and without major territorial shifts.

This is noticeable, among other things, in the crucial role of Confucianism for China’s identity. It is noticeable in such nice things as the excellent, world-famous cuisine. In China you can eat thousands of dishes, which are all excellent, and which are always new, and with hundreds of regional differences.

This is, to put it simply, a cultured nation, which is not imperialistic, but which has an interest in the development of mankind. And this concept of the New Silk Road is something that China has in a sense experienced itself, in its development since the Cultural Revolution, or overall, since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. There were of course some initial problems, such as the Cultural Revolution. But at the latest since the reforms of Deng Xiaoping, China has applied correct scientific principles to bring about the largest economic transformation that has taken place anywhere on this planet.

They are now at the point where they say: We are going to transform the remaining underdeveloped regions of China, so that the standard of living of the population is increased, but we are also going to make this model of development available all over the world, in the form of the New Silk Road, in the tradition of the ancient Silk Road. And that is an open concept: that anyone can work with them, because everyone is invited to join. It is explicitly included and not directed against the alleged geostrategic interests of other nations or groups of nations.

That is a very important distinction. It is just not geopolitics, but a dynamic concept of the upward development of the human species. And I challenge all of our viewers who do not believe me: Send me your questions! I am eager for a dialogue, because it is really a question of existential importance for Germany, that we understand this.


The New Silk Road Leads to the Future Of Mankind!

The New Silk Road Leads to the Future Of Mankind!

by: Helga Zepp-LaRouche

This article was originally published in the EIR Online

August 2014—When the authors of this study decided last year to set out a new concept for peace in the 21st Century, by producing a revised version of the World Land-Bridge program—23 years after the first proposal for the Eurasian Land-Bridge—it was their intention not only to provide a concept for reconstruction of the world economy, but to present a war-avoidance strategy in the context of an acute strategic crisis at the same time. For in the intervening years, the danger of an intentional—or even an accidental—thermonuclear world war has grown dramatically. The attempt, fed by geopolitical motives, to associate Ukraine with the EU, and thus bring it, de facto, into the NATO sphere of influence, has triggered a series of escalating confrontations, which, in the worst case, could end in the extinction of the human race.

But in addition, nearly the entire Near and Middle East is burning; set off by wars built on lies, against so-called rogue states, the seeds of violence were sown which have called to life a million-headed hydra, which has not only leveled the Cradle of Civilization to the ground, and created there a Hell on Earth, but has also become an existential threat to the West.

The consequences of this policy of “regime change” have long thrown large parts of Africa into chaos, and overrun the continent with wars of terror and civil wars. But there are also geostrategic conflicts breeding in the Pacific, which have the potential to set loose regional wars and beyond. And since absolutely nothing has been done to remedy the causes for the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, the TBTF (too-big-to-fail) banks are, on average, 30-40% bigger today than they were then, the indebtedness still more massive, and the derivatives bubble grown to nearly $2 quadrillion; so that a new systemic crisis could result at any moment, this time, given the strategic situation we have sketched here, with the danger that chaos will be triggered, making a strategic catastrophe unavoidable.

The entire world thus finds itself in such an alarming condition that one can only wonder how those responsible for the so-called Western community of values could have let things get to this point.

Pope Francis, who has characterized the global financial and economic system as “intolerable,” recently put it this way, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia:

Though one could not put it better than the Pope has done, in this case, he underestimates the satanic energy of the system of globalization, which is ready to defend its privileges with all weapons available. One hundred years after the First World War, we find ourselves in a very similar geopolitical situation, except that this time there are thermonuclear weapons whose use would wipe out the human race.

There Is an Alternative

Meanwhile, an alternative to the collapsing trans-Atlantic system has been created; the attempts of that system to use supranational institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, WTO, TTP, TTIP, and similar monetarist instruments of globalization, to extend a worldwide imperium, have produced an opposition which might not have been expected to manifest itself as it has.

In less than one year, an alliance of nations has been created, which has built a parallel economic order with giant steps, one which is dedicated exclusively to the building of the real economy, in opposition to the maximization of speculative monetary profit, and which now includes more than half of mankind. This new community of nations represents a power center based on economic growth, and above all, on leading-edge technology, one which belongs to the future, as shown above all by the success of the Chinese lunar exploration program, focused on the idea of bringing large quantities of helium-3 from the Moon back to Earth, for the future economy of thermonuclear fusion power. It points the way to a scientific and technological revolution which will increase, by orders of magnitude, the energy-flux density, both in production processes on Earth, and in fuels for space travel, and thereby introduce a completely new phase in the evolution of the human species.

The first step in the direction of a new economic world order was the announcement by Chinese President Xi Jinping at a conference in Kazakstan in July of last year, that China would build a new Silk Road Economic Belt, through Central Asia to Europe, in the tradition of the ancient Silk Road. Then, in October, in a trip to Indonesia and Malaysia, Xi took the initiative to involve all of Southeast Asia in the construction of the Maritime Silk Road.

At the summit meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi, on May 20 in Shanghai, and Putin’s state visit to China on the occasion of the 4th Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Shanghai on May 21, extensive plans for collaboration of the two great powers were signed, including a 30-year natural gas agreement, and 46 additional bilateral accords. At the end of the summit, the two heads of state published a common declaration of intent, stating that both countries wished to create a new economic architecture in the Asia-Pacific region, oppose interference in the internal affairs of other nations, and intend to coordinate, as much as possible, their responses to important foreign policy questions on which they agree.


Maglev transportation in China. Lars Plougmann

They named, among others, one goal of this collaboration as follows: “Increasing the effectiveness of collaboration in high-technology areas, priority projects in the international use of nuclear energy, civil aviation, and a program of cooperation in basic research on space flight, satellite observation of the Earth, satellite navigation, and research into deep space and manned space travel.” A further militarization of space should, on the contrary, be prevented, and the unilateral stationing of missile defense installations was judged to be a “destabilizing factor for the world.” Other goals include innovative research, improvement of agricultural techniques, and increasing agricultural production. They also expressed the intention to reform the international financial architecture.

The 30-year Russia-China natural gas treaty, with a total value of $400 billion, can be called historic. The two countries’ cooperation in the petroleum field is also to be deepened; coal mines in Russia will be jointly developed; additional power plants will be built in Russia to supply electricity to China; and there will be collaboration on many other projects in infrastructure, transportation, water, and nature conservation.

Of still greater importance is President Putin’s support for President Xi’s strategic initiative to expand the New Silk Road. Their common statement says:

“Russia recognizes the enormous significance of the Chinese initiative for the building of the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt,’ and particularly appreciates the readiness of the Chinese side to take Russian interests into account in its development and realization. Both sides will seek further opportunities to combine the perspective of the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ with the conception of the ‘Eurasian Economic Union.’ Toward this purpose, they intend to deepen the cooperation of the relevant agencies in the realization of both projects, especially in the development of transportation routes and infrastructure.”

The BRICS Summit

Other nations were then drawn into this collaboration at the May 20-21 4th Summit Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia in Shanghai. On July 16, the 6th BRICS Summit was held in Fortaleza, Brazil; on the following day, the Latin American heads of state and government joined the conference, and thus, 48% of humanity was represented at this meeting.

At the BRICS Summit itself, and in a series of multilateral and bilateral discussions within and around this summit, the heads of state agreed on the creation of an entirely new economic and financial system, representing a fundamental alternative to the casino economy of the present system of globalization, which is based on maximized profit of the few, and impoverishment of billions of people. Included in the 72 points of the “Declaration of Fortaleza” is the real thunderbolt: the announcement of the creation of a new financial architecture. The new architecture was launched with the formation of a New Development Bank with an initial capitalization of $50 billion, and a Currency Reserve Agreement (CRA) with an initial capacity of $100 billion to help participating nations defend themselves against capital flight and other forms of financial warfare.


China had already previously decided to found an “Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,” the AIIB, to have an initial capitalization of $100 billion, with the invited participation from the start of more than 30 countries. Xinhua quoted Jin Liqun, under whose direction the Chinese Finance Ministry placed the founding of the Bank:

“The means of the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank fall far short of satisfying the hunger for more infrastructure…. The Bank will open a new financing channel for developing countries, especially for those with low income…. In October 2013, during a visit to Indonesia, China’s President Xi Jinping proposed an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to support economic integration.”

The general secretary of the Chinese Center for International Economic Exchanges emphasized that the AIIB is to be an open and freely accessible platform, welcoming not only nations in Asia, but also others, such as the United States and the European countries. Up to this point, the nations of ASEAN, at a summit in Myanmar, on Aug. 9, agreed to deepen their cooperation with China on “New Silk Road” development projects, while Thailand and Singapore agreed to join the AIIB as charter members, as has Bangladesh. South Korea, despite direct U.S. pressure not to join, is considering charter membership, and requested that Seoul be considered as a possible location for the Bank.

In the course of this series of summits, collaboration was decided upon, among the various states, in a large number of projects, above all, the development of nuclear energy in Russia, China, India, Brazil, Argentina, and South Africa, and also, such groundbreaking projects as a second Panama Canal to be built by China through Nicaragua, and a transcontinental high-speed rail connection from Brazil to Peru.

The multiplicity of projects decided on among this community of nations in the areas of infrastructure, energy, industry, agriculture, research, and education, has reached a dimension which dwarfs the investments made by the U.S.A. and Europe in the same spheres over the past 30 years. The claims that Russia is only a “regional power,” and China only a “cheap-production country,” as was said at hastily arranged seminars at various thinktanks on the theme of the allegedly minor significance of the BRICS nations, have rather the character of whistling past the graveyard.

For in reality, there are now two economic and financial systems built on completely different principles. One, the trans-Atlantic system, as an imperial structure, seeks constantly to extend the boundaries of its sphere of power through supranational structures which threaten the sovereignty of other nations. It forces regime change against governments it disapproves of, insists on submission to a “consensus,” and in the process, uses methods which do indeed produce an aura of domination for a while, and the feeling of powerlessness among the populations dominated in this way, but it ultimately goes the way of all empires. The moment this aura of power fades, whether because the imperial financial system is bankrupt, or because the people realize the hollowness of the values handed down, then the capability for intimidation disappears.

The newly arising system of the BRICS nations and the countries associated with them, bases itself on entirely different principles. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi formulated it most expressively at the plenary session of the summit: “BRICS is unique as an international institution. In the first instance, it unifies a group of nations, not on the basis of their existing prosperity or common identities, but rather their future potentials. The idea of the BRICS itself is thus already aligned with the future.”

Modi stressed that the high percentage of young people, in India for example, represents an enormous potential for the future, and proposed forming a BRICS forum for young scientists, and a school of languages “offering language training in all of our languages.” Modi made an appeal: “Excellencies, we have an opportunity to define the future—not only for our countries, but for the entire world…. I conceive that as a great challenge.”

The Future Lies in Outer Space

Nicholas of Cusa, the founder of modern natural science and a revolutionary scientific method, came to the conclusion, in the 15th Century, that every human being who strives to do so must be capable of reproducing virtually the entire evolution of the universe in its essential qualitative levels of development, and that this standpoint makes it possible to determine the necessary next step in scientific progress.

Today, this necessary next discovery, which defines the future for the entire world, is the conquest of the energy source that will bestow energy and raw materials security on mankind for thousands of years into the future: the utilization of thermonuclear fusion power on the basis of helium-3.

Therefore, the success of the Chinese Chang’e-3 mission this past December, in achieving a soft landing of the “Jade Rabbit” rover on the Moon, was a milestone in achieving this goal. The Chang’e-4 mission will follow immediately this year, in preparation for Chang’e-5 in 2017, which can start the phase of flight back and forth between the Earth and the Moon, in preparation for the future industrial exploitation of the Moon. This will bring within reach, the separation of the helium-3 found on the Moon in great quantities, for the nuclear fusion economy on Earth.

In the scientific collaboration among the BRICS nations, but above all, among Russia, China, and India, helium-3 plays a prominent role, because as a fuel for fusion, in contradistinction to deuterium-tritium, it does not produce energetic neutrons, which are very problematic for the reactor materials, but instead produces positively charged protons, which makes possible a revolution in energy generation. Instead of producing energy through the customary method via steam and turbines, in which there is a great energy loss, it will become possible to convert the energy of fusion reactions directly into electricity, at much higher efficiencies.

But Russia, too, according to the Russian space agency Roskosmos, plans a mission between 2016 and 2025, which is intended to create the basis for the industrial exploitation of the Moon. In the first phase, this involves robotic infrastructure for work on the Moon, thus, among other things mobile cranes, dredges, and cable-laying machines. After the landing probe “Luna Globe 1” in 2015, and the orbital module “Luna Globe 2” in 2016, then in 2017 the hard-landing apparatus “Luna Resource,” developed together with the Indian Space Research Agency, will reach the lunar surface and, among other tasks, convey the Indian lunar vehicle onto the Moon.


A picture of the Yutu “Jade Rabbit” rover taken by the Chang’e 3 lander


LRO close-up image taken on 25 December 2013. The lander (large arrow) and rover (small arrow) can be seen.

The collaboration among China, Russia, and India is paradigmatic for the new area of mankind, in which we—instead of plunging ourselves into geopolitical wars—will concentrate on the common aims of mankind. With the attainment of energy security for at least 10,000 years on the basis of helium-3-fed thermonuclear fusion power, and with the technologies associated with this, such as the fusion torch technique which will enable raw materials security by reducing waste and all types of materials into isotopes which can be recomposed as needed, mankind will reach a completely new economic platform on the basis of a very high energy-flux density. This new economic platform begins a new age of mankind. The utilization of helium-3 sources for the fusion economy will be the game-changer which will revolutionize all relationships in science, economy, and politics on the Earth and in the Solar System.

It is obvious that a continuation of the geopolitical thinking which already led to two world wars in the 20th Century, into a third, and this time, a thermonuclear world war, will cause the extinction of mankind. Instead of seeing the rise of China as a threat to the West’s supposed geopolitical interests—and thus, as the American Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey has repeatedly warned, groping around in a new “Thucydides Trap”—we need a new conception, a new paradigm which considers the development perspective of mankind as a whole.

A New Economic Order

The late German-American space pioneer Krafft Ehricke described the long arc of evolution as an upward development, in which, at first, life spread from the sea to the continents by means of photosynthesis in plant world, and then led gradually to the rise of biological species of high complexity and metabolism with higher energy-flux density. He described how the human species, as the highest expression of this evolution up to now, initially settled on the coasts and the shores of rivers, and then along roads and canals, and finally along railroads and modern infrastructure, making the landlocked regions of the continents more and more accessible.

This process is still not completed—and exactly this is the goal of the World Land-Bridge presented in this study, to achieve the infrastructural development of the continents of the Earth. krafft Ehricke saw, in space travel and the colonization of the universe, the natural next phase of the evolution of mankind, and saw in the industrialization of the Moon, in particular, the springboard for excursions of human beings into the Solar System and potentially beyond. He was convinced that the evolution of the human species would only effectively reach adulthood with manned space travel; that only the “great challenge of the extraterrestrial imperative,” as Krafft Ehricke called it, will raise mankind to its true purpose and destiny: namely, representing through its power of reason, the only creative species (known up to now), to act on verifiable universal principles, and not on the illusory world of sense-perceptions

By doing so, the human species will achieve a considerable advance in bringing its relationships to this planet and to near-Earth space, into harmony with the cosmic order. Perhaps the most important contribution of Lyndon LaRouche consists in that by the further development of the Leibnizian term “physical economy,” he has created a theory of scientific economy which corresponds to the real laws of development of the physical universe.

One of its basic concepts is that it is indispensable for the continuously sustained existence of the human race that its relative potential population density should increase on the basis of rising energy-flux densities in the production process, because at any arbitrary stage of economic development, there is a relative exhaustion of resources. The entire history of human development, particularly the most recent 10,000 years, in which the population potential has risen from a few millions to presently over 7 billion, demonstrates the correlation of the anti-entropic character of human creativity with the knowable universal principles of the physical universe.

The use of the helium-3 resources on the Moon for the fusion economy on the Earth also recalls in an interesting way the controversy between Plato and Nicholas of Cusa, over whether ideas possess an existence already effectively present in the objective universe, independent of mankind, or whether it is only with human creativity that these ideas are created. Helium-3 supplies on the Moon are, in the first instance, only deposits in the upper layer of the regolith. Only human creativity, in mastering thermonuclear fusion power, makes these isotopes into the fuel which can even exceed the power of nuclear fusion in the Sun!

But mankind has reached a phase-change not only from the scientific standpoint, but also from that of universal history; that is, the end of geopolitics is necessary for the survival of the species. Shortly before the Berlin Wall fell, LaRouche proposed the “Productive Triangle Paris-Berlin-Vienna” infrastructure program, and thereby, the plan to make this triangle the scientific motor and starting point for development corridors for the transformation of the Comecon states (the then-Soviet Union and Eastern Europe).

When the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, and thus the Iron Curtain disappeared, Schiller Institute teams further elaborated this program into the conception of the Eurasian Land-Bridge. Thus the idea was developed of linking the population and industrial centers of Europe with Asia by so-called development corridors, and thus providing the landlocked regions of Eurasia with the same site-characteristics which the regions with ocean or river access already had.

In the 23 years which have passed since then, this idea has not only been presented in innumerable conferences and seminars in cities around the world, but also further filled out into the idea of the World Land-Bridge. The linking of peoples through this World Land-Bridge is now the realistic perspective emerging from the collaboration of the BRICS nations, Latin America, and the ASEAN nations, and in which the U.S.A., Europe, and Africa must urgently participate.

A new strategy for mankind means the ability, from now on, to see the human species as a unity, and to see that unity in the process of mutual development. Thus, along with Friedrich Schiller, we see no contradiction whatsoever between the inviolability of national sovereignty, which is guaranteed by the law of nations and by the United Nations Charter, and the rationality of the world citizen who has in view the interests of mankind as a whole. For this unity lies in the higher development of all; the concordance of the macrocosm requires the maximal development of all microcosms to their reciprocal benefit, as Nicholas of Cusa said.

This also signifies a new model of cooperation among the nations of the world. It means that all potential treaty organizations and alliances must be inclusive, that they cannot be for the security and economic interests of some nations, while excluding others. While the support of mutual development is the premise, they must nonetheless respect the different levels of development, history, culture, and social systems, and above all, respect national sovereignty. That is Cusa’s idea of unity in multiplicity, and it must be inspired by a tender love for the idea of the community of nations, for the idea of mankind as the creative species.

We must learn to view this mankind from the same perspective as the astronauts, cosmonauts, and Taikonauts have seen it, as so wonderfully expressed by one of the Apollo astronauts who walked on the Moon:

“The fact is that evolution is now taking place in space, as much as on Earth. Man has shown that as a species mankind was willing to commit itself to living in environments that were completely different than those in which the species evolved—with a shield of life around ourselves in order to protect the life within. But the willingness to go out there, is there. We’ve shown that. The curve of human evolution has been bent.”[1]


Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Translated from German by Paul Gallagher
[1] See the YouTube video, "Apollo 11: For All Minkind." []

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